mitch kramer
I?ve had this debate over the last few weeks, so I?ll be interested to hear what people in this forum have to say. Just who are the world?s best active sportsmen? Depending on your sporting interests this list will change for everybody.

What I have done is include those that people around the world would have heard of. Its no use saying a person in a minority sport is one of the worlds best, when he is only tested by a minority of the worlds sporting population (i.e. Andrew Johns in league, Ricky Ponting, etc). I have also excluded allegedly ?suspect? individuals. For example, Barry Bonds and his alleged involvement with the THG manufacturers, the investigation into Roy Jones Jr Heavyweight title victory.

My top 5 are:

1.LANCE ARMSTRONG ? We all know about his comeback from cancer to win the world?s most gruelling sporting event, but to win the event 5 times is huge. He has done it both easily, and when severely tested. Last year he had some minor injuries, the break-up of a marriage and bad luck to still come through and win. Anybody who has read his autobiography would now what the guy is like. And there are no question marks on him ? he is the most drug tested U.S. sportsman each year

2.TIGER WOODS ? We all know why

3.ZINEDINE ZIDANE ? the worlds best in the worlds biggest sport. Has been on top for 6-8 years, both at Juve and Real Madrid. Has won everything the game as to offer ? World Cups, Euro Championships, Champion Leagues, Primera Liga, Serie A.

4.MICHAEL SHUMACHER ? 6 World Championships. People say that the driver is only as good as the car, but Schumacher has done it with 2 different teams. He has brought Ferrari back to the top of motor sport. Valentino Rossi is also a contender, but it will be interesting to see how he goes at Yamaha

5.HICHAM EL GUERROUJ ? Running is a sport anybody can do, and along with Michael Johnson, El Guerrouj has been the best track athlete of the last decade. He has won everything, broken all records, but Olympic Gold still eludes him. Lets hope he wins one this year, no athlete deserves it more.
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Even though he's said he'll only fight again if he gets Tyson, I'd still have Roy Jones Jr in there somewhere.

And how about:

BEN JOHNSON - running
ALEX WATSON - fencing

Damien Oliver - The worlds premier jockey and the best australia will see for a very long time if not ever.

Hate to break it to ya pinky but sam riley is a woman. Have i just uncovered your fetish.


I'd agree with five of them but I woudn't have Michael Schumacher in there. A great sportsman but I think Formula 1 is more of an elite sport.

I think "Speedy Gonzales" should be in there-anyone who makes as much money as he does by picking winners looking at the telly must have skills us punters can only dream of.

Three stand out for me -

Mutola (track athletics)
Armstrong (cycling)
Henry (soccer)

I would also go for Serena Williams (tennis)....when fit she is dominant in her field (played by most nations) ..... can't really say anyone stands out on the mens side.

That leaves one more - Sorenstam at the moment probably dominates women's golf moreso than Tiger in men's golf..... so she gets my nod.

Kluft looks destined for the top 5... time will tell.

Can't have anyone from a sport played 'mostly' in one nation against teams from only that nation (eg. baseball, basketball) has been blacklisted by some posters, yet it's played over a far greater area than most of the 'yank' sports.....& how many people in 'other countries' give a 'rats' about baseball, basketball etc.
Nor can I have a car driver in a sport where performance is as much dependant on equipment/machinery ..... if Schumacher is in anyone's list, then surely Rossi (bikes) should be as well.
Boxing is a joke at the moment...the amount of contrived results is an embarassment .... although Jones jr usually let's his gloves decide the issue instead of 'got at' judges.

of course anika dominates more than tiger. tiger is playing against 100 great players. anika is playing against choppers.

anika played her best golf and couldn't even make the cut in a men's event.

the williams sisters also played a bloke who was ranked 201 in the world a few years ago at the aussie open on a back court and they got beat 6-1 and 6-2.

comparing womens and mens events is like comparing a grp 1 race to a class 1 race.

i dont know how u can compare different sports as well - every sport has a different level of competition and a team sport is a lot different to an individual sport.

Who's comparing men to women??? They are the best in their chosen field .... i.e. WOMEN'S golf or WOMEN'S tennis (yes they are seperate sports to the men's version).

Women's sport has it's place ..... against fellow females, and that is what they do. Mutola is dominant also, yet she doesn't race the males!!! Give Anika the same testosterone levels as Tiger along with all other physical male attributes in proportion to what she has now, & I would say she would 'spank' the men as well ..... & that's just in the changerooms!!!

