
Not really surprised to see that there were no postings on here about this latest series victory considering some people only post when we don't win but I am here to congratulate the Aussies on another fine job.

Obviously the Windies aren't up there as the most competitive team in world cricket but it is still an achievement to win a series overseas. Also note that we did better than our last tour there in 2003, where we actually lost a Test, and this Windies side is far superior to that side back then bar Brian Lara.

Also heard that this is Australia's 15th series win in last 16.

Winterbottom Stakes


Does anyone out there have any info on how Ellicorsam is doing? Heard that she's had a few problems. Would probably beat this lot again if right!

I just read in a article on this website that Gai Waterhouse is going to spell Assertive Choice and go easy on him early on. Unbelievable!
It's not the same Gai if she doesn't run them into the ground early!
Can anyone tell me what track rating is likely for Belmont tomorrow?
I see it has cleared up a bit over there but being a Sydney-sider, info is hard to come by.

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