Oli take a Bow….

and a decent sling I hope. Quite simply the horse doesn't win without him. A courageous and brilliant ride.
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Banned for making accusations without supplying evidence.
At the time of posting none of the people(?) on your list had posted so how was I going to ban them? Your posts need a bit more thought.

Paid his debt to society, pfffft what about the other debts we don't know about, or was it a one off eh...


One of the biggest trangressions a jockey can make
Didn't miss a Spring Carnival
That's not a debt paid
It's a debt avoided IMHO

He has paid his debt to society its time to move on.

What a farce of a thread. Banning anyone with a different point of view. Instead of banning perennial nongs, Quezacotl, Khrapper, Gladys/Hondo.

Here is a chance to praise a jockey when he genuinely deserves it and there are two responses?
Post a jockey bashing subject and you queue up to take a swing.
Jockeys survive on balance but clearly punters don't.

'Jockeys survive on balance but clearly punters don't.'

Oli wasn't just surviving on balance, he was also surviving on backing horses in races he was riding in.
Good ride or not, not too many punters would agree that Oli should 'take a bow' for anything.

They reckon it's a fine line between pleasure and pain WS...

Or perhaps he nearly butchered it...

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