Takeover Chivas

So Chivas, you intelligent soul you.

I will ask you again, and it will be interesting if you dare to be such a smart alec this time.

After the recent overseas failure that sees the current scoreboard as

Seventh - 1
Chivas - 0

I will ask again.

Is a 1 X length defeat of I Am Invincible in the Goodwood enough to suggest that Takeover Target is going well enough to be competitive internationally and is he really going all that well?

Go on . . . answer.

You dared to make me look foolish last time.

Let's see if you dare to do it again.
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Geez your obsession with including my name constantly in your posts is becoming sickening. Even more so considering you whinged about wanting me and others to not direct posts toward you. But you have this chip on your shoulder and have to include me. Sad really.

You write like you actually believe other posters take notice of what you have to say. How many posters have you told to "get off" now?

Get over yourself and move on, your fascination with your own self righteousness is a bore to everyone.

Its plain and simple, just like your mentallity Seventh.

You questioned whether Takeover Target should have gone to Singapore on a narrow win in a Gr1 race against inferior opposition. And you can only back that statement up after TT ran well below his best.

Yet here we had Dao Dao struggle to win a Listed race and then go within a neck of winning a Gr1 o/seas at his very next start. Why didnt you make the same silly comment about this horse doing exactly the same?

Your theory has selectively chosen that TT wasnt up to an International campaign based on his run in Adelaide. Yet Dao Dao debunked that very theory by doing just that.

Its easy for a mug like you to jump on after the event.


Yeah, a hack who managed to run 0.8L 2nd to Dao Dao and run 6th in a Doncaster beaten 1.4L. For a hack to achieve that, he must be the greatest over-achiever in racing history.


Considering your well voiced poor opinion of Musket in recent times, didnt Dao Dao battle to beat Musket the start prior to the Gr1 Champions Mile in Hong Kong?

Dao Dao went within less than a neck of winning and in the process beat home one of the best milers in the world in Good Ba Ba.

By your naive rationale, Dao Dao should never have left the country judging by the class of field he beat in the Royal Parma Stakes.

No wonder you cant make it past the Picnics.

Ask Lister how Musket is going.

I told you all after he won his first start by four lengths that he is no good and you laughed.

You then asked my source and I told you - M.Beadman.

You then laughed and said no one could trust the word of such a young lad.

Musket - Hack.

Anything to say Lister?


Fairdinkum, what has the Goodwood got to do with anything, for the record, his TJSmith victory was a top run from a form perspective. Up until Sacred Kingdoms win in HK, it was right up there with any victory in a sprint from either Europe or Australasia in recent months.

TT was dissapointing in Singapore, and he is getting on in years now, its a tribute to the horse that he has been as good as he has for so long.

Speaking from the head, I think he will be hard pressed to win at Ascot, from the heart, I hope he brains them. One thing I am convinced about is that he does go better with cut in the ground these days, and heres a heads up for all......a little birdie has told me that Ascot will get rain before hand....hmmm, can the old boy do it. 10/1 on a rain affected track looks attractive on a EW basis.


Author: Rex

Timestamp:- 28/5/2009 10:10:12 PM
Subject: Re: Takeover Chivas

Fairdinkum, what has the Goodwood got to do with anything


Are you serious?

It was his last Australian run?

How are you meant to judge how a horse is going if you don't analyse his last run before he leaves the country?

I pointed it out before his latest failure, just as I have done on many occasions with Musket
Augusta Proud
Chilean Miss
All American
Von Costa De Loser
Exceedingly Good
Reward For Effort.

His 1 X length defeat of Open Handicapper I Am Invincible WAS NOT good enough to go to Singapore.




Horizons Send message to this user

Timestamp:- 29/5/2009 9:06:02 AM
Subject: Re: Takeover Chivas

Author: Rex

Timestamp:- 28/5/2009 10:10:12 PM
Subject: Re: Takeover Chivas

Fairdinkum, what has the Goodwood got to do with anything


Are you serious?

It was his last Australian run?

How are you meant to judge how a horse is going if you don't analyse his last run before he leaves the country?

I pointed it out before his latest failure, just as I have done on many occasions with Musket
Augusta Proud
Chilean Miss
All American
Von Costa De Loser
Exceedingly Good
Reward For Effort.

His 1 X length defeat of Open Handicapper I Am Invincible WAS NOT good enough to go to Singapore.



....what a load of *%$£. TT had won his last 4 in a row, along the way he had beaten horses such as NM and AC. He had only raced once in Singapore and won the race he was contesting. Granted that his Goodwood win wasnt one of his best, but to say his last run wasnt good enough to be taken to Singapore is ridiculous. To say you didnt think he could win on his last run, well fair enough. If you have a look at his entire career, for a good part of it he has often put in a run that was world class followed by one that was below par. Apart from this, the run in Singapore was part of his programme to keep him ticking over for Ascot. THere are a fair few people in here who like to tell us what cant win races, well Ill tell you this, that is far easier than telling us what WILL win races, give it a go sometime......

TT was the defending champ in Singapore. Was unlikely to beat the top 2 but he was entitled to run.

He just ran below par, otherwise he runs 3rd.

For a picnic boy you sure like to bag champions which you will never train.

Joe's having fun with TT at the tender age of 9 rising 10.

He's not going to listen to you.

I'm sure Joe enjoys the challenge of going overseas with TT otherwise he wouldn't do it.

You would have him going on a Contiki tour and leaving TT at home.

