
J.P Thompson


No wonder Tinkler has to sell his horses..
Got to be the worst trainer around.
Speaking through my kick but honestly....
Feel sorry for the horses.
All the Patinacks coming up at sales will be bargains !!
Just need a good trainer to improve:)

Oliver - corstens


Bad move by Oliver to be endorsed by corstens to ride his horses.
He has cheated more than anyone in the past...


Time adjust


Can someone pkease explain what time adjustment, and sectional time adjustment means on the race form, and how it is calculated and applied?
Help would be appreciated.

Being an owner of the horse Mr Gold.. This hore was beating class 2 horses on the track.
We were expecting him to just win, and questioning the ride. Any comments, or am l being emotional, and looking for excuses... Jockey got off said horse had breathing problems, and dangerous, asking where we got it from.
Bart Cummings..... Never shown any of these problems and vet confirmed that breathing was fine coming back to enclosure, and back at stalls...
Winner crawled, backed. Our instructions to slide forward and lead.
Thoughts please

Gold Salute - RIP


Sad to hear of the death of Gold Salute.
A horse that had problems and was a very good horse...

UK racing


Hi just a quick note, as to why there is no UK and Irish form lately... I am over here and it is the best race guide l can get my hands on!!!!!
Was it my imagination that the last part of the interview that the stable Rep mentioned Robbie Waterhouse as having the horse conditioned to perfection?



Hi everyone
long time l have posted, but l have a list of blackbookers for anyone to follow.
The last month there have been approx 10 winners from 20 to 50/1 plus other smaller winners.
email me [email protected] and would be more than happy to send.
Dont bet second up and if a horse goes to country after the city start usually don't win but follow..


If you watch the winner of the first at Kynton today back it in town next start, very good horse ridden by Newitt, potential superstar.

red dazzler


l believe red dazzler will be scratched tomorrow.
Is this official?

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