
Papillon in the last Echuca


Looks a winnable race for him.
Dual city winner.
Not beaten far first up.
Zahra on board.
$10 fixed

Oli take a Bow….


and a decent sling I hope. Quite simply the horse doesn't win without him. A courageous and brilliant ride.
Its time to redistribute some of the Melbourne based perennial under achievers.
The AFL want a strong presence in Western Sydney then send the Kangaroos to Sydney to form the Greater Western Kangaroos. They attract miserably low crowds in Melbourne so why not merge them into an interstate franchise.
How about the Gold Coast Saints? St Nick wouldn't mind. He would get to see mum and dad more often and he might just go close to playing in a premiership team within the next couple of years. Again why not send them interstate they are achieving nothing in Melbourne.
The Perth Demons! WA is an AFL state with two teams that can fill their home ground every week just with their own members.Why not create a third franchise? Also neither of them use the Capital city's name so it is available. Further there is a WAFL team known as the Perth Demons. They would be the perfect fit as the new teams reserve side as East Perth and Peel do for the Eagles and Freo.

Finally The Port Adelaide Bulldogs. The Port Adelaide model is flawed they are always going to struggle financially. 30% of SA love them and the other 70% detest them. The best they can ever hope for is 30% of the SA market. Its not enough to sustain them. Merge them with Footscray. In the short term they will pick up some promising young players and they will be able to develop a Melbourne supporter base to help them financially.
In fact all these mergers will help increase crowds for the Interstate teams away games played in Melbourne a la the Lions and the Swans.
I know what you are all thinking...that all makes so much sense why didn't I publish my thoughts earlier?
I had to wait for the new Forum rules!
I look forward to only publishing comments from all those who agree with me.
in making the Top 8 in the only year in the history of the AFL when team that finishes 9th will actually get to play finals.



90 years on we continue to celebrate a monumental loss.

80 years on we still accuse our closest ally of killing our favourite horse.

Once a year we tatoo our children with our national flag.

We hunt the animals on our coat of arms.

We row boats in nothing more than a G-String.

We never tire of beating the poms at their own games.

Still in these trying economic times the best way to guarantee a sellout crowd at a major sporting event is to stage it on a work day.

The entire country stops for 3 and a half minutes every November not to give thanks but to have a bet.

Kim Jong Il who claimed to have shot 11 holes-in-one on the way to recording 38 under the card in his first ever game of golf has died.
I for one won't miss him.
He gave golf cheats a bad name.

Spanker takes his own life.


Spanker Roebuck has apparently dived off his hotel balcony whilst undergoing a police interrogation in South Afrika.
He was being questioned regarding an alleged sexual assault.
It will be interesting to see if any more details about his extra curricular activities come to the surface now that he is dead?
If you haven't already worked it out I didn't like him much and being a "chasers" aficionado I don't intend to canonise him in death.
His commentary style seemed designed to get a reaction rather than being an accurate summary of the game being played.
I'll sleep a lot better knowing that Commander McGarrett is back on the beat !
Wasn't it great to hear his catch phrase again ?

"Book 'em Danno."

Its only common decency :)

Hunter Vs Krag


P 73's at 50 paces who wins ?

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