
Came up a bit short tonight, but what a marvel he is. My favourite and I;m sure favourite of many others. He does not know how to give up, and i would take him over any sprinter in the world, he is so consistent. Joe has said he will aim the horse back to england for next year provided the horse is alright. Imagine if he can travel overseas 3 years in a row, and perform like he has. AMAZING. Go TARGET

Belmont hot combo


Belmont race 5, see R.Markou teaming up with the Parnham stable. Parnham does not call upon an apprentice all that often, and with Markou they have teamed well together, with 6 out of 7. The ride is on the topweight Kaleido, and should be at nice odds. I've followed this pairing and they go great. Have a bit of a go at him, race 5 no.1 - Kaleido

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