Melbourne Cup after the barrier draw.

Mr Prospector
Unfortunately (some would say) it seems Derby day has become a lot more irrelevant to the big one. I doubt anything we saw today will be in the top 5.

As many here have said, this year's bunch of stayers is pretty ordinary. I think any foreigner that can hold up its Auropean form is going to beat anything Australia has to offer. The once chance of the southern Hemisphere - Nom de Jeu.

I think there's great value in the rougher foreign horses though. My tips:

1. Nom de Jeu
2. Allesandro Volta
3. Honolulu
4. Mad Rush
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Tiggerish, you pick more fights than Count Chivas. In fact, you pick more fights than I pick winners. ( ...........long pause... )

Settle down guys. Im glad when someone else wins. Not as glad as when I win but that isnt often enough.

bkmac, if you dont like it here then what are you doing here then champ?

Like the minority chump, full of pi$$ and wind.

One other thing that makes me laugh is when you say the majority of people on here agree with you. Tiger the majority of people on here are imbeciles like yourself. Haven't you read half the dribble on here? The people I know and respect agree with me. These are big punters so you'll excuse me if I don't think much of someone who talks garbage on here without tipping before races (that I've seen) and I've never met.

What can't you understand?
You are still arguing that his run in the mackinnon helps your argument. It helps mine.
Master oreilly came down the middle of track at Caulfield and ran 7th, Barbaricus 3rd.
Melb Cup, surprise surprise Master oreilly 4th Barbaricus 19th LOL
Thats just another example, I will list heaps of them if you like.
I have come on here and said the horse won't run in the top 10 and was correct
I have come on here and tipped the trifecta
Not just come on and said it, I did it.
Surely I can use this for my argument because it shows I know what I'm talking about. I doubt you even bet. Your probably just a nerd who trawls these sites arguing (very poorly) with people.


First of all go back and read the posts regarding Barbaricus's run in the CC you dropkick. It had nothing to do with my opinion of the horse at all.

You mouthed off about some mysterious track bias and I said there wasnt and stated if you can bother to read you dimwit, that the run was good and there was no bias and the runs of others in the race backed it up. The horses run in the Mackinnon further emphasized that fact.

Ive never spruiked the horse as a potential winner of the Cup at all you fool, if I did then feel free to post where and when I did, put up or shut up pal.

And speaking of watching the race again, you might want to practice what you preach big mouth, Barbaricus was far from being the first horse beaten and was in fact the sole carter of the field for most of the way behind the fools out front and Boundless.

Try being a good winner instead of a typical mug punter coming back telling everyone "I told you so". And get your facts right before you shoot off.

Stewards report makes for interesting reading...

I was right at the mounting yard fence, front and centre with tickets for Gallopin and Mad Rush in my pocket. I don't know who was handling Gallopin (stable foreman?) but he was messing around with the bit for the entire parade time and it didn't look flash. Maybe the horse had his tongue over bit, maybe something else but it was too noticeable and went on too long.

At the top of the straight he as in the top 7 or 8 and he looked to travelling well but in between that point and the line he failed to finish. Reports say he had choked down, I'd dearly love to know what went on and why.

Thanks badge 4 you, though i did have 100x100 The wolverine which did nothing and 100x100 Antidotes which did nothing. I had 200x200 daintree Duke and got some back it ate into my $1900
Hi tigerish you legend

Good result for me- I didn't bet. Couldn't get warm on race. Finally decided to back Bauer for interests sake, based on the criteria of dry track performance + likelihood of strong 3200m staying ability (Viewed eliminated on both counts, ha ha).

Tried to bet best fluc 55 minutes before race, couldn't, said bugger it, it cannot possibly happen to me again.

It almost did. Paranoia in remission.

Good luck to you, Infidel; if you don't feel confident, don't bet.

Trouble is, there's much mug money in the pool; feel as if I know more than the mugs, so feel compelled to bet. As long as my fancies parade well, I'm happy to be on.

Admit that some years I find it difficult; lost interest when Gallic was scratched last year and was unenthusiastic about Brew's year.

Showing your mentality their bkmac, not surprising he folded considering he carted the field up to the fools out front. The fact he was well beaten has nothing to do with track bias at Caulfield you claimed.

You got the trifecta, good for you and no doubt they'll be many more spruikers like you on here too over the next few days.

But in a weeks time you'll be like yesterdays lunch and still be a poor judge of horses.

Tigerrish, in what part of the race did barbaricus cart the field up to the leaders?

I think you need to watch the race again, son.

