What is racing coming to???

mitch kramer
A guy can back a dog to win and not get paid, and yet the same guy can back his horse to win and be investigated for it. What a sad state of affairs.
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I too am pretty amazed.

The bookie who is not paying on the dog race got beaten and should accept it and pay. I don't believe there has been any deception, the punters involved have explained everything they did and also provided numbers. I do hope they get paid by this fellow.

The second case is pretty amazing as well, but the rule is there.....but I wonder if the steward's investigation was given a nudge along by their employers? It is well known they (not the steward's but their rulers) don't accpet change that well and are massive opponents of the betting vehicle used in this case.

I wonder how other people feel about having their range of consumer choices dictatced to them?

Sure is bloody crazy.

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