Who would be id!otic enough to start a thread with this bloke as the subject?

I didn't think it was possible for you to appear worse than what you were, Seventh.

You're right down there in the cellar, the pair of you.

Throw in Wahlberg and the site's parrot, and the foolishness is just about supernatural.

"... a 'lipstick-wearing, handbag accessorising, intersuburban fluffer in a Liberace showgirl suit' again'".

You're not clever enough to do anything other than repeat this. One of the reasons I like Jones is he is intelligent. He used that quote as I recall within a bout of abuse between both of us.

What you're doing here is what you do best: parroting quotes from past threads and skewing dialogue into specific mischievous monologue.

You spend so much of your lonely life collecting lop-sided evidence for seedy causes.

'One of the reasons I like Jones is he is intelligent.'

Yes, that's what was missing from your last post, try to remember in future.

Suck-up job complete.

With every primary school level post you're only compromising your quest for Writers Hall of Fame inclusion there Rupert Chivas.

You’re a damned fool, Chivas, the author of your own misfortune.

We’re used to ‘Bozo’ [it isn’t evidence, by the way] and ‘pedeling’ and other literary gems such as ‘bettolose’ and ‘lostaclue’. This inspires your parrot to join in with ‘lost in space’. Suddenly you’re a man among men, much like an organ grinder with his monkey.

Then in an instant there you are rolling grenades under your own tentflaps: ‘... a lipstick-wearing, handbag accessorising, intersuburban fluffer in a Liberace showgirl suit.’ I had to do a double take: could this really be Chivas, what a clever thing to say.

But then, on the brink of incredulity, there are those tell-tale quote marks that you yourself provide for your own undoing. So, your nemesis is cited by none other than you and stupidity doesn’t get much more stupid than that.

Many people on here block you, but I won’t, and neither will Jones. You have punishment coming to you, and grinning, we will give it to you. You make Seventh look like a gentleman. You and Wahlberg are neck and neck.

You are the thief of context and no one remains confused. Well, no one else.

Outside of Rex, I don’t know of anyone who would rally a word to your defence. Certainly not tigerrish: he follows everyone around. And while I have the two of you together in a thought, children thrive on the largest possible community of support, but not children of a larger growth.

Get off and stay off.

'You have punishment coming to you, and grinning, we will give it to you'

Gee, forty lashes with pink featherdusters from a grinning Jones and LostaClue, there's something to be terrified of.
I may never sleep again. LOL

Why don't you give us all something that you've yet to give us in all the time you've been posting here on this site, a post that is related to horses and horseracing.
I'll tell you why bozo, because you know nothing about the subject, this has been proven on numerous ocassions when you've tried to comment on racing topics only to make a complete goose of yourself.

You're a clown!

There is one thing you are all missing here.
7th was commenting on Takeover Target and his form not being good enough for the US.
He did not mention Singapore until after the fact but is now twisting things around so he looks like a genius in predicting Takever Target would not do any good in Singapore.

Actually if TT performs spectacularly in his next few starts the Singapore run would be revealed to be an aberration and as usual that'd show 7th to be the m0r0n he's proven himself to be countless (excuse the pun) times

Years ago when Bob Hawke was quoted in the paper as having used indecent language, he successfully defended himself by saying, ‘In order to understand what I said you need to hear the sentence either side’. This satisfied people.

Then there's you. Ecoli and room-temperature prime beef comes to mind.

And he only knows the meaning of 3 of those words, Lost ('in', 'a', 'again').

Thanks for your kind support LC. You're spot on as per usual about Chivas.

Your last post was missing the mandatory suck-up Job to Jones, make the amendment and re-post it, bozo.
You gotta keep the boss happy, you don't want to be called a 'lipstick-wearing, handbag accessorising, intersuburban fluffer in a Liberace showgirl suit' again'.

SB has more chance but if SK fires running for 2nd.

Depends how well SK travels.

tiggerish and Lister have joined their mates Nigel and tiggerish in the sin bin when it comes to telling the forum I said things I didn't say.

Lister - Never said anything about TT and a movie deal.

tiggerish - Never said anything about Dao Dao in relation to Musket.
All I said was Musket was a hack and he is.

I'll say it again -

I refuse to be criticised for things I didnt say.

I will only be judged on what I have said.

Keep banging that drum though.



Scenic Blast and Sacred Kingdom won't clash at Royal Ascot. Scenic Blast is running in the Kings Stand with Sacred Kingdom and Takeover Target clashing in the Golden Jubilee.

It would appear that the forum liar is at it again.
Yes I'm talking about 7th Horizons.

Author: s@venthheaven Send message to this user

Timestamp:- 4/5/2009 8:40:34 AM
Subject: Going Well Enough?

You can't do much more than win, but is a 1 X lenght defeat of I Am Invinvible enough to take on the best the U.S has to offer?

Now all of a sudden after TT has failed in Singapore he has decided to selectively change what his original question was to include all countries outside of the US.
I believe the original post was in reference to Joe possibly thinking of taking the horse to the US in return for a movie deal. Funny how things can be twisted around to suit any given argument by some people.

i dont think its any kind of secret that im a TT fan, he's won me alot more than he has cost me, so im prepared to forgive his run in singapore and take 10/1 in the golden jubilee. all be it a big ask to beat sacred kingdom, but they all have bad days so maybe he will square the ledger.

You don't need me to make you look foolish, you were born a fool, every thread you've posted on is proof of that.

"You dared to make me look foolish"

Gee, what an imposing dare!


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