Laying Comp 3 - Week 5 results

Here are the results after round 5.

And what a terrible week some had. 36 out of the 106 lays went down when the respective horses won. It was also a week of records and the dubious honours go to : The Mighty Quinn who did have the worst weekend in this competions short history. TMQ layed 4 winners include the short priced Sugerbomb ($1.60) and Nexgen ($1.70). He did have one consolations of Rewayya ($2.00) but that wasn't enough to keep him alive. We also say goodbye to Boxcar who didn't have a good weekend either, when 3 of his saluted.

Followers of Lance Barnard will have noticed he notched a further 2 winners, and at equal stakes would have given you a good days profit. (+46%)

The best lays of the round were Starlactic($1.80) and Rewayya.

So looking to the table and Suhlmann will take some running down with Sinatra and Trackside still a hope.

Next week will be the final week of the competion so make your six lays count.
As usual I will post up a thread Thursday evening.



After week 5-

378.17 suhlmann
334.65 Sinatra
306.39 trackside
233.90 Northbouy
220.27 goodpunteroutaluck
216.89 Budda
209.24 Torpedo Punt
195.72 trevelma
162.89 mitch_006
152.66 Bluboy
113.91 jet
98.79 lance barnard
96.96 laminate
93.38 vintage 35
92.12 Mr Lister
89.08 della
65.99 benny_g
56.86 squid69
5.32 Todman
-13.61 The Mighty Quinn
-29.49 Boxcar

eliminated week 5 The Mighty Quinn
eliminated week 5 Boxcar
eliminated week 3 turleytime
eliminated week 3 fatjack
eliminated week 3 freeze33
eliminated week 3 Ron Rat
eliminated week 2 Sableroan
eliminated week 2 shoutme1
eliminated week 2 Dagz
eliminated week 2 hareeba
eliminated week 1 MediaCentral
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Thanks for the rap Northbuoy.

Trying to pick losers, I have now picked 6 winners out of 15.

On another post, trying to pick winners (best bet of the day) I have picked 3 from about 30 attempts. Let's face it, I'm rank.

Anyway I'll be back this weekend trying to get 6 losers out of 6!


I would say there's a fair chance that Dwayne Dunn has stopped me from going 5/5 !! LOL My mate wanted it for the quaddie !!

Time to light the blow torch!


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