
Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life;

Internet trolls and video game griefers are just as broken in real life as you've always suspected, according to a new psychology paper by Canadian researchers. It turns out that the same folks who love to disrupt online conversations for the "lulz" are likely to also exhibit some pretty nasty personality traits in general.

Two online studies led by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba established "strong positive associations" between "online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures," the researchers wrote in an abstract of their paper.

The upshot was that although Internet trolls are a small minority of overall Internet participants, those respondents to the team's surveys who self-identified as enjoying disrupting online communities also scored highly in the "Dark Tetrad" of personality traits, the researchers found.

"[T]rolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores," they wrote. Which is to say, the respondents who identified themselves as trolls also indicated that they enjoy making others suffer, lack remorse and empathy, and have no problem with manipulating and lying to people to achieve their ends.

Online Trolling Dark Tetrad

The fourth trait of the Dark Tetrad is narcissism, which was also displayed in buckets by respondents who cited "trolling" as their favorite activity when commenting online, as indicated in the graph at right.

Slate's Chris Mooney, who dissected the study last week, noted that the authors "found that the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable."

Indeed, as the abstract notes:

"Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism."

The good news is that really dedicated trolls appear to be fairly uncommon in the online world, at least in terms of their numbers if not their output. As Mooney noted, the researchers found that just 58.7 percent of survey respondents who said they used the Internet also indicated that they commented in online forums. Of those, just 5.6 percent said they enjoyed trolling.

Still, the fact that even that small number of people self-identified as trolls is pretty disturbing, when you consider the survey hoops they had to jump through to convince the researchers they were dead serious about how much they loved being despicable jerks on the Internet.

Here are some of the questions asked by Buckels and her colleagues in their Global Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT survey tool for identifying the truly trollish, as cited by Slate:

I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.
I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of websites.
I enjoy griefing other players in multiplayer games.
The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt.

So can anything be done about the troll problem? Short of eliminating commenting and other forms of interactive participation with users, which some websites have done, there really isn't much that can be done, according to Buckels.

"Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists, comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling with punishments (e.g., banning users)," Slate quoted her as saying. "Ultimately, the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a socially-desirable manner.",2817,2453609,00.asp

For more info, on how to Be a Jerk on a forum, see below...

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I always knew you wouldn’t amount to anything bozo boy, all hindsight just like your betting. I can see why some time back squid let you slide through to the keeper, you’re a nut job full of BS.

Kind of obvious you’re swinging at shadows suggesting I bet on the 3yo, LOL. If it wasn’t hilarious it would be horribly sad. Actually it is…. without that you have spent days with nothing.

“And what’s this got to do with the Lightning bozo.”

Bozo boy’s ranting has got him so upset he can’t remember his own posts, looks like you need a tip…..are you looking for a tip?. LOL

I’ll remember for next time though. When I see a 1000m WFA race and there is a handicapper that 1200m is its go and hasn’t won for a year…….I’ll put an each way bet on it after the race. Way to go bozo, that’s stuff legends are made of.

All we have seen is bozo boy work himself up into a frothy lather and spew out incoherent BS. Get help pal, heaven knows you need it.

Through to the keeper with you bozo boy, your time is up. Grow a pair shammy (LOL!!) you’re still a gelding, you have learnt the difference since the spring haven’t you?

Man up bozo boy your slowly dismantling yourself…..

I prompted you for had your chance to tip it before the race and since you didn’t your angry sooking away. You were too gutless and backed out with a “1200m is his go” comment. We know the “best sprinter in the race” was a comment as stupid as they come with the 2 mares in the race.

Since then all you have done is apply BS hindsight in spades and changed your story a few times.

You smash Chivas and Lister with bozo for losing dough, a lame effort for knocking a punter.

And finally you realised points don’t cost anything, LOL. Did you notice I tipped Spirit of Boom in the Ruffies thread and Iconic in the comp. Didn’t think so, your too thick and cant see past your tears anymore.

Still trying to convince me you tipped Shamex and made dough for second bozo? Hilarious

Nice one about the PM’s, even the one Lister posted reads as a reply dopey, the last one I haven’t even replied. Well done no hoper.

Sort yourself out and stop behaving like an angry pathetic little man. Suck it up and grow a pair.


