
Mr Lister's Avatar


Was reading through a thread and Mr Lister was explaining his Avatar to 7th heaven,

It was quite interesting..

But correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you have a different avatar quite a while back, Mr Lister? It looked like the singer from the Fine Young Cannibals or something if my memory serves me correct.


Honolulu's cup prospects


Hi Everyone,

Starting this thread to see what some of our resident experts think of Honolulu's chances in the Melbourne Cup.

I think it has a huge chance at great odd's

Watch its runs on YouTube and see what you think.

Largo Lad - Big Dunce


This huge horse is costing everyone a fortune, or is it the bad riding of Craig Williams?
Or perhaps its just the constant torrent of spruke that flows out of Hayes mouth when his horses do nothing week after week.
I've had it with him and his dunce jockey Williams. Its about time that the media started to give a bit back to him, as he is full of rubbish 90% of the time and he clams up about his real good runners.
It was the worst ride today that I have seen for a while, Williams looked like a taxi driver trying to cut the traffic in King St.
This horse should be added to the Racing and Sports Blacklist with the other rubbish because he is on mine forever.

Funny Newspaper Tippers


Last Weekend a newpaper tipper picked MAGNUS to run 1st in the Galaxy. He did, but the tipper was that sure the horse would win that he tipped it for fourth as well!!
How confident he was in MAGNUS. He was gonna lap the field and get the chocolates for fourth as well!
My point is;
A. Are these real people?
B. Are they on a performance based contract?
C. Do they back the horses they tip?
D. Does anyone really take any notice?
E. Are these tippers just 'ghosts' on the payrole and the Racing Editor's bank balance is the 'winner'?
F. Does Eddie Mcquire tip for all of PLB.

Anyone who can throw some light on this, please call 60 minutes. All shonky tips can be recorded in this thread for the whole world to refer to, and perhaps if someone is statically minded we can come up with Australia's worst tipper, that is in fact he (or she ), exists.


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