Cadel, he's elite alright!

Well done Cadel on a truly outstanding career, deserves to be remembered as one of Australia's great sportsmen.
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Don't be too despondent. Australia has a fair chance of winning the World Road Championship on Sunday, Simon Gerrans and Michael Matthews both being mentioned as potential winners. It is generally agreed that Australia has the strongest squad for the race this year.

Cycling isn’t a sport we have strength in numbers (without counting them) and we don’t have tours like in Spain France and Italy, etc. So for Cadel to reach the pinnacle and do what he did throughout his career against the masses is sensational.

Great to see next year the inaugural race “Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road” in his honour.

hear hear

Nice tribute, and subtle forum dig, MD.

Australian road, track and mountain cycling has rarely if ever been stronger and some of that can be sheeted home to the squeaky clean, squeaky voiced lad from Katherine/Eltham.

No-one who follows Le Tour will forget his solo effort in the mountains which set him up for his great win in 2011. Invariably reliant on his own ability and courage in the mountains, Cadel wrote himself into history during that 19th stage of The Tour. Even a mechanical problem couldn't break his resolve to bridge the gap to his rivals that day. I admit I gave him no hope, he obviously had other ideas. Simply a gobsmacking ride. Some of his rivals criticised him for not attacking, but unlike many of them, Cadel rarely enjoyed the luxury of strong support riders in the mountains.

For a bloke with essentially the wrong physique he sure has some done himself and his country proud. World Champion on the road, Tour De France winner, twice world mountain bike king are just a few of his accolades.

Elite? You bet. Courageous, certainly. Crazy, probably, as all the grand tour riders have to be. Vive King Cadel!


Exactly G63, except I think you're referring to Stage 18 of the '11 TDF - watched that stage again the other night. To singlehandedly haul back Andy Schleck after he'd gone off like a scalded cat up the famed Col du Galibier, opening up around a 5 minute gap I think at one stage, and with his brother Frank back in the pack trying to hinder Cadel as much as possible, should go down in Australian sporting folklore. And then kept enough in the tank to blow him away in the TT - breathtaking!

"...but unlike many of them, Cadel rarely enjoyed the luxury of strong support riders in the mountains."

or banned substances even....(never)

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