
New bet types


Can anyone tell me where i might be able to access information on when we in QLD are to be getting Quaddie betting and what i have been told is percentage betting similair to flexi betting. I heard it was supposed to be Dec 1st but have only heard this through the grapevine and nothing official. Thanks.



To all concerned and my fellow team mates, my deepest pologies for letting down the team. What makes it worse was I was one hell of a tailender for the Terrors and would have easily got us that trophy.

I Know excuses don't cut it in team sports but i did have a more than legitmate reason for being M.I.A. So i hope everyone does'nt think im not a team player and let's play in the next comp.

Thanks goes to JD for the well run and more than enjoyable summer series. Cheers.


cox plate options


Hi guys, just a quick one. I am going to the Cox Plate this year and was hoping to get a couple of quastions answered:
Q1: Has anyone done the day from the taberet club?
Q2: What day do they do the draw?and is it open to the public?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...

slipper day query


Would love some feedback for slipper day, A mate and I have got out tickets, flights, nd accomadation all sorted and are just waiting in anticipation. It is a great looking race card but can i get some views on what to expect, best way to get there, where to go after. Anything that will make the weekend one to remember.... Thanks.............

TRI your luck result's


Well interesting indeed, I thought it might not get a start but the Tri your luck comp got underway with some very ordinary result's.

We had 19 tipsters enter with only 5 of those getting a return, all had their own trifecta theories. The most popular being the multi tri's on the big races.

SFEWST was the most elaborate tipster, having a crack at all but one race in the SYD/ MELB meeting's, out of the 16 races he managed to get returns on 4 races.

I along with the mighty muirfield were the only ones to make a profit, mind you muiry only made $6 for his effort's, better than losing, hey muiry.


YARDSEY $500 $992 $492 (P)
MUIRFIELD $294 $300 $6 (P)
SWFEST $499 $380 $119 (L)
HKH $500 $249 $251 (L)
MR SMALL $500 $196 $304 (L)
BRETT68 $500 $0 $500 (L)
BUDDA $500 $0 $500 (L)
FELONY187 $500 $0 $500 (L)
MOOKSTAS $500 $0 $500 (L)
SP KNIGHT $500 $0 $500 (L)
TONGUE TIE $500 $0 $500 (L)
BONDY $480 $0 $480 (L)
SHU $480 $0 $480 (L)
WOODY $472 $0 $472 (L)
ERNMANNING $420 $0 $420 (L)
WINMAR7 $220 $0 $220 (L)
NUNO $210 $0 $210 (L)
OLIVERFAN $120 $0 $120 (L)
SPEEDY G $100 $0 $100 (L)

There you have it folk's, takes me to start a comp to finally win something, i hope you all enjoyed it. I will endevour to get it set up better and over a longer period of time soon, that is if people are interested. If any of you have ideas to make it better send me your thoughts through my inbox. GOOD LUCK AND GOOD PUNTING............



Well i think people are interested enough so here goes.


1. you start with a bank of $500.
2. you then must make a return by selecting trifectas in any races at either BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE.
3. multiple and straight out Trifectas , any amount of races, but you only have a bank of $500 (winnings just get banked and cannot be used, at this point of time).
4. winner of course will be the person with the biggest bank by the days end.
5. bets in by 12pm 21/02/04.
6. Home state TAB divedend's will apply, eg your tri is in Brisbane then you get Unitab divedend's etc. (no flexi's). sorry SK, thanks for your support though.
7. posts as follows

Balance $500: BR1 Multiple 1/2/3 x $5 = $30
Balance $470: SR2 Multiple 1/2/3/4
1/2/3/4/5 x $5=$180
Balance $290: and so on......

Hope you all enjoy and will post result's Sunday.If the response is good then I might make it over a longer period of time.... GOOD LUCK AND GOOD PUNTING.....

TRI your luck!!!!!


Hi guys and gals, thought i might try my hand at a tipping comp. Just for this weekend, so far, and I will see how the response is.

1. you start with a bank of $500.
2. you then must make a return by selecting trifectas in any of the 3 major saturday races.
3. any combo allowed, any amount of races, but you only have a bank of $500 (winnings just get banked and cannot be used).
4. winner of course will be the person with the biggest bank by the days end.
5. bets in by 12pm 21/02/04.
6. posts as follows

Balance $500: BR1 Multiple 1/2/3 x $5 = $30
Balance $470: SR2 Multiple 1/2/3/4
1/2/3/4/5 x $5=$180
Balance $290: and so on......

Any enquiries fire away and i will post tommorow with final rules as long as there is a good enough response. just of a spur of the moment thing here so it might be scratchy, but feed back is welcomed.Good luck and good punting ..................

2002 cox plate photos


Was wondering if anyone had some cox plate photos, for sale. Made the trip down from Qld this year, and all my photos are trashed. Don't know whether it was the photo labs fault or the camera, but would appreciate if someone had some that they thought were of interest, i would gladly negotiate a price... My E-mail is [email protected], any feedback would be greatly appreciated...

falvelon 3 from3


hi there,
love your work here. was wondering if we could get a post going on the upcoming hong kong races that our horses will be competing in... thanks....

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