The Names Ken.... Ken Hunter

Boom stallion Ken hunter has been put down... Real shame after such a promising start to the season...
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ya not wrong there d woodsio...
This guy had the world at his feet in the 05/06 season then he got struck down by burdens and a lack of solid gigs...

Real Shame....


campkalani, can you advise what Ken Hunter's breeding was? I'm with Greyshot and tipping he was named after one of my all time faves, the fearless Kenny Hunter!

Real shame to all those involved, although
the name didnt register on my stallion book -
im sure he was a hell of a horse..

Perhaps named after the late great great Ken
Hunter - who owned certain seedy venues in the
King St district?

Or after the Claremont and Carlton football legend. Did the horse have trouble keeping his socks up ?

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