really think that this bloke is flying and will put paid to an average Sydney cup field. Anyone else agree?
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good result

I'm glad that a thread was created solely for this horse.
I didn't bother reading the Sydney Cup thread because I would have had to wade through the usual garbage from the usual suspects, and just couldn't be bothered.

Well done Campkalani.

Also a great reward for patience shown by John Hawkes & the horses connections. A horse having his peak season as a 7yo is rare these days.

Love Niwot's old-school NZ south island breeding on the dam-side.......Noble Bijou & Mellay.

Too bad I backed the other NZ south islander in Anudjawun. Such a frustrating horse!


Niwot towin and the drunk to run second.

BMW form to prove superior.




Yeah mate I'm all over him like a rash. Seem to recall he was the best "Aussie" in the Cup last year. That will do me.

What's wrong with the Sydney Cup thread?

I reckon he's a big chance by the way but will stick with Permit and Older Than Time.

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