“I prompted you for had your chance to tip it before the race and since you didn’t your angry sooking away. You were too gutless and backed out with a “1200m is his go” comment. We know the “best sprinter in the race” was a comment as stupid as they come with the 2 mares in the race.”

As I have now said on a number of occasions bozo, I gave you my honest opinion and backed the horse accordingly.

“You smash Chivas and Lister with bozo for losing dough, a lame effort for knocking a punter.”

The only one I have smashed is you bozo.

“And finally you realised points don’t cost anything, LOL. Did you notice I tipped Spirit of Boom in the Ruffies thread”

And what’s this got to do with the Lightning bozo.

“Still trying to convince me you tipped Shamex and made dough for second bozo? Hilarious”

As I said bozo, I backed it each way, prove otherwise which you can’t and we won’t talk about how much you lost on the ambulance chaser.

“Nice one about the PM’s, even the one Lister posted reads as a reply dopey, the last one I haven’t even replied. Well done no hoper.”

I know who I would rather believe on this subject and its not you bozo.

“Sort yourself out and stop behaving like an angry pathetic little man. Suck it up and grow a pair.”

Oh such a hurtful comment, NOT! Surely that can’t be your best effort.

I look forward to you next incoherent rant bozo.

You know you’re struggling when Lister has chipped in to support you…..priceless. Even when you keep calling him bozo, how good is that. ROFLMAO

Yes we were talking about the Lightning, before the race, that’s when bozo boy claimed Shamex a better sprinter Samaready drawing a line through buff, how stupid was that. According to Newitt Samaready didn’t like the greasy track either nonetheless bozo applies hindsight and jumps on the result, what a tool.

I asked “before the race” if “Shamex was a winning chance” and you were too gutless so you buckled and said “1200m was his go”, are you calling that a tip bozo boy, what a fool. When he flukes a second you reckon you tipped it and backed him, what a load of BS. Trying to give cred to that stupid best sprinter in the race thing you say you tipped it to win, more BS. Then you reckon you made dough and you have an each way bet, more BS. That only gets your money back for second place bozo boy.

Shouldn’t the 3yo be an ambulance racer not ambulance chaser bozo? You keep smashing it bozo, Lister gets a ache in his wallet every time and I get a belly ache from laughing. I don’t tip it in the Lightning thread for the race and bozo grabs on to a comp based on points…what a clueless peanut. As I said a classic sore loser….

Its ben one big long spin of BS after BS from the clueless bozo boy, you’re a joke kid.

The gem though is Lister crawling up your backside because he’s trying to “find a friend”. How funny is that. Making numbers is a clear sign of desperate losers….mail no.4 was it Lister? LOL

Thanks for the laughs knuckleheads, btw I assume you didn’t find those anger classes?

A bit of housekeeping whips.

First. Exactly who am I supporting here. I've never supported Petersham.

Second. Let's talk about wallets and aches. Can you please supply us an overview of the last few winners you tipped in the various threads so we can see how well you are going. Not any comps you might play in but race threads and roughies. Surely there are some winners you can look back on that gave us forumites a leg up.


“Yes we were talking about the Lightning, before the race, that’s when bozo boy claimed Shamex a better sprinter Samaready drawing a line through buff, how stupid was that.

As I said bozo look at the result of the race which proved me correct.

“I asked “before the race” if “Shamex was a winning chance” and you were too gutless so you buckled and said “1200m was his go”

I also said I believed he was the best horse in the race bozo.

“When he flukes a second you reckon you tipped it and backed him”

You would be the only deluded bozo who believes it was a fluke, ran right up to his luckless second to Buffering in the VRC Classic Sprint.

“Then you reckon you made dough and you have an each way bet, more BS.”

That’s right, prove otherwise bozo and how much did you loose on your ambulance chaser.

“Shouldn’t the 3yo be an ambulance racer not ambulance chaser bozo?"

Well I guess you would know because you tipped it to the forum bozo.

“I don’t tip it in the Lightning thread for the race and bozo grabs on to a comp based on points"

And how many points did you get bozo.

“Its ben one big long spin of BS after BS from the clueless bozo boy, you’re a joke kid.”

Well you would know because you are the king of the BS.

”Thanks for the laughs knuckleheads, btw I assume you didn’t find those anger classes?”

And how many PM’s have you send to Mr Lister, was it ten at last count.

Keep it coming bozo, this is such great fun.

