How to stuff a race.

I would like to canvas opinions on races where horses take each other on at breakneck pace only to ruin each others chance when they cave in.Obviously the horse is being controlled by the jockey.

Take the last race at Townsville today as an example. Panecillo(F.Edwards)and the fav. go helter skelter at each other for close on 1000m running the first 1000m in approx 59secs.The last 600m run in 36.2sec.The fav. compounds,Panecillo fades to finish a respectable third beaten 2lengths.

Question.Could a run like that be construed as failing to give the horse every opportunity to win. I binned my ticket after 600m. as I knew what would happen.I know it's a moot point but does anyone have an opinion.

Regards The Pig.
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I saw another way at Gosford yesterday.Parked 3 wide without cover over 2100m in a field of SIX ffs. Now I know why I don't bet unless there are three divs. Regards The Pig.

Glad-diss.. Yoose a Dumb-koff

Always,, I say Always, this Forum for Ploddles Tip's (FIRST)

I have taken Ploddles on before, with the exception of Black Caviar, and just recently Frankel

Ploddles has been able to get every horse and me beaten, irrespective of

Track Condition etc....

Ploddles is an Unique Tipster, A one-of

Only the Master Layers on this Forum are in 'Awe' of his abilities

Poindexter,I don't mind horses leading as long as the pace isn't too hot. I just can't get it thru my head when one of my favourite jockeys gets lost in the moment and gets sucked into a speed battle.

Lately it appears that a lot of races have turned into sit and sprint affairs and you can see 800m from home that some one has to get a move on.

I guess that we see a lot more on the tele than the jocks so I think that i'll just take the good with the bad. It's the backup that allows you to get it back. The Pig.

There is something that is worse though, Piggy. It is after studying the form and waiting for the right price, putting on your bet and then reading this forum and seeing that Pinhead has selected the same horse.

As soon as my Horse Leads in anything over 1000m+ I File (13) my ticket..

Yoose are not alone in that, Just keeps Ewe all awake that there is never a Deadset certainity in Racing

Valid point Pig in terms of standards being applied. Would make for an interesting stewards room. I remember J Cassidy's "attempt to pinch the derby" by taking off on Carneigie Express (a horse with a great 300 sprint and a gelding) at the 600! allowing the stud prospect without the turn of foot to grind it down in the shadows. Should have got a year playing golf but it went either lauded or unmentioned by the press gallery.

I share your pain


Tweet Nash and ask him the question I'm sure he will tell you not. The jockey's got no control and in any case if the horse is good enough it should win regardless. lol.

The last on the card at Tuesday Townsville is bad enough imagine doing it in a cox plate and just about every other group 1 he rides in where he gets taken on for the lead.

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