The race I saw was that the 3 irish horses weakened badly coming round the turn ... however barbaricus was already gone at that stage!! The horse simply can't stay!

Yet you have been spruiking this horse since the Caulfield cup (I notice that you never even mentioned it prior to then) on the basis of

1. A third in the caulfield cup - on a day dominated by those on the pace / near the rail (have you even watch the race replays from that day or are you simply remembering races through those rose coloured glasses that you obviously wear when assessing form?)

2. A second on saturday in a race where it lead at such a slow pace that they managed to run home quicker than G2 sprint race that day

Why can't you be a man about things and admit that you overestimated this horse's ability ... maybe you need to go back and study racing 101

tigerrish you cant take a clue know nothing yet continue to argue with people who are obviously superior in knowledge to you...

give it up son,conserve your energy and learn//...

was barbaricus the first horse beaten? LOL
And did I get the trifecta which paid $19000
and tipped it on this site LOL
Tiger argue with this tiger you narrow minded pawn.

bkmac, well done. Good to see you win well like that.

I outlayed around $450 (mainly trifectas) and only got back $165 from a place bet on Cest La Guerre. Usual Melb Cup donation.

Daniel Ganderton got me back in front with Racing Romance. Top ride by a good young jockey.

Even though the cup result didnt help my wallet, it was great to see the Euros ( most ) beaten again. Had it run their own way and faltered under the conditions of the day. The way it should be.

And Bart, well words cant describe the guys full ability. Even his presence at the track adds to the day. A true champion.


bkmac - it's great that you had a win, but you're just getting kind of annoying now

bkmac, the fact that you think there was track bias on CC day shows how little you know about racing. You were and still are in the minority with regards to the mystery bias and its my choice to reply to your message so dont tell me what I can and cant do champ.

I think Littorio is the forgotten horse,he seems to race better with the sting out of the track,hopefully it might rain overnight,beaten fav in CC on a track he doesn't handle,and not a bad run in the Mackinnon,now out to 30-1. If the track stays dry Profound beauty is the one,with only 51.5kg,and bossy could get one of those dream inside splits.Going to put in Septimus,Mad rush and a couple of roughies Boundless and Yellowstone for tri's and first 4's.cheers007

Does anyone else give Boundless a chance??

I thought she should have finished closer in the Caulfield Cup but was stuck in traffic.

Outside barrier has pushed the odds even further out as well.

Seems to have been around the mark with Nom Du Jeu in the NZ lead ups??

Dagz, I think most do give her some chance.

Dont ever give up on your own pick if you have done the form. Everyones opinion changes every rating imaginable and yours might be right.

Good luck with it.

Thanks Badge,

I hadn't really done the form, just backed her in the Caulfield Cup and thought she was better than her run suggested.

Have now done the form and narrowed it down to 8!

Putting MASTER O'REILLY on top, some query on the distance given last years cup but its run in the Caulfield cup was OK. This run is its 5th this preparation which is in line with its Caulfield Cup win last year.

Lead up form does not look as strong, however racing in stronger races this preparation and the 2nd in the Turnbull was a good run.

Happy Punting

mtocol, thanks for asking a decent question.
Roving a horse in the trifecta with the field means you get the trifecta if your horse runs a place. Obviously you want rough horses landing places around yours to add to your dividend. From a smart betting point of view, it's a good bet if you think the favs are vulnerable or just feel it's the sort of race roughies can get up in. You get a feel for these things after years of punting. I think Mad Rush is a chance, but also can see a few rough ones bobbing up and being a melb cup there will be plenty of money in trifecta pool. Trifecta will pay well regardless. Whether it pays more than if you had of just backed your selction straight out or each way is something you have to gamble on one way or the other. I'm not sure about my bet in this but the main reason I do this occaisonally (Melb cup, Caul Cup, Cox Plate) is it is a fun way to bet and you never know you could clean up. The bet I ended up taking was C'est La Guerre roved with field in trifecta for 10% that will cost you $138.60 with Zarita out and Yellowstone still in. You can pick your own selection and do it for 5% for $66.80 Just put the number you want in top box and mark off the (R) box. Then in the next box mark off field. Under amount spent mark off $139 for 10%, $67 for 5% or %205 for 15% and good luck.

Tiger, if you can't understand basic facts of horse racing thats your problem. saying that barbaricus shot my theory out of the water shows you have no idea. In the mackinnon they ran 2min 3.8 last 600 in 33.8, in the salinger they ran the last 600 in 34.29. They came home quicker in the 2000m race then the 1200m race. They have walked in front and nothing had any chance of running them down. This is BASIC yet you TIGER can't understand this. Don't even bother responding with garbage to me anymore mate.
Let me kow however how this well backed commodity goes in the melb cup.

