mitch kramer

A guy can back a dog to win and not get paid, and yet the same guy can back his horse to win and be investigated for it. What a sad state of affairs.

Champions League

mitch kramer

Bye bye Chelsea. See you next season. What excuse this year Mourinho? Blame the refs again?

Same time next year, you over-rated sods.

SKY Channel on fire

mitch kramer

After Fastnet Rock won todays Oakleigh Plate, Matt Browning says to Alf Matthews "This could be his best preperation". Gee, thanks mate. After all he has had 2 starts for 2 G1 wins.

This just beats Richard Freedman on retro last week when he said that Toulouse lautrec was a good Derby trial. And the time he said that Craig Agnew was an apprentence to follow. And retro had Launseton Cup as a G1 race in their diary last week.

These people are supposed to be professionals. The despro's at the local TAB would do a better job then these mob. Sooner they are gone the better. Rather have Callander boys then them


mitch kramer

I?ve had this debate over the last few weeks, so I?ll be interested to hear what people in this forum have to say. Just who are the world?s best active sportsmen? Depending on your sporting interests this list will change for everybody.

What I have done is include those that people around the world would have heard of. Its no use saying a person in a minority sport is one of the worlds best, when he is only tested by a minority of the worlds sporting population (i.e. Andrew Johns in league, Ricky Ponting, etc). I have also excluded allegedly ?suspect? individuals. For example, Barry Bonds and his alleged involvement with the THG manufacturers, the investigation into Roy Jones Jr Heavyweight title victory.

My top 5 are:

1.LANCE ARMSTRONG ? We all know about his comeback from cancer to win the world?s most gruelling sporting event, but to win the event 5 times is huge. He has done it both easily, and when severely tested. Last year he had some minor injuries, the break-up of a marriage and bad luck to still come through and win. Anybody who has read his autobiography would now what the guy is like. And there are no question marks on him ? he is the most drug tested U.S. sportsman each year

2.TIGER WOODS ? We all know why

3.ZINEDINE ZIDANE ? the worlds best in the worlds biggest sport. Has been on top for 6-8 years, both at Juve and Real Madrid. Has won everything the game as to offer ? World Cups, Euro Championships, Champion Leagues, Primera Liga, Serie A.

4.MICHAEL SHUMACHER ? 6 World Championships. People say that the driver is only as good as the car, but Schumacher has done it with 2 different teams. He has brought Ferrari back to the top of motor sport. Valentino Rossi is also a contender, but it will be interesting to see how he goes at Yamaha

5.HICHAM EL GUERROUJ ? Running is a sport anybody can do, and along with Michael Johnson, El Guerrouj has been the best track athlete of the last decade. He has won everything, broken all records, but Olympic Gold still eludes him. Lets hope he wins one this year, no athlete deserves it more.
Does anybody out there have any good formula's for calculating Strength of Schedule for sporting events, or point me in the direction of one?


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