BK (Addict) v Camel - Warm Up Rd2

No sign of the addict so i thought I'd get rd 2 of his warm up going.

Top 3 saddle cloth numbers in order again as the benchmark for the nuffie to beat.
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Think I pipped ya Camel... ^_^

Shut up Lister you bragging git.

girls get over it and get to the main event

what a weak way out (if your top 3 beat mine you can give it to me but if i win well you were just mucking around) WEAK AS the proverbial
wouldnt expect anything less from you but ...
ahh quez hahha - actions speak louder then words, how much did i beat you by again ?
thanks for calling me an addict looks like you can see i know them inside out now

hope the thread i typed up for eagle farm thoughts gets published (hasnt been yet) cause you guessed it -

Outstanding tipping once again

Good onya Keefy.

As you will be able to see in the best bet thread I jagged another one today. That's 2 from 2 in the last couple of weeks after justlikejoe, one of the very respected members of the forum called me out. 100% strike rate is pretty impressive and far easier and more profitable than your haphazard approach. One pick, one bet, thank your mother for the rabbits. You should try it sometime.

This is a warm up comp for you BK, the result means nothing (although it will be hilarious if you cant even beat what are random selections). The real tip off will take place shortly as I have told you several times. The only weak behavior will be from you when you fail to show up (just like you did here).

Being an addict means that you know the form inside out? Ahhh no, it means you are a compulsive gambling bum who most likely puts the punt before basic things like food, bills and family. Its nothing to be proud of buddy. Gambling addicts are generally lowlifes who hurt everyone around them. If you had any sense you wouldnt be gloating about it, you'd be getting help.

ROFL...I'll play and take the numbers 1,4,7,10 in each race.

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