You've been on the money a fair bit lately quez.

This is no exception.

Vacuum? Spot on.

Star? Definitely.

Looks like you have a win here mate.

Credit where it's due. This thread is a ripper.

To coin a phrase, "the fur is flying".

Ask the teachers at school tomorrow whips. They might tell you what that means.

You kids belong on a Sesame Street forum.


“Truth is I asked you before the race if you thought Shamex was a winning chance, you didn’t answer yes or an each way chance, so bozo made an excuse before the race and since has been lying trying to cover his tracks that he was always on a winning bet, then it lost…...LOL”

Truth of the matter is bozo that I gave an honest opinion and backed the horse each way accordingly, prove to me that I didn’t have an each way bet on the horse as I have stated.

“Still waiting for you to point out where I backed the 3yo, LMAO.”

Just as I am still waiting for you to prove that I didn’t back Shamexpress each way bozo. What is undeniable is that my tip to the forum finished second and your ambulance chaser tip to the forum tailed of last running right up to his defeat in a mediocre C2 at Kembla two starts back.

“Looks to me like sham boy is crying into his beer and needs a sympathetic pat on the head. Ask the bartender….”

Not a beer drinker bozo, you really are desperate.

“That’s funny, 1000m wasn’t a suitable distance then why did you back it with Snitzerland at wfa over a suitable distance? Because you’re a bozo? So bozo backs it over an unsuitable 1000m but not over a suitable 1200m, go figure.”

This is getting more bizarre by the minute bozo, so what race did I not back it “over a suitable 1200m”, a direct quote from me will be fine to prove your point which you won’t be able to do and see my answer above and in my previous post bozo for the reason why I backed Shamexpress in the Lightning.

“Seems the handicapper rates Samaready 2kg better than Shamex in the Newmarket. ROFLMAO. I get it now, you meant your imaginary fantasy race!!”

I thought we were talking about the Lightning, look at the result bozo.

“Its really obvious you keep changing your story to suit the battering you’re getting and your lying your backside off…all because you did your dough again and princess can’t handle being a loser. It’s pretty obvious you’re a loser a lot of the time.”

I will repeat it again for about the tenth time bozo, show me the evidence that I did not back Shamexpress each way and we all know you can’t and who the liar is.

Just keep the deluded incoherent rants coming bozo, you make it so easy for me.

this thread is a like a vacuum...

give it a star

Truth is I asked you before the race if you thought Shamex was a winning chance, you didn’t answer yes or an each way chance, so bozo made an excuse before the race and since has been lying trying to cover his tracks that he was always on a winning bet, then it lost…...LOL

The sad thing is poor old sham boy has lies piled up to his ears over his bridesmaid that all he has left is raging rants of classic BS from a classic sore loser. Still waiting for you to point out where I backed the 3yo, LMAO.

Looks to me like sham boy is crying into his beer and needs a sympathetic pat on the head. Ask the bartender….

Still waiting to hear bozo boy how you arrived at the best horse thing before the Lightning when Samaready put 4L on buff against Shamex coming second, you sound a bit choked up with that one!!! Seems the handicapper rates Samaready 2kg better than Shamex in the Newmarket. ROFLMAO. I get it now, you meant your imaginary fantasy race!!

“The best horses don’t always win WFA races run over unsuitable distances first up bozo and I said it before the race bozo.”

That’s funny, 1000m wasn’t a suitable distance then why did you back it with Snitzerland at wfa over a suitable distance? Because you’re a bozo? So bozo backs it over an unsuitable 1000m but not over a suitable 1200m, go figure. You can’t keep up with your BS because it’s up to your ears.

Its really obvious you keep changing your story to suit the battering you’re getting and your lying your backside off…all because you did your dough again and princess can’t handle being a loser. It’s pretty obvious you’re a loser a lot of the time.

Keep sooking into your pockets sham boy, are you out of tissues yet? You’re in a shamble and just blew off your other foot and a knee cap. Thick as they come. LMAO.

So let see if we got this right sooky boy….

You say 1200m is his go before the 1000m race yet back him to win with an each way bet in a 1000m race?

You attempt hindsight saying after the race Shamex is the best sprinter in the race for coming second to Snitzerland?

Since I didn’t bet on the race you can’t point out where I backed the 3yo, so you resort to calling someone bozo for doing their dough, which includes yourself as well as Lister and Chivas?

