Champions League

mitch kramer
Bye bye Chelsea. See you next season. What excuse this year Mourinho? Blame the refs again?

Same time next year, you over-rated sods.
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disgraceful orite, that a marquee CL game could be held on this shambles of a ground... but chelsea will need every possible advantage to get within 3 of barca, i hear they're also pushing for graham payroll to officiate


this may help ya Hawkman!

they are scared!~


Crouch scores again...

Talk about tatics(albeit a little unfair) Chelsea have deliberately delayed replacing the Stamford Bridge pitch until after next week's European clash with Barcelona.
I would personally describe Stamford Bridge as a goat track at the moment and the Spaniards certainly believe that Mourinho is hoping the uneven turf will affect Barcelona's passing game and help Chelsea to gain a first-leg advantage before the return match on March 7.

Let them moan I say!

As for Barca looks like Henry is on his way to them at the end of the season(poor pop gunners!)and this will open up the door for Chelsea to snare Samuel Eto'o.


After recently watching the Liverpool gane I think describing the surface as a goat track is misleading, a goat would have trouble standing upright on that pitch.

Manchester United were lambasted a few years ago when their pitch was not satisfactory(and rightly so), I haven't heard a lot of screaming this time.

Do the referee's check the pitch pre-game for safety and quality, and if so, why are they still allowed to play on it?



Not sure where you heard the Henry news, but I can guarantee he will stay a gooner.

On the subject of Eto'o, I'm surprised Chelski didn't snare him for £100m in January to improve their chances against Barca...obviously not watering or rolling the pitch for 2 months was a cheaper option.

Fat Tony

Torp, A mate of mine is telling me to get on Juventus..What do u think of their chances?

unless graham payroll is officiating, chelscum won't beat barca

Cole scores again...


Cheers Torp,is that to wipe away the tears of joy from last seasons Champions League?
How do you think you will go against Barca?
I reckon whoever wins will be the ones to beat in the final.

The tissues are for your frustration...

Barcelona are the gun side and I agree with you that they are the side to beat...


Torp, when are you Chelsea boys going to drop points? Liverpool is in red hot form, but we can't make any ground.

I am very frustrated.

One box of tissues enroute...


interesting points indeed torp... wasn't long ago we talked about how good the epl was to watch 10 years back, think they still had import restrictions then. there's a few issues regarding this i might raise for discussion later (club loyalty, commitment, acceptance, junior development, identity, fans yada yada)... but right now, a little too fried!

and yeah, what an interesting final! i'm sure we had around 30-35 shots/chances to their 1? and managed to lose!


Two hand ball calls tonight in the Chelsea v Fulham match. Easy decisions that were missed by the refs.

As for Joe Cole, lucky not to be red carded for his tackle which duly conceded a penalty and a goal to Fulham.

He certainly repaid us with an amazing cross which was sublimely put away by my favourite striker in Hernan Crespo. The man oozes class!



Did you just mention "Joe Cole" and "lucky" in the same sentence?? Surely not.

Long live the Russian mafia.

Fat Tony

To limit the amount of imports in the Premiership is good in theory,however the standard in football would drop dramatically.You certainly cant blame Chelsea for having the capacity to buy the top players,but with the premeirship race all but over already, it would be nice to see a bit more competition.I really cant see any solution to the ever widening gap between the big clubs and the lesser lights.

All the Chelsea fans still whinging about the Liverpool game last year, get over it.Show a bit more grace than that egotistical coach of yours.I know its hard accepting a loss when youre beaten by a team that spends a fraction of the amount on players as Chelski do.
As for Lverpool, all I can say is this mighty club is back where they belong on the world stage after years of under ahievement.Go Rafa,Go the reds!!!
Liverpool 5 European Cups.
Chelsea 0


Where Young Dud? Would have thought someone would have dragged him in for this one. Doesnt matter who plays who, Juventus will win, they are the best club side in the world, all other fixtures in this are irrelevent!!

As a Gunners fan, I hope they get thru and they could well if they get a fit squad in time. Doesnt matter tho, its all incidental, JUVE will win

Im no winer thats for sure.

The luck ebbs and flows!

I would like to see abit of technology used in matches. Would save alot of heartache.

Liverpool got unlucky on Saturday.

They are clearly the 2nd best side in the EPL.

Blatters comments were interesting regards Roman and Chelsea. I agree all sides should have a select number of imports in a squad. Would even things up some what..


If Harry was English he would have 30 caps by now.

go the mighty glasgow rangers
last 16 in europe = magnificent acievement
a distinct possibility of beating villareal & going thru too the last 8 !!

eck is gold = mate pure gold


interesting to use 'arry tho, i know he's an easy target for the uninformed but really, most avid football followers know he's been playing great the past month since returning from a pretty major injury, and most know the class he has at his disposal... he's looking sharp but still getting fitness back. rafa's 'appy, the kop's 'appy, the roos are 'appy, bodsy's 'appy

no, rafa has great confidence in our 'arry and i doubt j cole would ever be on our shopping list...and i'm sure mourinho feels the same about his player


lol phat tony, too true although i think last night was cole's first ever 'clean' goal...

Of course he wouldn't get a start in front of our Harry at Liverpool would he Bodsy...



"Itch crumber maybe refering to the Liverpool game, if so we were clearly robbed."

Off with the eye-patch fella! I'm amazed at the amount of Chelski supporters who fail to recall the seconds before the allowed goal....something like a penalty on Baros & Chelsea a man down.

Granted it was questionable refereeing regarding the goal, but the lack of decision making by the officials regarding the play leading up to the goal is conveniently forgotten by the 'whinging masses'!

Who rates Newcastle ? :)

Two fantastic games of soccer last night.

The Spurs, Boro game an enticing entree and then the main course Chelsea v Arsenal.

The end result very sweet.

If Joe Cole doesn't start in all Englands games in Germany fair dinkum they don't deserve to win. The guy has taken his game to a new level.



I also hope Joe "deflection" Cole starts in all of England's World Cup games as it will mean they have a shedload of injuries and won't get past the last 16.

Fat Tony

Lmao Fat Tony!!

Stick to beating up on Homer Simpson types..


Chelsea and Barca are great sides - Barca will probably get through this year as Eto and Bucky look in great great form and have improvment in their squad come February

Can't belive people bag either side - Chelsea work hard and Barca a joy to watch.

What will be funny is R Madrid losing at highbury to a very oridnary Arsenal side this year.

R Madrid like Newcastle - terribly over rated.

Mitch Kramer - Grow up you fool.

It's a pity these two sides meet again so early in the competition. By fair means or foul, they are the two best sides in the world.

Why do people talk about a sport when they have no idea?

If a team was robbed it was Chelsea who were 1-0 up in spain in the sec half and had a player sent of for know reason.

Chelsea will beat barca because they can grind out a result and keep a clean sheet.

Itch crumber maybe refering to the Liverpool game, if so we were clearly robbed.

End of story.


Over turned sods would be more correct Kramer.

Hopefully Stud will read this and save me the heart ache. Post's like these that should never make it...


What are you on about ??

I'm not even a Chelsea fan but you've got me baffled. I think they beat Cracalona last year didn't they ??

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