If you want to compare frog racing with horse racing, go right ahead .... but you are way off track.

what about phil "the power" taylor-darts world champion at least ten times and i think nine in a row or something like that.he is surely the gratest sportsmen in the world without a doubt-no contest,nobody comes close to him and that includes thorpe.


Leilani doesn't know much about golf. It's not a game of strength. If it was, weight lifters would dominate.

Tiger Wood is a top 5 player of all time, no matter how many injtections u gave to Anika she would never be in that class. That's just plain silly to say she would.

Wayne Grady hit the ball about the same distance as Anika and he won a PGA. Anika would never win any tournament let alone a major.

One day on the practice fairway Wayne was hitting long irons and Laura Davies rocked up and started matching his 3 irons with her 7 irons. He quickly left the range.

The courses women play in tournaments are like your avg club course from the red tees. I could break par on those.

Think again Speedy...that is why Tiger has revolutionised hitting the gym!!!

Darren Clarke has realised he won't be half the golfer he should be unless he gives up the junk food, grog, & smokes ..... & hits the gym. He's lost over 30 pounds & even admits his game has changed for the better....he has become a 'gym junky' (his own words). Mickelson has dropped 20 lbs for the same reason. Even I noticed the change (for the better) in my game after putting on a stone in the gym.

Grady won a major when there were a lot of players still living in the good ole days .....i.e. the 19th hole was still the bar .... no longer the case with professional golf. There are a hell of a lot of players now hitting a far longer distance than back when Grady won.

If strength didn't matter .....nor distance for that matter, then equipment would not have changed as it has today.

It doesn't surprise me that you would disregard women. Considering I know nothing about game's not too bad then ...... how's yours???

Most yanks could not name ANY female basketballer. Its got nothing to do with being Australian or American. It simply doesn't rate over there.

In regards to boxing you are wrong yet again. The top 5 pound for pound boxers as listed by Boxing Magazine are :
1. Roy Jones Jnr
2. Marco Barrera
3. Oscar De La Hoya
4. Bernard Hopkins
5. Kostya Tszyu

I suppose that would be the pro US bias showing up yet again.

Its good that you're a proud Aussie and all but please start being objective. It just embarasses us in front of the rest of the world when you come out with rubbish like this.

A few posters here have listed retired sportsmen.

So, therefore how can we omit the greatest footballer of all? The person who was voted the Sportsman of the Twentieth Century - Pele!!!

Here's five more to think about:




You left out the greatest sportsman of all time: 'The King' Wally Lewis!!!


These guys may be the best current sportsmen, but the biggest sporting legend of all time is Cliff Lyons

On the subject of excluding particular sports because they are played in a minority of nations, what about sports that are available to only a minority of people for other reasons:

Golf - very much a middle class sport in most places, out of the reach of a lot of the population

Formula One racing - lay-down-misere for the most unavailable-to-the-general-population sport in human history

Basketball - only for the freakishly tall, a group who, without doubt, are the least physically co-ordinated group among the general able-bodied popultaion

Slackmac, NBA basketballers unco. What drugs you smoking? Those guys would make AFL players look weak,unco and slow. Takes great co ordination, vision and athletic ability to play it at the elite level. Unco, i don't think so.

Greatest Athlete ever to grace the world Stage?

Michael Jordan. Speed, Power, Skill Unsurpassed.

The whole world knows who M. Jordan is , along with Ali. Even the poor in africa know who he is.

wake up itg.

fishing, golf and most of the olympic events are in a lot more countries than cricket.

gym work is about fitness, flexibility, strength and endurance.

greg norman hit the ball 330 yards in his prime - how far does tiger hit it? about the same except when he rips it and the extra yards is mostly due to TECHNOLOGY not strength.

the gym work allows the players to keep up their distance late in the day when they get tired. it doesn't help much on the front nine.

the blokes dont hit it any further now due to strength, it's technology.

Ian Woosnam is about 5 foot 2 and used to hit it 320 yards, so your argument about strength changing the game is nonsense.

anika is going weights to increase strength cause woman dont have enough natural strength to swing a golf club properly, whereas men do.

Ben Hogan shot 62s using inferior technology and on courses not much shorter than they are now. He would beat Anika by 20-30 shots.