It gets worse…..

You say for Shamex “1200 is his go” but you didn’t bet on his 1200m races and yet each way for a possible win in a 1000m race?

Then for doing his dough princess has been grumpy ever since…I think the one crying is you sham boy. LMAO.

What we are seeing is you are hopeless at lying. I can understand why your trying the BS, you could see this coming….it was inevitable….you know, shooting yourself in the foot.

You can get anger classes in most places…..good luck cry baby!!


“You say 1200m is his go before the 1000m race yet back him to win with an each way bet in a 1000m race?"

Yes that’s right bozo! In a race where I thought there were only three chances I considered him a good each way chance even over an unsuitable distance and I was proved right, now where did you ambulance chaser finish again, oh that right tailed of last, not a bad effort for a horse who was defeated in a C2 at Kembla just two starts back, ran right up to that form.

“You attempt hindsight saying after the race Shamex is the best sprinter in the race for coming second to Snitzerland?”

The best horses don’t always win WFA races run over unsuitable distances first up bozo and I said it before the race bozo.

“It gets worse….. You say for Shamex “1200 is his go” but you didn’t bet on his 1200m races and yet each way for a possible win in a 1000m race?”

How would you know which races I bet on bozo.

“Then for doing his dough princess has been grumpy ever since…I think the one crying is you sham boy. LMAO.”

I will repeat again just for you bozo while I continue to count my winnings, how much did your ambulance chaser pay for tailing of last.

“What we are seeing is you are hopeless at lying. I can understand why your trying the BS, you could see this coming….it was inevitable….you know, shooting yourself in the foot."

A perfect description of yourself, now how many PM’s was it you sent to Mr Lister crybaby, at last count it was ten wasn’t it.

If it wasn’t so sad it would be hysterical.

“But didn’t Shamexpress beat Samaready in the Lightning bozo.”

Didn’t you say the “better sprinter” before the Lightning? So tell me how you think coming second is more credible than beating Buff by 4L? You so raged you can’t think straight anymore. It’s all quite clear why now you called yourself and your pals bozo. LOL .

In hindsight wouldn’t Snitzerland be the better sprinter in the race since she won? Grrr he says, you can’t win a trick hey, what a shambles Sham boy!!

Have you figured out an each way bet means backing it to win, have you decided whether you backed Shamex to win or not? A bozo would deny a win bet when they have an each way bet….now you didnt bet on any other of the handicappers races either? Right, someone has a denial problem….

Yep, old anger troubled Sham boy is clearly telling another lie saying I’m deranged, so sad…..

Keep crying sooky boy, you did your dough so give up the sob story princess

Seek help champ!!


“In hindsight wouldn’t Snitzerland be the better sprinter in the race since she won? Grrr he says, you can’t win a trick hey, what a shambles Sham boy!!”

I will repeat again bozo, I did say that 1200 was his go and remind me again where your ambulance chaser Bernabeu finished.

“Have you figured out an each way bet means backing it to win, have you decided whether you backed Shamex to win or not?”

What’s you point bozo, an each way bet is an each bet as everyone but you knows and that’s what I said I had on the race, couldn’t be any simpler.

“now you didn’t bet on any other of the handicappers races either? Right, someone has a denial problem”

As I said another blatant unsubstantiated lie, but what else would I expect from a bozo like you.

“Keep crying sooky boy, you did your dough so give up the sob story princess”

As I said I backed it each way bozo and how much would I have won if I backed your ambulance chaser for a win or each way.

Just keep on embarrassing yourself goose, is there a psychiatrist in the house.

Your study is taking real shape now Quez.

I would have thought deranged would be getting sprung lying about a bet, calling yourself and your pals bozo and thinking coming second is more credible than winning by 4L.

Then again the source might be having anger problems….


“Finishing a close up second to Buff is better than Samaready putting 4L on Buff”

But didn’t Shamexpress beat Samaready in the Lightning bozo.

“Same bozo’s like Sham boy that backed Shamexpress for the last 5 starts”

Another unsubstantiated lie bozo, Mr Lister had you summed up well when he said “You're delusional, hypocritical, childish and pretty much devoid of honesty”

I will repeat again just keep on making a goose of yourself crybaby, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad as you are clearly deranged.

