Vasil - Intelligence and Common Sense

Well done to T Vasil for making stewards (and ultimately investor) aware of the visit Haradasun made to the vet. Lee Freedman can learn a few lessons from Vasil. Further, in regard to the OSJ matter where Lee Freedman was fined $2000 I note that certain journalists included R Dufficy on racing retro were saying that how can a trainer advise stewards of every little event in a horses preparation if it is slightly out of the norm. I say, a visit to the vet is enough of an event to advise stewards, breaking wind is not. In the matter of OSJ, the real question in my mind is would OSJ have started favourite and if yes, would it have started so short. I say no on both counts if the visit to the vet was made public. Look at the betting impact that a visit to the vet made on Haradasun. You are never to old to learn Lee, thats the beauty of life, lets hope you have on this occassion. Laws Clause: I was on OSJ when he "competed" last week.
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You are spot on about Activation and he raced a little below his best.

R Dufficy and J Holloway (Herald I think) attempted feebly to make a case why L Freedman was harshly treated. J Holloway in his article used ridiculous (attempting to ridicule stewards) examples (from memory) of a cough or a cold (thus my comment on breaking wind) needing to be reported. This is more an indication of journalistic abilities and need to be onside with trainers versus an objective opinion. Mind you, in having ones cash on, you could argue I'm not objective either.

The fluctuations on OSJ were something like 2.80, 3.20 and 3.00 which means few people knew about it. A $2K fine to L Freedman will simply mean one less coffee so the amount is not important. The issue is he did the wrong thing( in the eyes of the stewards) and he received a little slap on his behind.



Same like Activation on Sat, once the problem was disclosed, most people would stay away from him.

It has been reported that Haradasun is out for the spring. Big disappointment for connections but I am sure he will be a force in the autumn.

Totally agree with those sentiments.
Activation cost me the treble 20 times.

I would of steered clear if the stone bruise was made public.

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