Domino effect

Race 3 at Rosehill today. Withoutme comes out and pushes Shatters onto Montelimar who falls.
Ellehro and Razz and Red come down over the top. Domino effect.

Two jockeys, ( B. Shinn and P.Robl taken to hospital, J.Lloyd sore and sorry ) 3 horses injured. ( Montelimar looked aweful ) rider changes galore. Jockeys missing rides and therefore pay day is knocked around. Domino effect.

Hugh Bowman manages a smile at the post race interview. The domino effect should be like a tidal wave when it hits Mr Bowman. What a bluddy cowboy.


Kathy O'Hara also fell in race 2 and missed her ride on Zaretti. Domino effect again.

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I see Bowman has described the incident as a minor bump.

I wonder how minor Lloyd, Shinn and Robl think it was?

Bowman almost seemed unperturbed and arrogant in his post race interview I was astounded. What a clown...hope he gets months!



I think Hugh is destined to spend a fair bit of Summer on holidays.

When Robl returns, so should Bowman. It was disgraceful.

Bowman was suspended for 27 meetings - he will be back in February

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