I'm not listing Anika as a top fiver for golf overall.....purely women's golf....which is the field she competes (aside from a novelty event or two).....

And I still believe players are stronger today than yesteryear.....strength + speed = power (& there are far more power hitters around today).

Good luck on your next golf outing....


Cliffy would leave Joey Johns for dead. Even today, and he'd do it with cigarette in mouth!

Plus the tall ones keep banging their heads on the starting gates.

I feel obliged to defend my sports honour against some of the comments that have been bandied about in this thread. Basketball, it was mentioned by Leilani, is a sport plyed mostly in one nation against other teams from that nation. Truth be told, basketball is a clear second only to soccer as the worlds number 1 sport, in both participation and support. It wasn't that long ago when every kid worth their salt would own a Jordan singlet, or an Orlando Magic cap. Granted, support in this country has waned somewhat, yet if this sport wasn't in the top 5 in participation rates in this country i'll go "he".

Slackmac then mentioned that it is a game for only the freakishly tall. Daytripper then mentioned Allen Iverson as one of the players who refutes this comment. I'll go a step further, and look to our shores, where arguably the two best basketballers we have churned out are Andrew Gaze and Shane Heal. While Gaze is about 6'6, he has very little athletic talent to speak of. The "Hammer" is 6'2 if we're being generous, and has dominated this level for years. While not featuring anywhere near a list of best sportsmen in the world, they are far and away the best players this country has produced. And by no means are they freakishly tall.

Daytripper- it is obvious you do know what you are talking about when it comes to basketball. But to say that our national league is a poor excuse of a league surprised me. Name me a league that is better than Australia's apart from the NBA. Possibly, Greece is the only league that such a comment could be made. Because the money is incredibly mediocre compared to elsewhere in the world, does not instantly make our comp poor.

Lastly, Moleboy- Tim Duncan a rising star? I would have thought he'd already be there. Dual MVP, championship winner, Finals MVP, All NBA first team representative in ALL his first 6 seasons, one of only 5 players in history (Michael Jordan couldn't do this). Obviously you acknowledge his talent by mentioning him in your post- I just believe you may have put him under the wrong umbrella.

Please bear in mind, I'm not having a go at anybody for their opinions, it just seemed that a few comments were made without thought, and being intimately involved in this game from the age of 2 weeks (not a typo), I thought I'd take the time to perhaps give my views. That was a really long sentence, a fullstop halfway wouldn't have gone astray.

For the record, my top 5 sportsmen would be-

1- Lance Armstrong- I need say no more than what has already been said

2- Roy Jones Jr- Widely acknowledged as the worlds best boxer "pound for pound", he began his career as a middleweight. In March this year he defeated John Ruiz for his heavyweight title, a remarkable feat that only one other boxer has been able to accomplish, Bob Fitzsimmons in 1897. Has only lost once as a professional, and that was because of being disqualified for a late blow. Unbelievable boxer.

3- Thierry Henry- For reasons mentioned in other posts, an artist with a soccer ball, who perhaps doesn't get the same attention as the Real Madrid superstars, but every bit as talented in my opinion.

4- Tiger Woods- Although wasn't at his best last year, he was still pretty darned good. It would have to be one of the most daunting propositions in world sport to confront this fellow at his best.

5- Tim Duncan- As I mentioned before, his achievements in a relatively short time have been incredible. One of the truly great players that basketball has seen- he also was an exceptional swimmer, which is a little known fact.

When it all comes down to it, though, this is such an incredibly subjective exercise and you could probably name 500 sportspeople who could stake a claim to be among the best in the world.

Great thread!!

If the argument against my statement that basketball is for the freakishly tall is that you can name only two good players (6'2" and 6'6") who aren't freakishly tall, then I'd say basketball is a game for the freakishly tall

Plus, 6'6" is pretty damn tall anyway

In 2002-3 the average height of an NBA player was 6'7.40".
Out of 413 players, there were:
- 45 players over 7'
- 8 players under 6'

If you want to talk womens basketball, then Lauren Jackson would have to make the list.

Water Pistol,

You are the Ultimate Sorting Icon, Jack of all trades ..Master of None...

And by the way, how someone can rate a baseballer a great sportsman is a joke, they all need gloves to catch & they only have to worry about hitting a ball within a 4 foot by 4 foot box.
Cricket is a much harder sport, the ball could hit you at 150km/ph after hitting the ground, they

A batsman at cricket may stand miles out of his crease but the bowler is aiming at a spot far less than 4 feet....

