Punter Ponting

Have a happy retirement Punter and thanks for memories; you have been a great captain all these years for Australia.
Like all champions you stood tall in defeat as well as in victory like the man you are, leading by example and making us all proud to call ourselves Australian.
To his knockers, just look at his record and go suck eggs!

The Prime Minister is reported to be the most important man in Australia but personally I think he plays second fiddle to the Australian cricket captain.
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Maybe check facts before attacking my comments.
2011/12 - Ponting made over 500 runs against the Indian's at an average of 108,so I'm not sure how your
(He also stayed on for several years longer than he should have, after his eyesight began to deteriorate) and (His batting record in the last few years is testimony to the fact he was past it)comment stacks up.

I also thought the thread was about Ponting's retirement from Test cricket,not sure why you added all that other padding from my post.

Relax a bit and have a Happy Christmas.

My point was, as a batsman, his form is outstanding, but as a captain, his record is questionable.

His current form is shocking.

He is not seeing the ball as well as he used to.


Don't know how you can say Ponting knew when to give it away?

No doubt, a long and illustrious career, with most runs by an Australian Batsman (13346), 41 x test 100's, 168 test caps (equal with Steve Waugh) and 48 test victories. He also has led Australia to the most consecutive test victories (16), and was voted the best player in the world, which everybody chooses to point out. As a BATSMAN, his record is exemplary, and cannot be questioned.

As a captain however, his record is questionable.

He was the first test captain in over 100 years to lose two consecutive Ashes series, and the only Australian captain to lose 3, which places a huge blemish on his captaincy.

He also stayed on for several years longer than he should have, after his eyesight began to deteriorate, so that he could still collect that rather huge pay check, and placed the Australian Board in the position of where they would have to make the decision it was time to go, as he wasn't going. His batting record in the last few years is testimony to the fact he was past it, but not prepared to go.

Finally, he was allowed to fall on his own sword, but he hasn't given the game away, he is still chasing the big dollars on offer in the IPL, so I would suggest that Ricky Ponting is doing what he has always done, and making as many dollars as he can out of the game, and this has nothing at all to do with knowing when was the right time to retire?

I would suggest Ricky Ponting

I wouldn't be doubting tendulkar, he's got a few good innings left in him.

Dravid/VVS Laxman/Ponting - Knew when to give it away.

Tendulkar - An embarrassment of his former self.

He is scared of Kallis beating his records and being reviered higher as a batsman/cricketer.

Punter was too stubborn like Howard and went out on a downer. Bradman might have failed in his last innings but Punter failed in his last 3 tests and looked hopelessly out of his depth.

Ohhh, got it, how careless of me

True, there's no harm in getting a couple of low scores.

His average went down from 59.99 to 51.85.

We have had a female primeminister for about 3 years. Have you been to the cricket more recently than you have visited parliament house?

I wish he hadn't stayed so long. The way he finally got out haunts me already. He wasn't a shadow of what he had been.

Not too sure what your on about, but no I have not been to either for a long time.

No shame to get a couple of low scores, its only a game pal.
Your memory must be short, the supposed best ever made a duck and he is still thought of pretty highly, so I think Punter will be too.

Many champions go on a little too long in their careers, name a sport and you will find one such person.

You're just not the sentimental type, are you Igster?

Showed once again, with his non-contributions in this test, that he should have given it away years ago. The Australian cricket team reminds me a bit of the Demons - hanging onto players far too long.


JG's a man?!

Well said Oldhand - an absolute legend of the game and sad to see the last retirement of the players from our DECADE OF DOMINANCE (that's for you Khrap - we all know you read everything posted here as you don't have a real life you WACA).

Retires as the only player to have played in at least 100 test victories - wow, that's a lot of "Beneath the Southern Cross I stand..."

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