


Does anyone know what stud he is going to ?
And does anyone have an idea how much he will stand for ?
Hi just want some opinions on these 2 points.

1.Has MD actually taken over Sunline re prizemoney , as everyone is saying she has but I actually dont think so yet ...

Sunline as per October Bloodhorse Review is at A$ 11,690,679 and MD before her win was A$ 9,601,685 ( Sportsman and Best Bets ).
So now she is at A$11,401,685.......

2. Can she win the Melbourne Cup , she has carried more than 57kg , 3 times in her career and NEVER been placed ...


Magic Albert


Any news on his youngsters ?
How do the 2 yr olds look ?
Who has them ?
Any trialled ?
etc etc

Grand Armee


Anyone know what happened here ?
What really happened ?
Pardon my ignorance but he went from having a cold to being retired within 3 weeks .........

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