Finally after mant changes I have come up with my selections for the cup. And funny, they dont differ too much from what they were before the Caul Cup. The form seems to be strong.

C'est La Guerre
Nom Du Jeu
Mad Rush
Master O'Reilly

I'll take the top 4 boxed, then stand out the top 5 to win with the rest for 2nd and 3rd.

Outlay $304, result could be huge. OR ZERO lol.



you wrote that you want to pick one horse out and rove it with the field in trifecta for about 15%.

How do you rove a horse, what does it mean/benefit and how would i go about putting the bet on?


Agree Oli. I was watching Jeff Lloyd's ride on Nom De Jeu in the Caulfield Cup and it was perfect. He tracked Master O'Reilly and Littorio into the race but both of them floundered. Not his fault the two favourites didn't work into the race. Had they accelerated as expected, Nom De Jeu wins. The 1 barrier is a concern but the Lloyd is a world class jockey and has some great Cup jocks to his immediate outside to track into the race...Boss (on Profound Beauty), Baster (though he'll probably be further forward on Barbaricus) and Oliver (Mad Rush)...just needs to get out at the right time...

bkmac, You still banging on about this mysterious track bias even though that theory with Barbaricus was shot out of the water on Saturday. The fact that no other runner has gone on with it from the Cranbourne Cup doesnt mean his run in the CC was due to bias and the vast majority disagreed with you as well. The fact that he was nailed on the line in the Mackinnon carries more weight to the argument that the horse performed better in the CC than you gave him credit for. After all, the horse that nailed him is an Epsom winner and that carries alot more weight than your flimsy track bias theory.

1 SEPTIMUS Aidan O'Brien Johnny Murtagh 10 58.5
Septimus comes here with not only the reputation of being Europe’s best stayer, but also the backing of perhaps the world’s biggest player on the international racing stage. This means he must be respected, but history tells us that, despite their obvious ability, horses of his ilk, such as Yeats and Vinnie Roe have been grinders rather than the kind of horse that usually wins the Cup. It took a soggy track slugfest to make Vinnie Roe truly competitive in a Cup and I suspect Septimus would require similar conditions. In his favour is the fact that this will likely be solidly run due to the probable pace-making tactics from team Coolmore.
I would be inclined to put him on the bottom rung of multiples, but I don’t see him winning.

2 MASTER O'REILLY Danny O'Brien Vlad Duric 6 55.0
Horses that are coming back for another go at the Melbourne Cup after failing to threaten in their previous effort rarely make much of an impact. I suspect that will be the case with Master O’Reilly here. His Caulfield Cup run was decent and they’ve tinkered with his preparation to try and get him to peak here, but I see the distance as a major query as well as the fact that I don’t see enough improvement in him to overcome the weight rise from last year as well as a rise in this year’s field quality. I’m leaving him out.

3 HONOLULU Aidan O'Brien Colm O'Donoghue 24 54.5
Even for the Euro’s who like a bit of galloping space, barrier 24 is an awful draw for racing under Australian conditions. I would suggest this draw has assigned him the role of Coolmore’s #1 sacrificial lamb. There doesn’t appear to be any advantage to Coolmore in having this bloke sitting four wide the trip or being jagged back to the tail. O’Donoghue will use up his mount to go forward and ensure a tempo that suits his stable mates. He will probably stick on at the end further than most would expect, but I think the sacrificial efforts he will make through the race will eventually tell. I will leave him out.

4 C'EST LA GUERRE John Sadler Brett Prebble 5 54.0
I’m a big fan of this horse and I think he’s been ticking over just nicely with this race in mind. One must be mindful of the fact that this is the same stable that unleashed Efficient on this race last year after a quiet build-up. His Cox Plate run was a good Melbourne Cup trial, and the form from that race looks good for horses that made up ground in the straight, comparing well with the Caulfield Cup form. He looks a genuine stayer and the form out of his NZ Derby win is now undisputed. Any give in the track will certainly be in his favour. He is a leading chance.

5 NOM DU JEU Murray Baker Jeff Lloyd 1 54.0
Possibly not the ideal draw for this horse, but, as they say, it’s easier to get off the fence than get on it. He will have a very economical run and then it will be up to his experienced pilot to get him a clear run at them in the straight. If he gets this, his Caulfield Cup effort – the second best in the race behind the winner – suggests he will be right there in the finish. It’s always a query til they’ve run the distance, but based on previous efforts over the longer courses and his staying pedigree, the two miles should not be a problem. He is a top chance in the race.

