
A question for the crystal ball gazers.

Every year a group of us head down to Melbourne for one of the spring feature meetings. Our options this year are Caulfield Cup, Cox Plate or Derby Day (but not the Cup Tuesday).

This far out, if you had to pick a feature meeting to go to in Melbourne, which would it be?

Personally, I love the Valley but I sense it could be a weak year for the Cox Plate.

Derby Day has great racing but, unless it's changed in three years, the crowd makes it a struggle to see the horses and have a bet - which is the purpose of our trip!

Attending the Caulfield Cup


I am travelling to Melbourne for the Caulfield Cup this year and would welcome some advice from people who've been previously.

In particular, is it best to reserve a seat or can you see the races and horses okay without them?

The MRC website is currently offering reserved seating in the Rupert Clarke Stand for a seemingly ridiculous $155 per head. Admission is only $40.

I haave been to Caulfield a couple of times in the past but not on a big day since Encosta De Lago got rolled in the Guineas. I stood that day but I get the sense that the major Carnival crowds these days are much bigger!



Does anyone know what the plan is for Shootoff this spring? Supposedly he was being set for the Cox Plate but I notice that he was not a third acceptor but is still in the Caulfield Cup (for which he is currently listed at 100-1).

Although he is not normally one of mine, my gut feeling is that this could be a roughie's Caulfield Cup. Shootoff is a group 1 winner at the trip and doesn't mind it wet. His run last week suggested he might be improving (although obviously not enough to run in the Plate). If he runs (and that is always the big risk pre-post), I wonder if at 100-1 each way he might be the sneaky way to go?
As a birthday present, my lovely wife is flying me down to Melbourne for the Cox Plate. I have only been to the Plate once (when Dane Ripper won in 1997) so I would be grateful for any tips on how I should approach the day.

For instance, is it best to get a grandstand seat? If so, which one? Or is it too late and should I just battle the throng? (I have checked out the MVRC website but didn't find it very helpful. There seem to be a lot of $500 packages which are well beyond my small-time punting means.)

Any advice would be gratefully accepted.




I am wondering if anyone on the forum is able to recommend some good racing or sporting podcasts. I am particularly interested in anything that provides a weekly wrap-up and/or preview of international racing and sports events.

I know that Sports 927 has international racing preview podcasts every couple of days but I am interested in tracking down something more general that reviews/previews the big events, rather than Race 7 from South Africa. Something like a podcast equivalent of Racing World on Sky?

Similarly, anything that covers general world sport would be good to know about too. There are so many podcasts out there and it would be handy to know which are the good ones!

Thanks to anyone who can help,


Dilly Dally and Niello


Does anyone know what is happening with Dilly Dally and Niello?

I see Dilly Dally is not in the latest acceptances for the Thousand Guineas. Has she gone amiss?

Also, I read today that Hawkes is not running Niello in the Caulfield Guineas. Does this mean Niello has gone for a spell to mature a bit?

Any info would be much appreciated.

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