
This highly priced 2yo colt goes around in the first race at Canterbury tonight.

Was butchered at it's debut. Beadman on. Hawkes hasn't brought it back for nothing. Slipper smokey.

Will also get a good guide where it's at as the topweight was beaten a half length by Hurried Choice.
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Better to hear that across the line, McG, than "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated"


All paying there!


Although I think this banter will get a lot of Pretty Vacant stares.

Come over for a Holiday In The Sun sometime soon.

McGarret out

sucks to be you smokin

won well but i think Forensics and Cajou are ahead of him from the stable. Its opening up to a very open Slipper for mine.

Smokin, whats good about seeing another high price youngster getting rolled?


Thats true he was safely held at his debut but you cant win when your 4 and 5 deep the trip.

good enough & has the class to overcome wide draw, i also put down its 3rd to poor pilot error, McLellan is a decent jockey in his own grade but doesnt have it upstairs compared to Dazza and that will be the difference. jumped well on debut & if able to muster the early enough speed could get in and take some beating. Armstrong Jones could though get the lead early from Barrier 5 and will take some catching if it can bring its trial form to raceday. Allervite i still think is a class below the top liners and may struggle from its wide draw.

Beadman's been putting in quite a few shockers lately.

Must be a carnival around the corner ...

Was safely held by Vecchia Roma 1st start, butchered or not. Should be good to see another high priced-short priced fav get rolled. Thinking of Koichi....


Smokin, you are a fool, Pistols is one of the best two year old's in the country, you will see.


Well Done to all those who spruked the well bred youngster, he won a thurs night 2yo race.

Lets not get carried away now, the race was run in 1.05.45 with the last 600m covered in 36.29. Would want to improve alot on that to be considered one of the BEST 2yo's in the country


Apparently Beadman on Pistols was heard to exclaim...

"Never Mind The Bollocks"

...as he crossed the line.

McGarret out

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