As a punter and a owner, I feel like I should do the right thing and donate to this organization. They provide me with so many wonderful moments in my life. I'm donating $10.00 per month. That's one bet per month. Nothing, really.
I'll be looking at these champions in October.

91 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
BSB: 013 035
Account number: 4982 92513
Account name: LIVING LEGENDS - The International Home of Rest for Champion Horses Inc.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Living Legends follows the National Privacy Principles. Please be assured your details will remain confidential, since we do not supply our list to any other organisations or individuals.
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You should be hitting up policticians, not punters.

1% of their tax payer funded travel expenses would keep Living Legends going for a decade.

Well said though and hope it all goes well.

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