Mr Prospector

A Day at the Races

Mr Prospector

Friday afternoon I was reading the formguide and cheerfully looking forward to spending the next afternoon at my bro in-law's place, watching super saturday on his pay tv.

But evening came, and it turned out Ms Prospector had arranged a trip to Melbourne for the weekend as a surprise 30th present. Needless to say I was duly surprised, and very pleased. I took the opportunity to head to Flemington, where I'd never been before. I walked from Newmarket station down Racecourse road, and got to the entrance... and looked down at the straight six, and at the grandstand. I must admit I got a little excited. It's a great sight.

I was there in time for the third, walked in and put money on Shamrocker (without a huge amount of confidence), went and sat in the big stand to watch it. That view, with the city behind, and the entire track in sight, is fantastic. I hope you Melbournians are grateful for such a beautiful course.

Shamrocker saluted to my amazement, and the day was already a success. I got talking to some friendly folk after that, had a great time. Hadn't backed another winner until the Newmarket, where I backed both Headway and Wanted.

I wonder if any other R and S folk were there.. the build up to the Newmarket was so ominous, with that ridiculous bank of clouds building up. Needless to say I was pretty happy with the result, and I cheered hard. After the race I went downstairs to find Ms P, and was treated to the most spectacular natural occurence I've ever seen. The rain and hail was out of this world. All the thousands of us racegoers, packed under the stands, oohing at what was happening outside. Amazing.

I left the track with my shoes off, feet absoulutely freezing in the calf-deep lake the car park had become, having walked in bathed in sunshine a couple of hours before.

Great day. Crazy but great. Hope others had fun.

Coolmore Stakes

Mr Prospector

I've been looking forward to both Headway and Phelan Ready to start again after their runs at Caulfield.

I'm a bit disappointed they're lining up together in this, but it should be a cracking race.

Any thoughts?

Tontonan's MC entrants

Mr Prospector


Last year, around this time, Tontonan started posting all the runners nominated for the Melbourne Cup which were starting in races throughout the week.

It turned out to be a pretty consistent source of long price winners, particularly in the midweeks.

From memory, he got it from some web service.. does anyone remember which one?


p.s. unfortunately due to time constraints I can't offer to replicate Tontonan's good works.
Unfortunately (some would say) it seems Derby day has become a lot more irrelevant to the big one. I doubt anything we saw today will be in the top 5.

As many here have said, this year's bunch of stayers is pretty ordinary. I think any foreigner that can hold up its Auropean form is going to beat anything Australia has to offer. The once chance of the southern Hemisphere - Nom de Jeu.

I think there's great value in the rougher foreign horses though. My tips:

1. Nom de Jeu
2. Allesandro Volta
3. Honolulu
4. Mad Rush
Can anyone tell me a race in Australian history where the runners cost more than those assembled to chase $100,000 in the Sweet Embrace?

$2.1M for Estee, $1.5 for Samantha Miss, $1.4 for Glowlamp.. and it goes on:

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