Nikolic's ride on Zapurple???

I didn't actually have a bet in the race so this may seem a bit over the top but I was amazed at Nikolic’s ride on Zapurple on Saturday. I would have been pretty filthy if I did have money on it but looking at the Stewards report this is all that came out of it??

"When questioned concerning why he circled the field on Zapurple after missing the start badly, D Nikolic stated that he was under instructions from trainer Mr J Conlan that, as the filly is a strong stayer and its chances diminished if ridden from the back of the field, that if the pace steadied he was to make ground around the field and sit outside the leader. D Nikolic agreed that, in retrospect, he had erred in adopting that tactic and was advised that, as a senior rider, he is expected to exercise a greater degree of judgment in respect of the tactics he adopts.”

I know there are a few current and ex trainers/jockey’s on this forum so I’d be interested in their views on the ride and resulting penalty (or lack there of). Seems to have gotten away fairly lightly in my opinion. If I stuff up in my job I definitely get more than a “as a senior employee you’re expected to exercise a greater degree of judgment”??
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Seventh - i am not into arguing & i don't have to create another Forumite to win an agument (like yours truley)- he is a rubbish jock simple - look at his average wins per rides. He has even been dumped from metal Bender.

"he is a rubbish jock simple - look at his average wins per rides"

- David Hayes has won of the worst win strike rates in Victoria yet no one on this forum will listen when I say he is no good.

Why is it good enough for Nikolic?

Hayes - 10%
Waterhouse - 23%
Price - 18%

s@ventHORIZON u hold no credibility anymore. I reakon everything u post is BS. Terrible ride full stop. Nickolic is the worst city jockey going around.

The fact that you label Nikolic as 'the worst city jockey going around' and only give us one example as to why shows that you have no idea.

If you want to mount an argument you dunce, it would help to use other examples to give your argument some weight.

You can't just pick a jockey out and say he is no good because of one ride.

Lloyd Williams is one of the most astute racing brains in this country and he had no hesitation in employing Danny's services for a long period of time, as have many other excellent trainers.

But no . . . He is a hack just because you say so.

Well done, clown.

Could you do a racing novice a massive favour?

Could you go back and watch Danny's ride on Hadaaf on Feb 14 in a race at Randwick won by Mr Ubiquitous.

Can you please watch the race and explain to the wet behind the ears (!!) what exactly he was doing. Also consult the sectional times in the race and advise me why someone would be so outlandishly aggressive on a horse carrying 61.5kg.

Watch that race and enlighten me and I will present you with another example of Nikolic's "odd" performances, and another, and another.......

The rides look unusual to me but a more learned gentleman such as yourself could shed some light on them for me.

See the Nolic post u will find a lot agree it was a terrible ride.

it gets beat regardless
The punters who should be dirty are the ones that backed Purple (think the best horse won though, but did Purple no favours)
Stewards are gutless

Yes edwardo,

Let's shut up shop and just concede you are correct because a bunch of armchair punters on another thread who have never sat on a horse in their lives agree with you.

Leon MacDonald agrees.

Anyone who backed it should be filthy that the horse missed the start by 20 lengths, not at Nikolic. You do your money no matter how good the ride.

Hasn't she settled back her last few runs and made ground from the back?

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