A ball Bouncing off the ground at 150km/hr is my preference to a picth thrown by Randy Johnson at 100MPh bouncing off my scone..

Not too mention playing 160+ games in the regular season, how do your 15 tests a year stack up..

Why does the Aussie cricket team have an overrated ex Yank baseballer as their fielding coach if cricket is soooo superior????

Similar to yourself having played baseball as a youngster I played a season of all age cricket.

Scored 102 N.O first innings but thought it was very, very tough thus highlighting my amazing achievement..


Indeed you are correct, The Chappell brothers all enjoyed baseball as did Allan Border. Before my time but I believe Neil Harvey also played plenty of baseball..

Personally have played against Chappelli & Geoff Lawson at baseball and they more than held there own.


Will join in the baseball discussion during the season.. Have played with/against a few of the MBL players.



As I was typing my views on basketball, I did have some thoughts about the exact points you make ..... then I thought "stuff it, it's only those glorified yanks".

In all seriousness though, it does have it's restrictions ..... anyone under 6'1" or 6'2" doesn't get much of a look in unless they're 'freaks' ....... and I still say participation, while played by a large number, is limited as the population in the USA is roughly tenfold when compared to a place such as Australia. It is played at the absolute top level in one nation (save for a slice of Canada), while a sport such as cricket is played at the top level over many nations.

My comments were made moreso to say that if a sport such as cricket is not to be considered for it not being played worldwide (as some have alluded to), then surely, basketball & the likes are in the same frame.

Footnote - basketball isn't in the top 5 organised sporting activities in Australia (see Australian Bureau of Statistics) ... is in the top 10 though.

Kostya Tszyu
Roy Jones Jr
Tiger Woods
Andre Agassi
Brad Fittler

fiona wood
damien martyn
dean luken
eddie the eagle
amanda vanstone


No doubt you know more about basketball than I do. My inclusion of Tim Duncan in my rising stars list is an indication that I think he is still on the way up. Maybe 27ish is getting old for a basketballer I don't really know, but I assumed his best years are still ahead of him.

You will notice that all my other rising stars are young athletes. That probably can't be said for my top 5, which I will probably disagree with by the end of the week once I have thought about it for more than 5 minutes.

I'm glad you listed him and appreciate his abilities. He is a rare talent.

This is my first post on this site but I thought personally if there was any baseball player that should be included in this list it should be Pedro Martinez.

IMO he is by far the best pitcher in all of Baseball has dynamic stuff with 4 great pitches with tremendous command of the strike zone with all of them.

Sure he maybe a bit injury prone but there is no doubting this guys ability.

Also I thought if anyone should be mentioned from the NFL I thought it should be Marvin Harrison by far and away the best Wide Reciever in the game right now combines great speed with with agility and hands to compliment it.

Welcome Raw Instinct

Couple of nice picks there. Certainly aren't many better pitchers than Pedro, although as you point out he does have to be considered a bit of an injury risk.

Harrison is great, but I can't go past Randy Moss (as I think someone mentioned above). This guy is a dead-set freak. Half the time they just throw the ball up vaguely in his direction, and he just goes and gets it. Amazingly athletic.

Here is one that you all forgot to mention....


Definitely the greatest distance runner of all time and arguably one of the greatest to grace the track. This 5ft 3inch dynamo should definitely be on that list.

In addition to winning at 10,000m in both the 1996 and 2000 Olympics, the 30-year-old Gebrselassie holds the World Record at both 10,000 (26:22.75) and 5000 (12:39.36) on the track and 10K (27:02) on the roads, and is a nine-time World Champion. This freak at last count, has set an amazing 17 world records.

Good call Top Gun ...... I was sitting here thinking I've left someone out - the great HG must go in ...... sorry Serena ...... you're out.

No one came near Jordan in his day, but now NBA basketball players are all over-paid w@nkers.
I'm telling you like I have already that Voss is the best sportsman in teh world, he's te very best in the very best and hardest game to play in the world. How many sports do you have to kick the ball 50m to a player running, Jump 11 foot in the air to catch a ball, Run 7 to 13kms a game backing up every weekend for 8 months or hit someone at full pace with a fair bumb?