"But didn’t Shamexpress beat Samaready in the Lightning bozo."

I don't know ppl can use this logic. This is merely hindsight.

The study is going fantastic Quez but I think I touched a nerve with a few sooks?

Each you got your money back, what happen to making lots of dough? Each way means you backed it to win as well, LMAO. Get it together you seem to be back pedalling?

Good to see you all sharing the same tissue box.

Hey Lister, your horse tailed off says Sooky boy!!

Stick to the facts kids and learn to suck it up when you’re wrong. Just in case you missed them.

You can’t point out where I backed the 3yo so I didn’t lose any dough.
Bozo’s like Lister backed the 3yo and lost.
Same bozo’s like Chivas that backed Samaready and lost.
Same bozo’s like Sham boy that backed Shamexpress for the last 5 starts.
Finishing a close up second to Buff is better than Samaready putting 4L on Buff. Clueless

And just for good measure the dozen horses that have finished close up to Buffering can all make claim to best sprinter in their next race. Only supporters of 11 aren’t silly enough to think that, one dreamer is a sook I think.

Not sure why you kids are so upset it’s only a forum, unless you’re lying?

Anything else?

C'mon whips, times up mate.

How about you drop the carry on and start giving the forum a leg up with some of your undoubted racing knowledge.

Try tipping some winners. You've lobbed us with some good priced roughies filling the placings. Well done yesterday with Spirit Of Boom and Jabali.

Now some winners.

It's not too hard. Even quez lands a few sometimes.

Folks a new study has been undertaken and completed this morning.

SOURCE : Racing and Sports forum

The study has revealed that I have an unprecedented success rate with getting Lays correct. It is now over 40 Lays given on this site with only 1 miss. Further analysis shows that those all too quick to point the finger when someone gets something wrong do not have the courage to acknowledge such an astonishing tipping effort. You all know who they are and if in any doubt you and they will certainly hear about it in coming weeks.

The crybaby is clearly deranges.

The study is going well Quez, here are some famous quotes –

“Petersham Boy's tip finished second, my tip finished third and the Whipping-Boy's tip finished so far back that the horses in the following race almost caught him. LOL”

Mr Lister open the thread with “I really like Bernabeu. Load up Bernabeu for mine.” So all 3 of you did your dough behind Snitzerland. Would that make you all losers? LOL.

Lucky Chivas made big dough on Viewed beating Typhoon Tracy over 1400m, LMAO.

“I believe he is clearly the best sprinter in the race but 1200 metres is his go.”

Didn’t look it before the race and doesn’t look it after, fluked a second, talk about clueless. Show us what a tantrum looks like sooky boy.


“fluked a second, talk about clueless’

Well you would be the only clueless goose who would believe that, ran right up to his luckless second placing to Buffering in the VRC Classic Sprint at his last start and over an unsuitable distance, a lot better than your ambulance chaser.

“Sham boy didn’t back Shamex”, “Either way how much does it pay for a win when it came second?”

Ever heard of an each way bet bozo and how much did your ambulance chaser pay for tailing of last.

“The 3yo was a fav to the race and shortened late to $5, that means a lot of people gave it a chance “prior” to the race”

So what still tailed of last, just goes to show there are plenty of bozo's out there.

As I have previously said, just keep on making a Goose of yourself crybaby, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

LOl @ the Whipping Sook.

We haven't seen a melt down like this since quez imploded on his q tips thread.

Whips is off his rocker.

Nothing funnier than the 2 clueless ones trying to shake their complex. LOL

As usual void of facts and full of frustration and BS. All cluless jibber “prior” to the race.

Some facts for you kiddies….

Sham boy didn’t back Shamex. I asked him if he declared the horse a winner, he said “1200m is his go”. The fact it came second even surprised the clueless sook. LOL

Either way how much does it pay for a win when it came second? Keep backing the handicapper chump there is handicap coming up at Flemington.

The 3yo was a fav to the race and shortened late to $5, that means a lot of people gave it a chance “prior” to the race.

Show me where I said backed the horse? We both know you didn’t make any money and I didn’t lose any. LMAO

Keep the tantrum coming losers, all hindsight and fluff. Get it together you two are just embarrassing yourselves again…LOL

BTW Chivas - Thou dost protest too much, ROFLMAO

Are You There LostaClue?

I rest my case..

the end.

