You have to just love it.

Mr Wayne Beavis thinks (todays telegraph) that the camerman who sent the footage to the NRL (of Mr T Barrett lifting his forearm to the face of Mr Brian Carney) committed an act of stupidity.

The only act of stupidity was committed by T Barrett and probably by Mr Beavis for making the comment.

I commend all parents and clear thinking individuals to scan the games each week and report any "meathead" who brings the game into disrepute to the NRL. I know this will take a lot of time, but it will be worth it.

A large number of the NRL players and coaches are simply children in mens' bodies. How else can one explain the childish behaviour both on and off the field. Getting drunk, hitting women, assaulting people and really enjoying punch-ups on the field.

I say boys, grow up or go back to child-care where you belong.

As regards tackling, its only a matter of time before a neck is broken with tackles passing the horizontal position.

I suggest that all players, coaches and administrators take a good hard look at themselves and ask the question, is this the example we should be setting our children, our players of tomorrow or do we just care about winning games, money and TV ratings.

Finally, I wonder if Mr Beavis comments would be different if it was his son on the end of Mr Barrett's forearm, better still, his face.

Lets do away with the foul play and restore rugby league to the great game that it was.



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Gee I love a nice take-a-good-hard-look-at-yourselves rant.

Well put, Timesman.

The rot set in when these people went to "full-time" "professional" status which doesn't mean, as the name implies, putting in lawyer's or doctor's hours, but merely not having a job of work besides playing footy, and sitting around playing X-box games all day long.

No wonder they can't conduct themselves like adult humans.

Timesman I don,t think that foul play is too much a problem in rugby league these days.You say lets go back and make rugby league the great game it was.Surely you don,t want to go back to the 70's and early 80;s when stiff arms and all in brawls were par for the course.I think league is as clean a game as it ever was these days.
When it comes to punishment for foul play I think league is far more severe than its AFL and Union counterparts.

Well said Timesman.

Problem is there are too many unintelligent people managing the game and players.

They don't look at the big picture (people in wheelchairs/hospital) as a result of someones stupidity.

So if the camerman hadn't acted stupidly, Barratt would have got away with his extremely cowardly and deliberate act. They should be giving the man a medal for bringing the act to light--how such experts like Gus Gould couldn't pick it up I will never know. But then Trent may be one of those protected species. Surely when the brawl started as a result the ref should have asked the video ref to have a look for the cause. 6 weeks is way to lenient!!

So it's not Trent Barretts fault he attacked a guys head, its Ch 9s fault for making it public

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