
don scott rating graph


When you go to search horse form now the Don Scott rating graph tab has been removed.

Is this an error with the site or have R&S decided not to provide the ratings on the site any more?

The Greatest Cup Never Run


From The Age:

Legendary racehorse Phar Lap has been given top weight of 60 kilograms in a fictional field for the greatest ever Melbourne Cup. The VRC is labelling the hypothetical race "The Greatest Cup Never Run".

The field will 'race' against each other in a digital simulation on Melbourne Cup day this year to decide the crown of the greatest Melbourne Cup champion of all time.

Racing Victoria’s chief handicapper Greg Carpenter rated his top 24 horses and gave the 1930 winner the honour of the number one saddlecloth ahead of Carbine (59kg) who won in 1890. A panel of 22 racing experts will assess the field and determine the outcome of the hypothetical race.

Three-time winner Makybe Diva (2003-2005) and Peter Pan (1932) received 58 kilograms.

The field was unveiled at a function to launch glossy tome The Story of the Melbourne Cup, Australia’s Greatest Race at the Melbourne museum on Wednesday to celebrate this year’s 150th running of Australia’s most famous race. Luminaries in attendance included the Premier, John Brumby, and racing identities Glen Boss and Roy Higgins.

Greatest Cup never run: the field

1 PHAR LAP Harry Telford Jim Pike (21) 60kg
2 CARBINE Walter Hickenbotham Bob Ramage (16) 59kg
3 MAKYBE DIVA Lee Freedman Glen Boss (14) 58kg
4 PETER PAN Frank McGrath Darby Munro (13) 58kg
5 GALILEE Bart Cummings John Miller (1) 57.5kg
6 POSEIDON Ike Earnshaw Tom Clayton (3) 57.5kg
7 RISING FAST Ivan Tucker Jack Purtell (11) 57kg
8 RAIN LOVER Mick Robins Jim Johnson (7) 56kg
9 COMIC COURT Jim Cummings Pat Glennon (24) 55.5kg
10 GRAND FLANEUR Tom Brown Tom Hales (4) 55.5kg
11 MIGHT AND POWER Jack Denham Jim Cassidy (12) 55kg
12 ARCHER Etienne De Mestre Johnny Cutts (22) 54kg
13 VINTAGE CROP Dermot Weld Mick Kinane (10) 54kg
14 DELTA Maurice McCarten Neville Sellwood (9) 53.5kg
15 MALUA Isaac Foulsham Alick Robertson (17) 53.5kg
16 NIGHTMARCH Alex McAulay Roy Reed (5) 53.5kg
17 POITREL Harry Robinson Ken Bracken (20) 53.5kg
18 SAINTLY Bart Cummings Darren Beadman (2) 53kg
19 THE BARB John Tait William Davis (18) 53kg
20 DALRAY Clarrie McCarthy Bill Williamson (19) 52.5kg
21 HALL MARK Jack Holt Jack O’Sullivan (23) 52.5kg
22 LIGHT FINGERS Bart Cummings Roy Higgins (15) 52.5kg
23 DORIEMUS Lee Freedman Damien Oliver (6) 52kg
24 THINK BIG Bart Cummings Harry White (8) 52kg

This is going to be a cracker I believe.

19 years ago it was the might and power of Hawthorn v Gary Ablett Snr and Geelong... now it is the might and power of Geelong v Buddy Franklin and Hawthorn.

In my opinion, whoever wins the midfield battle wins the game. I see the key match ups as follows:
Bateman will go to Bartel
Sewell will go to Ablett
Ling will go to Mitchell
Rooke on Hodge
Scarlett on Franklin
Tommy Murphy (I think will come in) and get Stevie Johnson

Last time they met Hawthorn had their chances but couldn't capitalise. Although the hawks got close to the cats they were missing key players in Ablett and Milburn and Chapman went of during the game with a hamstring injury. Hawthorn effectively played without Luke Hodge that night due to his ball use on that occasion which may have been due to some thing which were going on off field.

The hawks have improved though since that night and they are playing fantastic football.

It will be a great game. Geelong will probably win but I think Hawthorn will give a big sight.

American Racing... Cheats?


The article below got me thinking, and if I am wrong please point it out.

I didn't realise but doping horses in the USA and Canada is legal, the only two countries in the world which allow it.

So, a horse like Curlin could have been legally doped in his home land when he was developing. He then goes to Dubai and smashes a world class field who were developed without the aid of drugs.

This scenario seems totally unfair to me. Even if they race clean when they are racing outside of America and Canada, they have already gained the benefits of using drugs and have developed bigger and stronger horses.

PS. I hope the Japanese horse gives BB windburn just to stick it up that arrogant yank jurno.

Attn: Vormista


I think you'll brain them tomorrow. But don't want to unload if you aren't feeling 100%.

Are you going to put in tomorrow or squib it?


Apache Cat


I'm convinced now that this horse is best suited to a trip of 1400m or less. rather than pushing it out to a mile (and even prehaps a cox plate again) where there is a slight query over it getting the distance, they should aim it at the Manikato Stakes imo. with the A-Grade sprinters coming back from overseas campaigns they may not line up in this early group 1 sprint and with no LS the Manikato Stakes for mine looks a bit thin this far out.

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