Morphettville Parks

Horrible track, about time they transferred some of the Saturday Parks meetings out to Gawler, which is now a good setup. Even give each of the provincial clubs one Saturday meeting a year, they can all put on a good day. Love Morphettville, but the Parks circuit is a conveyer belt for leaders. Gets a bit mundane racing at one track every weekend.
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If that's true why dont u back all the likely leaders and win a fortune?

Maybe the leaders on week 1 were the best horses while on week 2 the.opposite.

How long is the straight? What were the sectionals? Have to look at the details

No response?

I will look into your leader bias theory

WS when the track first opened, one week it was a leaders paradise then the next week the rail would be quicksand and it would be a swoopers track. Was enough to put me off betting there.

It's improved since those early days and it copes with rain really well in the winter months compared to the main track but it still has a reputation as a leader bias track.

Usually its the 2nd string metropolitan horses that seem to run on the inside track as well so I still avoid it as a betting proposition altogether.

Would be interesting to see your findings on the leader bias. Some meetings seem to be worse than others for leader domination - whether this is related to rail position, pace etc I don't know. I just don't like betting there.


WS when the track first opened, one week it was a leaders paradise then the next week the rail would be quicksand and it would be a swoopers track. Was enough to put me off betting there.

It's improved since those early days and it copes with rain really well in the winter months compared to the main track but it still has a reputation as a leader bias track.

Usually its the 2nd string metropolitan horses that seem to run on the inside track as well so I still avoid it as a betting proposition altogether.

Would be interesting to see your findings on the leader bias. Some meetings seem to be worse than others for leader domination - whether this is related to rail position, pace etc I don't know. I just don't like betting there.


Agree 100% Redback.

Very rarely bet on the Parks circuit, and from a spectactors point of view being at the track and watching the inside course just doesn't do it for me.

Would much rather head up to the excellent setup at Gawler on the odd occasion, think the idea has a lot of merit.


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