


The new Sunline, or Miss Finland hype (as good as she was)??

Good for Racing


I have been an avid racing fan since Northerly's first Cox Plate win, I love the sport. In those 10 years I have seen many a great horse. I still think Dance Hero is the best 2 y.o in modern racing.

That is not my point, though. Black Caviar is a sensation, we are absolutely blessed to see an Australian horse that is currently the world's best race horse. Watching the race today and hearing the crowd roar was a sight to behold, spine tingling stuff. What I want to say about this phenomenon, though, is the repeated comment that this is 'Good for racing'. Undoubtedly it is. But one horse will not make a summer. Australian racing needs to change. I know a lot of you will think that this post is from another 'bleeding heart' but if racing is to prosper then it needs to change its attitude. And that attitude is the way that we treat the race horse. It is about the use of whips, jumps racing and breeding.

Now, before you 'shout' me down, what is required to turn the, it is 'Good for Racing' platitudes into increased crowds and sustainable community interest in racing beyond the phenomenon of one race horse? Of those who do not watch racing weekly but are caught up in the hype of one race horse, what do they make of the whipping of a horse. Do we say that this is something that has occurred since racing begun? Do we say that the new whips don't hurt a horse? If it doesn't hurt the horse why use it? You may say because it helps a horse concentrate. But away from the race track what methods have been used to 'aid' a horse in concentrating when the new whip no longer hurts the horse? These are issues that need to be discussed in order to allow racing to thrive.

Why do participants say that this recent phenomenon is 'Good for Racing'? It's because everyone knows we need the punters, the crowds, the 'hype' if racing is to survive, let alone become a main stream leisure pursuit. What will people new to the track think when they find out that thousands of horses are sent to the knackers each year simply because they are too slow. And don't peddle this rubbish that Jumps racing actually saves horses from the knackery when we all know that there are literally thousands of horses that don't even make that grade.

So, Black Caviar is 'Good for Racing' but for the industry to thrive the people of racing need to change. One horse plus the traditional Derby Day, may have bought 25,000 people to the track but for racing to truly survive the attitude towards the welfare of the horse needs to change.

Northerly v Sunline


Only joking.

Linton early pick for the Caulfield Cup this year.

Brian Mayfield-Smith


I have read the he intends to retire at the end of this month. I didn't know much about this trainer but I always thought he was a gentleman of the track. Apparently he broke Tommy Smith's rein as premiership trainer in 1986. My enduring image is a photo taken of him with Maybe Better after he ran third in the Melbourne Cup. The horse was exhausted and had his eyes closed while resting his head on Mayfield-Smith's shoulder. Great photo.

Brad Rawiller/Michael Hussey


I have just read that this is Brad Rawiller's first ride in the Melbourne Cup and the recent CC was his second and not forgetting that this year's slipper was also his second. This jock is one of the best in the business but until Weekend Hussler came along he was whacking away in the bush. By all reports he enjoyed country racing but has only had success in the city recently. How old is he? Why do some miss out early in their careers, when all evidence points to them being able to handle the grade? He's like Michael Hussey. That guy had to wait until he was 29/30 before he got a start. He made over 10,000 runs in state cricket before he was chosen. You could see he was a star and he was one when he came into the Australian side.

What is it about quality that people miss.

Good luck to Rawiller, he sounds like an intelligent and thoughtful bloke. He can certainly ride.

Waratah's Secret


Looks like Western Australia has another one. Early days but he smashed the race record by 2 seconds over the weekend.

Sebastian Murphy


Where is he? Is he still in the game?

Ramzan Kadyrov -


Would racing be a dirty little industry if this guy and his horses were allowed in? I am not a human rights watch watcher, just a respectable human being. To allow this murderous monster into our country will further devalue racing in the general public's eye. With Victoria setting up an Integrity Commission to oversee organised crime in racing, the past CEO of Racing Victoria sacked because he lied about the extent of his betting under a pseudonym, an Australian jockey being jailed in Hong Kong and a horse, Pillars of Hercules, having questionable ownership, just to name a few incidents. Anyone would think that whipping a horse was all in the name of entertainment. What is horse racing? - GREED.

The only innocents in this game are the horses themselves. I love it because of the horses, nothing more.

Missile Stakes


I have to admit. I take no interest in winter racing and I am sure only the serious and most passionate punters do. I have been following racing for a number of years. I am not a big punter nor do I know enough about the sport (Other than Northerly is the best I have seen and an inaugural visit to the Cox Plate last year and again planned for this year's is a wonderful thing)but I love it. Can any formites inform me? Has there been anything through these dark months that may appear in the spring or is it up to the usual suspects? I assume, without knowing a thing, that the usual suspects are now back in training and readying themselves for the spring. How is El Segundo, any news on Maldivian, has Light Fantastic or Whobegotyou matured? Who knows. But, what I guess I am getting to is, I feel, at least for me, is that the Missile Stakes is the beginning. I remember one of my favourite horses, Dance Hero, started his spring in this race. I know that he never really proved himself, other then winning the Salingster after his 2 y.o season, but for me this race signals the beginning of spring racing. Horses that begin the season early, those still training, it does not matter, this is it my friends, to me, this Saturday is the beginning. The beginning of spring and the countdown to the best races Australia has to offer. It will continue until the middle of November. For those that punt during the winter months and sigh, ho hum, good for you, but for those that really get going after their hibernation the Missile Stakes is the beginning. If you don't believe me, just think how quickly this most beautiful of seasons and racing in spring passes us by each year. Go you horses, you're our inspiration for all that is good in this world. Voila!!!



Any chance this Saturday?

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