


It been just over a year since Beadman was talked about at length here on the forum.
Watching him ride on Saturday, 5 rides 3 wins 1 third, is he that much better than the jockeys at have stayed home.
He just seem to play with them at will, his horses were good but only T Joy was expected to win, he seem to be thinking 200m ahead of all the other jocks

Nth of the border


If anyone thinks that the Melb carnival isn't missing the class of the northern horses think again.
From a handfull of horses ( 8 or 9)that made it south before EI hit up here they won 5 group races including two group ones and a number of group places.

Cropp gets 3 months


I think she has got off lightly, her action cost the owners $132,000 and the people who backed the horse a lot of money.
I think any jockey caught doing that should be suspended not just fined, there is plenty of time to carry on like that after the race is over.

Syd Quadie


Did you see the amazing divy on the Syd quad $676 for three fav and 2nd fav, needlessly to say I was over the moon to have three times.

Capt Katich.


Anyone else thinks that Katich was not impressed at losing his CA contract.
Scoring 221 and along with Ian Harvey 153 he dec Derbyshire innings at 8/801.
No wonder the poms are struggling to find a decent team to put on the paddock.
PS Looks like Vaughan is injured again



Just looked at the latest pics of Flemington,and it is good to see grass back on the track. I know it is still a long way off but it sure does look better than just dirt.

Beadman +night meeting


Whats with Beadman and Cant night meetings is he the only one that has a torch so to find his way home.
It is becoming boring.

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