Storm form slump

Re: "Storm searching for answers"

"Coach Craig Bellamy as well as his players are mystified - and frustrated - about the side's inconsistent form, with their attack the latest part of their game to fall apart."

Can anybody tell me why they didnt use the benefit of that howling gale behind them in the second half to attempt to achieve multiple forty twenties?

(Particularly in the dying minutes)

Talk about "frustrating".

The second half was a nightmare to watch for anyone who backed the Storm.

Why continue trying to pull one up in that tiny little in goal area when it became pretty apparent early in the second half that the wind was going to contine to blow it over the dead ball line time and time again?

I reckon that Craig Bellamy has got a lot to answer for for not picking up on this factor early in the second half.

What might have been had they used a different form of attack?

I aint no expert & I certainly aint no coach
Am I right or am I wrong?

Cheers from,

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Weight Special,

You said:

"Blame yourself for your own bad bet."

What makes you think that I backed the Storm?

Where the hell did you get that idea from Dopey?

Perhaps you could explain to us just how you formulated this opinion given that I did not imply in any way, shape or form that I had backed the Storm.

I posted in the hope of creating some intelligent discussion.
All I get from you is a silly unfounded assertion.

Wake up to yourself MUG!

IMO punting on football would have to be the last card in the pack.

Cheers from,

Sorry for the late response but my previous one didnt make it past the moderator.

They lost the grand final by a million; isn't that enough of a form slump for you to dump them?

"The second half was a nightmare to watch for anyone who backed the Storm."

Why would u do that?

Blame yourself for your own bad bet.

He wasn't blaming anyone for backing the Storm Weight Special you dunce.

Shouldnt call weightless a dunce ducky,,, that implies he had some schooling

"that implies he had some schooling "

Are you 5yo?

I have a Masters degree unlike most you of dimwits.

77 heads is clueless about every sport. That's why he changes names every week.

The deadbeat couldnt even finish school pretty much like yourself.

A Masters in Sniping?

And you have got in the ring with ex world boxing champs not only that they were shiit scared of you, play golf off -2, win heaps punting on the AFL without even having a clue about the game, are an expert on the NRL, Cricket is another you seem to excel at not to mention have the greatest ratings system the punting world has ever seen on the horses, a Masters degree would be the least I would have expected WS.

The reason they kept kicking the ball down the guts and not look for 40/20's is because no doubt the most borring coach to have anything to do with the game would have told them to do it.

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