PINK'S Memsie Stakes Day Tips

Pinkline Jones

1) Good Job Bro
2) Colour My World
3) Carry Me Bluey
4) Danas Best
5) Lilliburlero
6) Eurozone
7) Blazing Snitzel
8) Euryale


1) Miralago
2) Red Fez
3) Ava’s Delight
4) Miracles Of Life
5) The Great Snowman
6) That’s The One
7) Pelicano
8) Atlantic Jewel


1) Shazzle Pazzle
2) Lightfeet Lady
3) Volkhere
4) Got Unders
5) Raeburn
6) The Storeman
7) Epic Terra
8) Voodoo Blue Magic


1) Topaque
2) Australia Day
3) Chantoozie
4) Schaduw
5) Debeersonus
6) Artful Terra
7) Mr Good Cat
8) Starkiato


1) It’s A Merc
2) Tax A Million
3) August Knight
4) Purist
5) Wombie’s Legacy
6) Passion Cantata
7) Miki Two Toes
8) Verdello Blue
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Rebel Dane

oh my goodness me...



Yes you are.


What a bunch of wannabe dropkicks, headed by chief galoot, Gladbag. Purveyor of hot air and garbage, non-tipster with the constitution of a wet lettuce. The forum collectively laughs at your tipping flaccidity.



Ah the distinctive sounds of Pinhead's alias flapping his gums. Well, Puddinghead, time to rid the forum of your blather.
Here is this week's little challenge: You pick a winner from any three selections, anywhere in Australia this weekend and I will depart the forum for three months. If you don't, then you toddle off for three months. Come on mouth, should be easy, short pricede favourites everywhere for you to stop.

Confusing alias again are we Handbag? No surprises there. Bumbling oaf that you are. The forum looks forward to your disappearance:

Rebel Dane



Comprehension clearly isn't your strong point Gladys/Handbag.

Pinkline and I are not the same, unlike you two perennial disappointments.

Bumbling, non-tipping oaf.



I don't know about comprehension, but knowledge of horse racing certainly is not one of your strengths. Hondo gave you the chance to find a winner out of three selections, anywhere in Australia. True to form you find three short priced favourites and what happens; they all bite the dust.

Now toddle off and we will give you a further chance in another three months. In the meantime, Pinhead will need to find another alias.

Bye bye, darling.

Why don't you show us that you can do better, gladys.

Your posts are smeared with self-loathing. Make a contribution that puts you out on a limb instead of this shooting from the trees that has become your insignia.

I thought Hondo's challenge was very generous Lost Clarity. We are not punters, that is an expressway to the poor house. We both come from good "legging" stock. If you are so upset with the challenge and my posting would you like a little run with me next weekend. Three selections, anywhere in Australia, loser toddles off for three months. If you are not mindful to accept that challenge then why not just butt out of other peoples' wagering styles.

You are a bookmaker's dream Pinhead. Hondo will once again punt your alias off this forum for another three months. I am glad you are not leaving though, Christmas is approaching and we are looking forward to an absolute goldmine of lays throughout the spring, courtesy of your hopeless selections.
These three short priced gasps that your alias selected are doomed from the start.

Outstanding the Starkiato tip. Most unlucky at Doomben.

The multiple alias people: No tips, no guts. Laughing stocks aka frustrated pneumatic sheep-pumping sorry lives.


1) Good Job Bro - unpl
2) Colour My World - unpl
3) Carry Me Bluey - unpl
4) Danas Best – 1st 3.10+1.40=4.50
5) Lilliburlero – 2nd 1.60
6) Eurozone - unpl
7) Blazing Snitzel – 2nd 2.50
8) Euryale – unpl

8 STARTERS: 1 winner, 2 secs, 0 thrds, 5 unpl TOTAL: 8.60


1) Miralago - unpl
2) Red Fez - unpl
3) Ava’s Delight – 3rd 2.10
4) Miracles Of Life - unpl
5) The Great Snowman - unpl
6) That’s The One - unpl
7) Pelicano - unpl
8) Atlantic Jewel – 1st 2.20+1.40=3.60

8 STARTERS: 1 winner, 0 secs, 1 thrd, 7 unpl TOTAL: 5.70


1) Shazzle Pazzle – 2nd 2.80
2) Lightfeet Lady - unpl
3) Volkhere – 2nd 1.30
4) Got Unders – 2nd 2.20
5) Raeburn - unpl
6) The Storeman – 2nd 2.20
7) Epic Terra – 2nd 2.10
8) Voodoo Blue Magic – 3rd 2.60

8 STARTERS: 0 winners, 5 secs, 1 thrd, 2 unpl TOTAL: 13.20


1) Topaque -unpl
2) Australia Day - unpl
3) Chantoozie - unpl
4) Schaduw - unpl
5) Debeersonus – 2nd 1.90
6) Artful Terra - unpl
7) Mr Good Cat – 3rd 1.70
8) Starkiato – 1st 11.60+3.30=14.90

8 STARTERS: 1 winner, 1 sec, 1 thrd, 5 unpl TOTAL: 18.50


1) It’s A Merc – 2nd 1.50
2) Tax A Million - unpl
3) August Knight – 3rd 2.40
4) Purist - unpl
5) Wombie’s Legacy - unpl
6) Passion Cantata - unpl
7) Miki Two Toes – 3rd 1.70
8) Verdello Blue – 2nd 3.30

8 STARTERS: 0 winners, 2 secs, 2 thrds, 4 unpl TOTAL: 8.90

Ewe didn't include that Tip that I sent Ewe through the week

Ibicenco in the Slickpix

There's always next week

Thanks for your unflagging support Chopper.
Ewe knaow whear yor lobsta sandweeches are buttered


I think you may have outdone yourself Pinhead. Over the years you have demonstrated your complete ignorance in handicapping. Uusually it is a mix of short priced, over bet spruik horses highlighted in the press with a few long priced, no hoping, ill placed selections. You now seek to have sunk to new depths of stupidity and ill thought out selections. You are an absolute dunderhead. I just hope your flag waving supporters like Bettowin, Lister, The Janitor and Camel all loaded up on your hopeless tips and it was their money I extracted from Betfair.

Quite possibly the worst set of tips ever seen on this forum. You must be ashamed to look yourself in the mirror. Is there a rank below amateur? Ah yes, there it is 'Plodline', forever immortalised as a tram waving, air swinging, kebab chute dud.

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