Caulfield Track - Cup Day

What will be the track conditions for tomorrow at Caulfield - currently rated as SLOW -.

Any locals please advise

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Weather in Caulfield was Ok this morning but it is hailing at Phillip Island so bad karma on the way. If it has to rain hope it is not overnight as the track won,t have time to drain. However, if the track is cut up by Cup time the blame must sit squarely on the shoulders of the committee. Why let 7 (plus the start of the cup means more cut in the straight)races be run on a track before your main race of the years.A 10 race program is stupid and makes for a 10 hour day minimum for the industry and that is just the casuals like bar staff.

Track is dead at the moment, penetrometer 4.77 as of 9:30am this morning. Unlikely to be
upgraded from dead, should be on the better side of dead, as it is currently Sunny with a medium wind here in Caulfield.


So Mr Weld would be happy if he had a runner.

Thanks Shifty

i hope it pours down this arvo and the track is slow all day.

So do I Oli!

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