And by the way, how someone can rate a baseballer a great sportsman is a joke, they all need gloves to catch & they only have to worry about hitting a ball within a 4 foot by 4 foot box.
Cricket is a much harder sport, the ball could hit you at 150km/ph after hitting the ground, they don't use gloves (yes I know, I'm not talking about keepers). Cricket is not only a game of skill, it's a game of the mind, any cricket player is better than any basballer. Even McGill!

You really don't know much about sport do you imagun!

I know more about sport than king bruce.
I played baseball for a year, after never picking up a bat in my life, I was in the A grade side by the end of the season and it was one of the most boringest sport I've played.
I've played so many sports I've lost count, Football is by far the hardest to play, I played basketball for Victoria when I was younger, I've played A grade cricket as a openning bowler who could make runs.
To say I don't know much about sport is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
I've played tennis, golf, football, basketball, cricket, baseball, Vollyball, I was in a swimming club sprt is a huge part of my life.
I've watched hours and hours of US football, countless games of basketball, aussie rules, rugby (both codes) & horse races. I know about sport and Baseball isn't up there with the hardest of them.
Do you know the USA is the only country where the national championship winner is called World Champions? why, I've seen US teams lose at baseball, NBA and the Dream team lose they are all upthemself over there and their sportsmen are all over-rated.
Ps 1. Voss just being there is enough for them to win, he's a freak and the hardest at it player in the game, he's a skillful player and the MVP of the AFL
PS 2. Both Jordan and Gaze are the size height pinky, both players a 6 foot 6. the only diff. is Jordan is the greatest I've ever seen play any sport. 6 championships, 5 MVP 6 in finals, 31.00 ponts per game (Highest in the NBA history. 2 gold medals. changed the game forever and putbasketball on teh world stage to where it is now.

Right ITG, you plainly show your ignorance by stating that all baseballers have to do is hit a ball in a four foot square, and they must be rubbish because they use gloves...

And then you try to buy some credibility by claiming that you played baseball for a year.

Yes, the Yanks insistence on calling their domestic winners 'World Champions' is a little bit myopic, but that just reflects their insular culture. Get over it.

All American sports people are over-rated, whereas all Aussies are brilliant?

Jingoistic clap-trap mate.

Quite right Dexter!! Here Here!!

Notice how ITG decided that baseball was boring so therefore no one could be considered from that sport, but he played AFL, so Michael Voss is a certainty.

I wondr if ITG knows the difference b/w baseball and tee-ball!

Do I consider Voss the best in the AFL at the minute (yes, he is injured I know, but will likely return)? Yes.

Do I think he's one of the best 5 sportspeople in the world right now? No.

How anyone can rate Voss ahead of Lance Armstrong is a mystery IMHO.

Then again Dex, maybe ITG rode in the Tour Douwn Under recently and found that boring too!!

A good year of baseball coming up. Look forward to some good debate over it.

I played my first game of baseball for my school, we had a few players who played in a team and they asked me to come along and give it a try.
The reason I didn't like it was because I found it a easy sport to play, Cricket is a much harder game, plus it's the second most played sport in the world.
The facts are that US sport rules the world of sport, they have the most world champions, but they also have 10 to 15 times the people than Australia who has 10 times the world champions per person than the US. No one has said a world about Micheal Diamond as a great champion, no one in shooting can get near him.
The worlds best pound for pound boxers calls himself an aussie. The worlds best female basketballer is an aussie, yet you ask 90% of yanks and they won't know Lauren Jacksons name.

Last night I was listening to MMM and they were talking about "The Rolling Stones" greatsest 500 of all time. 1 australian band made the list! yet Britney spears had made the list and higher than AC/DC. This proves that the yanks rate themselfs higher than the rest of the world, whether its sport, music or lifestyle.

So you played a year of what? Under 14 or 16 baseball?


Glad to see that because you found junior basbeall boring that the Major Leagues are not worthy of even considering for your top five.

I played under 16's.
I find ML boring because it is.
If you love it so much, then good, but to me and most of Australia it's one of the most boringest sports around

And the rest of the world just looooooves Voss and AFL don't they.

You can find baseball boring, that's fine, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean there are no great athletes playing the game.


i played under 8s soccer - does that count for being in the top 5?

