victoria cup

1 31112 MELPARK MAJOR A R Tubbs Amy Tubbs C12 M7 FR1
2 68101 ULTIMATE MARK (Em 1) A P Gath Kate Gath C9 M4 FR-
3 21318 DIVISIVE P H Rixon Peter Rixon C13 M8 FR2
4 32244 IRON HUDGE NZ M C Rolfe Mark Rolfe C7 M2 FR3
5 68411 I AM SAM W F Dixon Grant Dixon C14 M7 FR4
6 27171 ROBIN HOOD P W Tonkin Gavin Lang C17 M12 FR5
7 12123 DECORATED JASPER P A Rowse Jodi Quinlan C12 M7 FR6
---------- Second Row ----------
8 17655 GOTTA GO CULLEN NZ A G Herlihy Anthony Butt C14 M9 SR1
9 35216 MISTER SWINGER G F Webster Geoff Webster C10 M5 SR2
10 52138 CHANGEOVER NZ G C Small David Butcher C19 M14 SR3
11 71222 MANWARRA GOFORGOLD E J Stewart Brian Gath C11 M6 SR4
12 11135 BLACKS A FAKE N C Rasmussen Natalie Rasmussen C33 M28 SR5


1st gotta go cullen- a big each way chance after the draw will behind the leader in melpark major or three pegs with the pace to be strong will be running on hard along the sprint lane

2nd blacks a fake - if he is over his back injury his going to be very hard to beat even from outside the back row if i am sam gets to the deathseat first this will give blacky the chance to come around very cheaply

3rd melpark major- more then likely should of won the mile at harold park but then again if iron hudge didnt two speed humps in front of him would of won. this race will test out melpark major to see how good he is most cope with the pressure over 2500m

4th and 5th iron hudge and mister swinger
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GGC is clearly the best value in the race. At worst I see him 3 back the pegs. When he finally got into some space in the Treur he flew home.

Only problem is the horse that will be infront of him is an absolute star.

Best bet in the race is Divisive to run top 3. He draws some good gates but has Peter Rixon never given this bloke a 10/10 drive.

Best Vic Cup field I can remember for a while. Would love to see BAF win but I'm wondering if time and some very good horses coming through are catching up to him.

I was on GGC in the Treur thinking Iron Hudge would lead and GGC would have the sit on his back..unfortunately it didn't turn out that way. Don't know what to make of the run, he did finish the race off well but all the same he was entitled to and was still beaten a long way.

Tomorrow night should show if Melpark Major can be used out of the gates and settle tractably in running, and if BAF is back to his best.

In the Mile I think Viva Le fever can lead from the 3 gate and beat the hotpot.

Good luck all.

melpark major into sundons gift in the bill collins is a nice little price on offer

Cant have gotta go cullen from the draw! If Blacks a Fake is at his best he wins!!

$5 is well and truely juicy enough for me to punt on but.

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