6 YELLOWSTONE Jane Chapple-Hyam John Egan 12 54.0
As I write this, there is some speculation this horse is still under the eyes of the RVL vets and may yet be withdrawn. If not withdrawn, and there is nothing wrong with the horse, I think he’s over the odds at the current quote of 100/1. Although a well-beaten third in the Newburgh behind All The Good, his run with the top weight had a bit of merit. And the failure behind Septimus last start can be completely ignored due to the bottomless state of the track that day and the fact that the horse was basically pulled up, accordingly, the last 300m. The jockey has also shown the ability to ride well in a Melbourne Cup previously, which is an advantage. If right, I think he’s one to throw in for value in the multiples, but, from a punting point of view, I’d prefer they withdraw him with differing views over whether he’s right or not.

7 ZIPPING John Sadler Danny Nikolic 16 54.0
You have to respect Zipping because of the top notch form he brings into the Cup and the fact that he has been valiant in this race before. That said, I think he just fails to run out the 3200m and with barrier 16 and the likelihood it will a very solidly run Cup, I think he may be up against it. An alternate viewpoint, that has some merit, may be that the barrier and the tempo might allow him to drift back, slot in and attempt to nail them with his trademark final withering sprint. I think he will be running home, but I think it will be into a place or on the fringes of the placings at best.

8 MAD RUSH Luca Cumani Damien Oliver 4 53.5
His Caulfield Cup run was good, but I wasn’t as taken with it as many others seem to be. I thought the winner and Nom Du Jeu produced far superior efforts, for example. That said, Mad Rush should be better suited at Flemington and should take some improvement from the run – and that puts him right in the mix. I don’t think he showed the acceleration in the Caulfield Cup that some of his rivals have in their arsenal. For this reason, the Coolmore tempo may suit him, but there have also been a few whispers around about whether he quite has the stamina for a genuinely run 3200m. I won’t be backing him for the win, but I think, queries aside, you’d be mad (pun not intended) not to include him in multiples.

9 ICE CHARIOT Ron Maund Michael Rodd 22 53.0
In an old-school Cup, people might have been getting quite excited about a horse they know runs a genuine 3200m, who ran on superbly in a Mackinnon Stakes and was very solid in the Caulfield Cup. When you throw in the fact that he has the form jockey of the moment, who just happened to be last year’s Cup winning rider, and, if this was the 80’s, you’d have a genuine winning chance. The Cup landscape has changed since then, but some of the old theories still hold plenty of sway, so this old bloke has to be respected. Barrier 22 probably puts him further back in the run than he’d want to be, but he’ll get a good ride and run out every inch of the trip. One for the multiples.

10 VIEWED Bart Cummings Blake Shinn 9 53.0
The trainer’s name alone means you have to give this horse some respect, but it’s possibly one of only a few ticks in this horse’s favour. He hasn’t had a lot of luck in recent racing and, even then, hasn’t been disgraceful, but it’s hard to see him taking the step up to win this. His best chance would come if the heavens opened up and flooded the track. I will be leaving him out.

11 LITTORIO Nigel Blackiston Steven King 17 52.5
A one-time favourite for the Cup following his Turnbull run, his recent form has seen him get out to around the 30/1 mark. I believe this to be a fair indication of his chances. As I indicated in my Caulfield Cup preview, I believed his Turnbull run was over-rated by many on the back of the fact they saw it as a weight for age win where he was, in fact, in the race incredibly well under the set weights and penalties conditions. His runs in the Caulfield Cup and Mackinnon Stakes have been only fair and there must be serious doubts about his ability to stay the trip. Barrier 17 probably sees him get back further than he wants to be, and it will be very tough for him from there. I can’t include him.

12 BAUER Luca Cumani Corey Brown 13 52.0
He was unconvincing in winning the Geelong Cup. He won that race decisively, but the other class runners in the race were basically taken out as factors in the race due to circumstance. Moatize should have finished a lot closer than he did, as should have Guyno, and Light Vision was never given a chance due to wide running. On the surface, that form looks to have been franked by Moatize winning the Saab, but that was basically just the same horses going around again. That form is, in my estimation, a bit below the Moonee Valley Cup form which, in itself, looks below what will be required to win this race. I couldn’t have Bauer as a winning chance, but may include on my bottom rung of multiples.

