Oaks - 2500

Two questions, and I would be interested in the thoughts of fellow forum members.

1.) Why is the discussion never raised about bringing the VRC Oaks back to 2500m?
You would think conformation wise that a 3YO colt would be able to handle the extra trip better than a filly, generally speaking.
Also, trainers speak of taxing a horse over the 2500m in the Derby. With many of the males being geldings I would have thought this would haven't been as much of an issue than the 2500m for fillies as they have value in the breeding barn later on.

2.) Why have the class horses struggled in recent years, ie. Octagonal, Tie The Knot, Whobegotyou, to run out the 2500m yet the class 3YO filly usually wins without much fuss? Is there such a gap between the good and bad fillies compared to the 3Y0 males?
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Octagonal was beaten by a sensational spring 3yo. The dominant spring fillies never have that level of opposition. Think any of the fillies Sam beat today could run second in a Melbourne Cup? They wouldn't get within 25 lengths of NLD.

TTK always lost in melbourne. He would have found a way to run second at Cranbourne.

WBU ... don't know why yet. Probably just ott.

Class filly wins again.

Octagonal was butchered.

Agreed Eel

Taken me a long time to forgive S.Scriven.


I just posed the question in another thread.

Why do you fellas think it is that favourites have struggled in recent years to win the VRC Derby. There have been many horses like Octgaonal, Tie The Knot and more recently Whobegotyou and many others that have come up short in the Derby yet the VRC Oaks is a different story. The class filly usually wins and wins on ability alone, not the fact they can stay the 2500?

Could this be due to the fact that many of the fillies CANNOT stay and the horse that wins usually wins on class alone?

Right back to Tributes I cannot really think of a filly that has won the Oaks and won the race looking like a true, dead set stayer, and she was by Quest For Fame.

Miss Finland, Redoutes? Samantha Miss, Redoutes?
I'm not sure they are out and out stayers.

Serenade Rose? No

Hollow Bullet ran her last 400 faster than the 1400m race on the same day? No.

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