Is this a racing forum or a quez drama queen forum?

How sad is this pom?


Author: Mr Lister Send message to this user
Subject: Re: Black Caviar Lightning

Time: 20/2/2014 9:12:42 PM


Sorry Chivas, Weighty, but whips inboxed me with a protest. Complained that you two were trashing the thread.
I don't want it to look like in intimidated by either of you so out you go. Might stop whips from crying now.

“The only one who trashed the Lightning thread was the cry baby.”

Actually Lister banned you first so that makes you the sook and you confirm it by coming here with the same desperate plee, crying a second time? Personally I would let you make a fool of yourself again. It’s no surprise Lister sold you guys the dummy about crying and the gullible ones bought it.

Not as silly though as saying handicapper Shamex was the best sprinter in the race when Snitzerland and Samaready were in the race, let’s not go there hey!!

You just keep doing your dough on a bridesmaid that can’t win a trick, try the there’s one coming up soon. A smart person would have given up on that Buffering reference, a dozen horses came make claims like that. Why don’t you take a line through lasts years Lightning Stakes, 8L astern wasn’t it. Shamex relies on the leaders doing the work and puncturing because it’s not good enough to win on its own merits. Fact

Only a desperado would apply hindsight, apparently Sham boy knew before the race how it was all going to pan out, stuff like Samaready missing the kick and Snitzerland not missing it, switch the 2 mares and then what? Of course it had nothing to do with the greasy track or Bernabeu sweating up on a cold day and frothing up before the gates. What a joke.

Kind of fitting you turn up on the Study thread though.

Anything else you need a stitch up with?


“Not as silly though as saying handicapper Shamex was the best sprinter in the race when Snitzerland and Samaready were in the race, let’s not go there hey!!”

This coming from the Goose who thought that Bernabeu was the best horse in the race, what a sick joke and I will remind you that I did say of Shamexpress that “1200 metres was his go”

“Why don’t you take a line through lasts years Lightning Stakes, 8L astern wasn’t it.”

What’s last year’s race got to do with it, we are talking about this year’s race and my reference to Shamexpress finishing an unlucky second to Buffering was at his last start, there being the reason.

“Bernabeu sweating up on a cold day and frothing up before the gates. What a joke.”

The trainer and jockey offered no excuse for the pathetic performance Goose, the only joke is you.

“You just keep doing your dough on a bridesmaid”

Remind me again of how much you won on the race while I count my winnings Goose.

Just keep on making a Goose of yourself cry baby, it would be hilarious is it wasn’t so sad.

That embarrassing long-winded rant from the Whipping Boy changed nothing, the facts remain the same.

Petersham Boy's tip finished second, my tip finished third and the Whipping-Boy's tip finished so far back that the horses in the following race almost caught him. LOL

Throw as many tantrums as you like bozo, it won't change a thing.

The only one who trashed the Lightning thread was the cry baby.

He doesn’t seem to understand why Bernabeu crashed and burned in the Lightning and ran almost three seconds slower for the 1000 than his previous start and only just beat the ambulance home. It’s called pressure buddy, just because a horse can run time in a mediocre 3yo race doesn’t mean it will reproduce that time in the pressure circumstances of a G1 race. Seem to me that he ran to the form of the previous start when he was beaten in a lowly C2 at Kembla and you then have the hide to criticise me for backing Shamexpress in the race after his terrific second placing to buffering at his previous start.

Whips doesn’t need any help in making himself look like a goose, he does it all by himself without any help from others.

Here's a good one.

"Even trolls like rock and roll" by Tony Joe White.

11:30pm then has a think for 5 mins, and posts again at 11:35pm...

how sweet of you Tigerish...couldn't sleep..?

Tigerishh please lift your game, your posts are weak and cringeworthy currently...rakes and shovels...puuuulease.

Chivas you clown, there are 3 races in the groupies comp this week not 2..

deary me you two are the pits..

And talking of impaling yourself.....

I'm looking forward to you dart board efforts at Cheltenham.

Your the only person I know who could throw a dart at the TV screen and actually hit a horse who has a race won, on the other side of the world.


Maybe you could run a P&L tally on all your UK jumps races this year?

"come on Tigerish, say something really harsh.."

Why, do you think it'll boost your credibility here if I do?