13 BOUNDLESS Steve McKee Greg Childs 20 52.0
She didn’t have a lot of luck in the Caulfield Cup, but there was probably still the sense she was outclassed and poorly weighted against other runners – as, of course, she is again here. I think the distance is also a massive query with her and the drawing of barrier 20 is not in her favour. I will be leaving her out.

14 GALLOPIN Danny O'Brien James Winks 21 52.0
He comes into this as last start winner of the Moonee Valley Cup. In recent years, that form hasn’t been good enough to win this race. I expect that to be the case again this year and, even then, I think there were a couple of hard luck stories that finished behind Gallopin in that race that represent better chances here. As an in-form horse with a good record over staying trips, he won’t disgrace himself, but, overall, others look to have him well and truly covered. Barrier 21 will not help his cause either. Not for me.

15 GUYNO Lou Luciani Craig Newitt 8 52.0
An unlucky runner in the Geelong Cup, his form is okay, but below what is required to feature in the finish here. Others definitely look to have his measure.

16 ZARITA Pat Hyland Dwayne Dunn 7 52.0

17 NEWPORT Paul Perry Chris Symons 15 51.5
The Metropolitan winner didn’t have a lot of luck in the Moonee Valley Cup, where he also had to carry a big weight under the conditions. From that race, he gets a 2.5kg turnaround on Gallopin at the weights and should receive a better run and luck from the barrier. He has a good record over longer course races, gives the impression he will stay all day and is a Cup carnival winner in his only start at the track. He represents an outside place hope. One for the multiples.

18 PROFOUND BEAUTY Dermot Weld Glen Boss 2 51.5
She is really the unknown factor going into the race. Her record reads only modestly, but her trackwork, from all reports, has been terrific and her trainer and jockey both having winning records in this race. Those factors probably explain why she appears a little over-hyped and under-priced in markets. As with most European horses, she would probably appreciate a bit of galloping room, so the barrier may not be ideal. I probably couldn’t include her on form, but, due to the unknown, I will out of respect for Mr Weld, who previously brought out the under-credentialed Media Puzzle to win this race.

19 RED LORD Anthony Cummings Nicholas Hall 14 51.5
He appeared to be flying earlier in his campaign before going off the boil, though his Moonee Valley Cup run was not awful. He stays, but whether he stays fast enough is what is in question. He failed to beat a much weaker field over the two miles in the Sydney Cup and tends to be found out in this kind of company. He did win at Flemington on the first Tuesday in November, but, realistically, it would be hard to see him back in the winner’s stall tomorrow.

20 VAREVEES Richard Gibson Craig Williams 23 51.5
This mare doesn’t come here in career best form having failed at her past three and spectacularly at her most recent. Barrier 23 will make it more difficult for her and it makes the decision to risk leaving out one of the unknown horses a bit safer. A note to consider is that this horse is Australian-owned. I only mention this because I am always wary of Australian-owned overseas-based horses that are brought here to race in the Melbourne Cup, as I believe they are mostly not here for the right reasons (i.e. they are here because the owners want a Melbourne Cup runner, not because they believe they have the right horse). I will be leaving her out.

21 PRIZE LADY Graeme Sanders Mark Sweeney 18 51.0
Her last start was dreadful in weak company, but her start before that was a respectable effort in the Kelt. As a dual Auckland Cup winner, perhaps her last start effort can be explained away by the suspicion she was looking for further than the 2000m at that stage. That said, I think she will give a good honest account of herself, but will be outclassed in this company. Barrier 18 will make it a little bit trickier too. Not for me.

22 ALESSANDRO VOLTA Aidan O'Brien Wayne Lordan 11 50.5
Whilst the initial suspicion may be that this horse is here as part of team Coolmore’s pace-making plan for Septimus, I believe he has to be respected in his own right. He comes here having run in, and acquitted himself well in, some very prestigious races. Despite the fact he is a three year old by Northern Hemisphere time, I still believe him to be well-weighted. He is drawn ideally and will roll forward and may just be the one who can keep on going. I see the possibility of a Give The Slip type performance from him. I will be including.

23 BARBARICUS Peter Moody Stephen Baster 3 50.5
His form simply cannot be faulted. He ran a very strong 3rd in the Caulfield Cup and then came out and ran a very close 2nd in the Mackinnon Stakes on Saturday. From that run, he drops significantly in weight tomorrow. He must be considered a risk at the trip though and may need every milligram of that weight relief to take up a forward position and remain there at the end of the journey. I will include him because his form reads so well, but I am sceptical of his ability to run the journey in this field.