And baseball has been played here for over a century. We've recently seen a pitcher sign with Boston and a catcher with Los Angeles and one guy from Cheltenham, Victoria, Travis Blackley, will more than likely see action with the Seattle Mariners major team this year.

I think that covers a few schools here and there ITG!!

AFL is catching on with the rest of the world, it's now played in high school's all over the states and england.

"AFL is catching on with the rest of the world, it's now played in high school's all over the states and england."

Now that's just plain incorrect ITG.
You just can't stop digging can you?

What was your batting average ITG? And your ERA?
I'm assuming you did both, since you found it so easy...

well I scored a few runs, not sute about the stats.
I was a killer short stop tho.
To this day I don't understand the baseball stats because I don't care fir the game.
All I know was I did well because the game seemed easy to me, I could hit the ball, take catches and run players out.

Has anyone mentioned the Tasmanian Wood Chopper who won about 80 world titles and set a huge amount of world records?

On world titles alone he has to be the best sportsman ever!!!!!

Surely Big Dave Sorensen is worth consideration!!

Yeah Capper, certainly some interesting moves (Schilling, Vazquez, Brown, Sheffield, Pettitte, Clemens, Wells) this off-season. Looking forward to it...


As you may have noticed, I think the Yanks have many of the best athletes, but fairdinkum they are up themselves.

I can still remember reading a US encyclopaedia- think it was Colliers- back in the early 70s. In the entry on sport, it had a list of the "20 greatest athletes of the 20th century", not the 20 greatest American athletes mind you. All 20 were Yanks, and one of them was a horse, Man O' War.

You know more about sport than "King Bruce"?

I didn't need to read any further.

im the gun
You show your ignorance of baseball in your comments. I would have thought that it would be one of the most difficult sports to play at the elite level.
Your jingoism is tiresome.

There has been more than one ex Claxton Shield player to go on and make a name for themselves in cricket ...... I get the feeling there's not a great difference between the sports as far as ability required goes .....& I didn't find it difficult to adapt to baseball in my couple of seasons at it.

i dont know much about baseball but played it at school and yes it's difficult even at that level. but not many countries take it seriously.

itg, voss is injured so he's hardly the world's best sportsman right now is he? but i think he was the best afl player when fit.

this argument is rather impossible to prove one is right and another is wrong.


completely agree re Gebra. However, is he still running? Last I heard retirement was on the cards.


Last i heard he was still in training, aiming for three straight olympic golds in the 10,000m.

I'm the gun,
You need to take your blinkers off mate.

I love AFL too and think Voss is probably the best going around but to suggest he is the best sportsman in the world is going a bit over the top.

There would be a thousand athletes in the US with as much and more athletic ability than him. If these players grew up on a diet of AFL or NRL, well there wouldn't be too many Aussie players left in either league.

Alan Iverson and Randy Moss were both named the champion footballers and basketballers for their respective states in high school. If you don't think they would dominate at AFL or NRL level if they were brought up on it, then you are kidding yourself.


Andrew Gaze would have run rings around Jordan. He was only famous cause he's tall.


stir stir stir

I have to disagree with you about basketball. Sure most of them are tall but they are unbelievably co-ordinated and athletic. I'm talking the NBA here not the poor excuse we've got for a competition in Australia.

Alan Iverson, the current leading scorer and 2002 MVP is 6-0. Kevin Garnett and Dirk Nowitski are 7-0 and can play every position from point through to centre.

All the players are super strong and if any of them turned to our local sports NRL or AFL they would dominate. Can you imagine what Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant would do in the AFL ?

They are both 6-6, can run, jump and catch and are very, very fit. They would both be impossible to stop as ruck rovers or on-ballers.

What about Shaq playing NRL. 7-1, 350 pounds and super athletic. He would just monster players.

I cannot think of a sport where you have to more co-ordinated and athletic.


I forgot to say - yes they are athletic, but don't forget that you are measuring their athleticism against other basketball players


Thanks for that. I don't like basketball myself but the stuff about them being un-co was tongue-in-cheek

The point about basketball being a game available only to the few was serious, though

They might be good athletes but it is difficult to rate them as better than athletes in other sports when other sports provide opportunities to people of various sizes

Here is another 5 to rate !

The Big Show Wrestling
Mark Bosnich Soccer
Damien Marytn Cricket
Rex Hunt Fishing
Steve Irwin Juggling

Good stuff Mitch and an excellent top 5. I can't disagree too much but here is mine as of January 2004. I've gone for a few 'obscure' ones just cause I think they deserve it - plus some rising stars.

