


Anyone know what happened to Nicconi, noticed he hasn't raced for a month and didn't accept for the Guineas.

New Bet Types


Well this has been a long time coming for us VIC's it has been announced that STAB will be introducing Flexi, First Four and a new bet type called 3UP (if anyone knows what this is let me know) from Sept 4. Just in time for Spring Carnival. I am only a small punter and havent been able to afford betting on quadrellas for half units. This has made my spring now I just gotta find the winners. Good Luck to all this Spring.

Money for Jam


With a lot of interest surrounding the 3 Australians racing in Dubai on Saturday night along with the EPL being on FOX I thought I would have a late one. I could not believe the following S-TAB prices

Perfectly Ready W$3.8, P$1.04
Fields of Omagh W$1.9, P$1.00
Perfect Promise w$6.6, P$2.20

Yes the pool sizes were only small and betting closed at 12:40 but these three horses should have all been about 20-1(+) I dont understand how punters can back horses at these prices do people just put the bet on over the counter without looking at the market, I myself either check the current prices on the website or on the self service machine which I feel is very helpful. However I am not complaining I got 2 $100+ quinellas for minimal outlay and no study simply taking out the OZ horses. Would be interested to see what other people think about this, did anyone else have a bet?

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