You need a lot more than me giving you abuse to get anywhere here, particularly with the record you have. Besides, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of abusing you, you're not worth the real effort

Why would I want to beat you with a square mouth shovel when you already trip over your own shadow and impaled yourself in a pitch fork regularly.

And just when everyone thinks you've done enough damage to yourself, that one normal human could inflict on ones self on an internet forum, that is. Crash, bang, wallop you prove them all wrong and you start waving your hands and other odd body parts about and step on that rake again.

Boing, bang.....down you go again

Yeah i might tip a few duds here and there, but at least they were in the actual race eh Chivas...

blimey that's a classic that one...LOL indeed.

Come on guys, you can do better than these weak efforts...

come on Tigerish, say something really harsh..

Chivas, you need new material...


Author: quezacotl Send message to this user
Subject: Rumour or fact..?

Time: 21/4/2011 2:01:51 AM


I have heard that Black flash has been sold to a wealthy European investment banker for 75 million.

This is not a wind up, I heard it from very reliable source.

No study required for working out who is the worst tipster in the history of this forum - it's Hick by about a thousand luke warm baked bean dinners. Anyone who tips Monaco Consul in the Sydney Cup when he wasn't even in the field is without peer in the cluelessness stakes! LOL

The lab rats will be along shortly....

"For more info, on how to Be a Jerk on a forum, see below..."

And in bowls Quez who couldn't help himself but add his two cents worth.

You're the internet version of what happens when someone steps on a rake and the handle flies up and smacks them in the face.

Only you don't understand how it happened and you keep stepping on the same rake.

Author: Weight Special Send message to this user
Subject: Re: Hobart Cup

Time: 20/2/2014 11:47:02 AM


His long winded posts show an old man pretending to be intelligent by trying too hard.

If you have factual information to share you just say it. He doesn't, just waffle from a bitter man.

Author: Weight Special Send message to this user
Subject: Re: Black Caviar Lightning

Time: 20/2/2014 12:12:49 PM


The whipping boy is always throwing tantrums.

About as well as your 3 losing tips at Warwick farm yesterday Weighty old coot.


Author: CountChivas Send message to this user
Subject: Re: Black Caviar Lightning

Time: 19/2/2014 9:57:21 PM


I like it when Whips goes nuts.
He puts on an excellent tantrum when someone makes him look like a goose.

hyp·o·crite........[hip-uh-krit] Show IPA

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Thats you all over, Quez. And boohoo for you, it wasn't that long ago you were zooming around the forum commenting after Lister and Relic, having cheapshots and then hiding behind the guise of....."they do it to me"

You spend all of your time telling porkies, whinging about everyone and whining about the mods. These people who have a shot at you aren't trolls, they're people who are actually telling the facts about you.

No one here is making an ass of themselves toward you, you do a bang up job of being an ass all on your own. Its just that people like me feel the need to remind you of just how big an ass you actually are.

Remember this thread quez?

Listers last post.

Nearly three years ago. Yet still you cry poor and blame everyone else.

Nothing's changed.

This topic is going well for baby quez.

You did not need a study to tell you this. Just like we did not need a study to tell us that Aussies are the worst punters. I have been highlighting their shortcomings, like backing at Odds-On, for years.

There are many studies and their results out there. Like the one about Aussies can't win Gold at the Winter Olympics, like it is the worst era of world cricket in history, like none of the current Aussie cricketers would make it into a 3rd team of the last 40 years.

It is all well known and accepted information and so the studies have been put to bed.

As Quez said, for lunatics and stalkers and idle minds, see below.

You found it, Gladys fits it.

Thanks for finding a hole to slot the two of you into.

Surprised to see you posting at 8-30pm Lister. I thought you would have been sitting down with the perfect family in the perfect house reading the Phony Fireman Monthly

“For more info, on how to be a Jerk on a forum, see below...” >> see Chivas

Sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, narcissism……..I thought you didn’t know the dole bludging Christian?

“dead serious about how much they loved being despicable jerks on the Internet.”

Chivas makes quite an effort, just pull up all his posts. They are all there.

The article didn't point out trolls require a superficial leader to crawl up to….someone to appease with their behaviour apart from themselves.

How good were your Cheltenham tips last year?

DYNASTE - 2nd - $1.20

22 tips
2 seconds @ $1.20 & $1.30

Quez the no 1 troll likes to read what other trolls are up to lol

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