1. Zinedane Zidane - he shines in the biggest sport on earth in the biggest team on earth. He is the guiding force of a team full of superstars.

2. Barry Bonds - most pitchers just walk him to first, and at 40 is still one of the best outfielders in the game.

3. Lance Armstrong - what Mitch said

4. Maria Mutola (800m)- First athlete to win the Golden League Jackpot for winning every race in the 2003 European season.

5. Peter Reid (Triathlon) - The Hawaiian Ironman isn't as high profile as it once was but he has won three in a row.

Rising Stars:
Roger Federer
Tim Duncan (Basketball)
Carolina Kluft (heptathlete)
Marlon Shirley (amputee sprinter)

Barry Bonds is a terror at the plate, but he is now a liability in the field.

Barry Bonds, eight-time Gold Glove winner, a liability in the field Capperman?! I don't think so mate.

Here's his stats for last season:
Fielding % - .992 (third best LF in baseball)
Errors - 2 (third best LF)
Put Outs - 236 (tenth best LF)
Range Factor (Put Outs + Assists per Innings) - 2.08 (ninth best LF)

Doesn't look too shabby to me.
He may not hustle as much as you'd like, but he still has a good arm with decent range.

Bozza's Top 5 (in no particular order)

LANCE ARMSTRONG: For the above mentioned reasons. A total freak of nature. The best competitor (5 years in a row) in the toughest sporting event on the planet.

MICHAEL PHELPS: I know this bloke hasn't dominated for a long period of time, but the only thing that will stop him is injury. Nobody, and I mean nobody could knock this kid off the top of his sport. Will attempt to equal Mark Spitz' record of 7 Gold Medals in the pool at Athens. Whilst I don't think he will achieve this, I am certain he will take home at least 4, most likely 5 or 6 and have a swag of World Records to go with them.

THIERRY HENRY: Forget Zinedine Zidane, this bloke is the cream of the crop. Despite FIFA's bias towards anybody playing for Real Madrid when handing out major awards, the concensus in the soccer fraternity is that Henry is the complete package. Lightning fast, sublime skills and magnificent awareness, the Arsenal striker knows what to do and when to do it. Henry is not only always on the scoresheet, but if there were stats kept for 'goal assists,' there is no doubt he would top that category by a mile. And, unlike the stereotypical soccer player, Henry is loyal, not greedy and ALWAYS gives 110%, for both club and country.

JONNY WILKINSON: Yes, I know...we all hate him, but the question is why do we hate him? Because he broke our hearts in the RWC Final. Quite simply, one of the most technically gifted sportspeople I have ever seen. Equally outstanding in both attack and defence, yet it is Wilkinson's boot that makes him one of the classiest going around.

KOSTYA TSZYU: So good for so long. Undisputed super lightweight champion of the world. Rated as the best pound for pound boxer in the world. Since making his professional boxing debut in 1992, the Russian-born Australian has lost only one fight, that being in 1997 when he lost the IBF world title to Vince Phillips in Atlantic City, USA that he first won in January, 1995. Won the vacant WBC title in 1998 before coming undisputed champion of the world when he defeated Sharmba Mitchell by TKO in 2001, and holding that title ever since. A dead set legend.

And as we all know Dexter, Gold Gloves are ALWAYS given to the best fielders of their position aren't they!

I understand what you're saying Capper, and I take your point, but I really don't think he's a liability.


Try this from

Bonds' days as a Gold Glove left fielder are over. He's bulked up over the years and has lost his agility and foot speed. However, he still can keep runners from taking the extra base with a quick release and intelligent positioning.

And from Ultimate Sports Baseball:

He just can't throw.

His last Gold Glove came back in 1997.

I just question that makes him one of the best five sportspeople in the world right NOW. As Mitch said:

I have also excluded allegedly ?suspect? individuals. For example, Barry Bonds and his alleged involvement with the THG manufacturers.

Just my opinion Dexter, but right now it seems others don't respect my right to have an opinion.

Steady on Capper mate, I certainly respect your opinion, there's precious few people on here who know anything (or are even interested in) American sports. And you do know what you're talking about.

Bonds one of the top 5 sports people in the world right now? No, probably not, you're right. Especially given the steroid thing.
Bonds still a Gold Glove calibre OF? No, absolutely not. He's definitely past his peak in that area.

