Newmarket Lay

The Tutor
I will be laying Starspangledbanner.

I posted here I would be laying him first up as favourite at Flemington and got the money.

I believe the Newmarket will be a stronger field, he'll meet those he beat Saturday worse at the weights. I believe he is a strong risk at Flemington again.

He is on the second line in most markets at the moment.
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I am a laying genius! 629 from 629 successful lays.

Can someone please ask Khaptingly if he layed More Joyous or Solar Charged?


Are you on valium, weight special? This makes at least half a dozen posts you have made without frothing at the mouth.

agree cant win

Big field, lots of chances. Hardly a big deal.

I agree. I think he is more of a caulfield horse. I like eagle falls, but am so wary of hayes. His horses performances are a mystery to me a lot of the time.

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