Friday Night Chat

Back in the day we used to get a reasonable crowd in the chat room on a Friday night discussing the following days races. It would always provide a few laughs and plenty of decent discussion and banter. The spring is about to hit top gear so this might be a worthwhile idea for any interested. If the chat room still exists I'll pop in tonight and would encourage anyone else who wants to discuss the Guineas card to swing by as well.
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Funny to see that fatjack is banned,

It was good. Plenty of winners tipped before and discussing a race in live chat is better rhan snail mail.

I agree. Bring it back.

When it was good, it was great.

{Having said that, the maccamax meltdown is still one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed anywhere on the internet.]

Nige ;-)

nigel - pray tell the story about maccamax?

If you bring it back maybe have it with an indicator as to how many people are in there , I hate getting caught one on one with that dribbler camel .


Geez I'd love to be there but Friday night is my SBS and Popcorn night.


Could Robert or one of the other admin provide some details on how to navigate to the chat room if it does still exist?

It's not up ATM - don't you think it's more trouble than it's worth?


With the perpetual state of mediocrity that it's in, it could be argued that the whole forum isnt worth the trouble.

However, given we have been getting a few worthwhile discussions on here since the alleged stricter moderation I thought people may also be interested in taking this onto chat as well. Who knows I could be wrong.

I have no idea what technical requirements there are to have it on the site but if there is some interest perhaps you could look to put it back in.

I loved the chat room, bring it back

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