But a liability in the field? I don't think that's quite true. And I thnk last year's stats support me. Obviously stats don't tell the full picture, but still...

That's all I'm saying. Just a minor quibble.


You guys are probably right about Barry Bonds not being in the top 5....but he's a bit of a hero of mine...and I get a thrill just watching him walk to the plate.

Aren't too many athletes that do that for me.

Bonds is still the threat he has always been at the plate - just look at the way he gets pitched around, and look at the Giants record last season when Bonds was out. I think its his pace that has gone. He can't get to the ball quick enough. Look at his stolen bases. From 89-98 he averaged around 35 a season. Since 98 he has averaged 11 a season, with the highest being 15 in 99. With the number of walks he now gets, his on base percentage has gone up, but his stolen bases has fallen

barry bonds is a cricket player right?

Not a bad list. I think Thiery Henry and Kevin Garnett would also be right up there. I'm biased because in my opinion NBA players are the best clean athletes in the world.

I couldn't include any track and field athlete as their sports are so riddled with drugs that it is hard to take any performance seriously.

Gart Stilltrain,

How is a race time not a fact?

How is weight carried not a fact?



U crack me up with your silly posts.


A race time is not a fact because it depends on how the race was timed you dimwit. Perfect timing, like infinity is a concept you will end up in the loony bin over.


We all forgotten about a bloke called Ian Thorpe have we????

how could we forget ian thorpe,hes a champion footballer

Gary must hate this thread cause this is all OPINION.

I dont confuse OPINION with FACT like some people.

Is this on current form - today? Or do you mean the 5 sports people currently playing who have the best overall record? I ask because of Tiger Woods

I really couldn't argue with your 5, but on the other hand, the worlds top athlete is just as likely to be in the "domestic" NBA, MLB or NFL, in the good old USA.

Why? Because the USA is undoubtedly the greatest sporting nation, and it is to these domestic competitions that the vast majority of their athletic talent is directed.

I think it's a great list but there should be one Australian in the list.
Maybe Michael Voss: in the world most skillful sport, in a sport that you need to run, kick, catch, tackle, hit, jump and so on Voss is by far the best and just him being on field has won his team 3 flags.
He is the Jordan of Australia


Paula Ratcliff in my view would be in any sensible top five sportspeople right now. Look at her record in the last two years. She is awesome.

ROI, I agree with the US sports, but in my opinion there is no standout player in the NBA or NFL. In the MBL the 2 best are Bonds and A-Rod, but I have excluded Bonds for reasons mentioned, and A-Rod as he has not really brought his team forward in any way.

What about Mundine?

How 'bout yerself!!!

You frankly have no idea about basketball worldwide. Please don't comment unless you know what you are talking about.

Here are some names which you won't know but which Mookstas and I definitely will know.

Yao Ming - China - 2002 No 1 draft pick. Probably the 3rd best centre in the NBA

Dirk Nowitski - Germany - All Star power forward (he can play any position really)

Tim Duncan - Virgin Islands - probably the best player currently in the NBA.

Pedra Stojacovic - Yugoslavia - currently 3rd in scoring in the NBA

Nene Hilario - Brazil - on his way to becoming one of the best power forwards in the NBA.

Mano Ginobili - Argentina - probably the Spurs (current champions) 2nd best player behind Duncan.

Andrei Kirilenko - Russia - One of the best defenders in the NBA and easily his teams (Utah) best player

There are many, many more.

Basketball is the 2nd most popular sport worldwide. There is no question about that. I would think that a team comprising non-USA players would nearly beat a 'Dream Team'.

People complain that Americans are jingoistic but Australians are just as bad.

Yes Daytripper, that's right, you are fully aware of what knowledge I contain..... another forumite who ASSUMES their own opinion is the 'be all & end all' of a topic. I do follow basketball ..... granted, not as in depth as some or as much as I used to (paying more attention to the local league at the moment).

As I've said before on occasion, read my post & understand it before 'shooting off'....ever heard of sarcasm.


I personally feel both sports are spread far enough across the globe to warrant inclusion .... there aren't many sports apart from soccer which would be more widespread on a large scale......

Too easily 'wound up'.....excuse me for having an opinion.

Cricket is behind only soccer as the most played sport in the world.


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