24 MOATIZE Bart Cummings Clare Lindop 19 50.0
As mentioned before, I don’t think the Geelong/Saab form is quite good enough to win this race. He does have Bart in his corner and a very light weight, but barrier 19 will be a negative factor for him as it will put him back further in the field than he would ideally like and will make his job tougher. Maybe include him on the very bottom rung of multiples, but I’d be pretty confident leaving him out.


thanks for your help. maybe an option for tomorrow as i am still undecided on which way to go. thanks.

Tigerrish.....As I told you before i feel sorry for consistent losers like you and your bedmate CoUNT something .....And I'm very forgiving ..... remember if ever you catch fire I will still try to overcome my Prostate problems to help yu.

I can see mad rush getting a long way back in the cup and think he can not run the sectionals to get it home.I just didnt like how he got his ears rubbed off to get going when left flat footed in the cc.I know he come home I had my money on him but I carnt see him winning. I keep comming back to a horse on the pace as I think the english will string them out more than it has been for many years. Skit what i know lol.

From the barrier I expect Mad Rush to settle in the first half of the field.

I think he was held up on the turn rather than flat footed. The long flemington straight will suit either way.

Here is a replay where he sat just off the pace.

Thanks for your reasoning Macca. Can't argue with it at all and am leaning to Mad Rush as the rover and just having a lazy $20 or so on the nose of C'est la Guerre.
Dawson can't agree with your Barbaricus reasoning. In fact strongly disagree.
Bias at Caulfield
Tempo and melb cup runners in Mackinnon
Nothing from the Cranbourne Cup has franked the form in weaker races.
Isn't a prooven stayer
This is just my reasoning and belief. I may be wrong thanks for your thoughts but.
Will not finish in top 10 (Barbaricus)

Derby Day will NEVER be irrelevant to THE BIG ONE. Less significant than was once believed perhaps (as the inclusion of the Mackinnon winner in Cup exemptions may suggest), but never irrelevant.

Bart says. He knows the significance of a Derby Day runner.

This year a third of The Cup field is comprised of Internationals. Hardly surprising, as 8 weeks ago our race was worth in excess of $US5 million. Until our dollar reaches those lofty levels again, it is unlikely The Cup will have as many Internationals competing as seen this year.

These horses just don't appear three days before The Big One. If the eight Internationals are removed from the field, the majority coming in all raced in the SAAB.

Dalgety and Mackinnon form is always important.

Surely if you put Nom Du Jeu in you must include Barbaricus.... Got within a head of NDJ in the Caulfield cup after a torrid run, and he took care of Princess Coup today who has been giving NDJ windburn in NZ....

I would rather NDJ draw gate 1 than 24, A little bit of rain and he should keep the cup in the southern hemisphere atleast, there is no way a horse that size with that jockey on his back is going to get boxed in when they start getting down to business at the 700 but I can see Septimus being wide and Mad Rush shuffled back near last in a big field again.

I want to pick one horse out and rove it with the field in trifecta for about 15%. I am finding this cup one of the hardest to decipher ever. I am looking at these runners
C'est La Guerre
Master Oreilly
Mad Rush
Nom Du Jour
I need to pick one of those, can you please help me by tipping which of those 4 you think is the safest place commodity and why? I think there will be value in the top 3 somewhere.

bkmac....Mad Rush 4th in the C.C was his first unplaced run in 9 starts ..C.C form this year is powerful.. Nom du jeu .Big Derby win on a bog tells me he will get the 3200 and Whiz_Bangs No 1 selection.
He proved in the C.C he can run time over distance ....
Master O'Reilly failed last year...maybe the 3200 is a problem
C'est La Guerre ...Rocketed home fast in slow WFA lead ups But Yr others seem to have more to offer.

Mad Rush looks a put in take out job after the barrier draw. The CC is the form race:
ATG is scratched.
NDJ drew a horrible barrier.
Barbs is not bred to run out the distance.

I am not a Septimus fan. He has a tough task ahead with topweight and a euro jockey. This style of horse has filled up the books bags year after year. They should be keen to lay him for the national debt.

C'est La Guerre looks the best of the locals and roughies for mine. The track conditions should suit and he has found the line nicely his last 2 efforts.

Mad Rush


Honolulu, C'est La Guerre, Nom Du Jeu, Bauer, Profound Beaty

cest la guerre to beat moatize, i think clg is a good thing in the cup with place chances to nom de ju, barbaricus and profound beauty.

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