inter dom grand final night

pacers grand final

race 8 9:30pm

1st smokin up desevers a big one after his huge runs in the victoria cup and hunter cups will should lead and should not hand up to anyone

2nd blacks a fake shooting to join our sir vancelot as the second horse to win 3 in a row and the first women to have 3 in a row

3rd safari brian gath will have to come up with another gem of drive to get him home from this barrier will have to go forward early and try grind them down to the earth like he did at ballarat

4th divisive is just going to get a sweet run from there and if he is up to it should be able to run home hard of a strong speed.

trotters final

race 6 8:30pm

1st galleons sunset bit disapointing last week but this week will suit better because he will lead again and will be fitter from last week

2nd one over kenny no body will ever know what happen to her last week so simply just best to forget last week.
wont lead as she can be handful of the front as she can gallop from there.

3rd earl of mot a good sit sprinter will just have to follow the pegs and hope for enough speed.

4th viva la fever no trotter going better then this bloke in victoria and should get a high placing.

pacers consolation

race 7 9:00pm

1st reba rajah will lead and just win against this lot

2nd in monaco gets a soft trip behind reba rajah

3rd smooth crusa

4th amorts

trotters consolation

race 10 10:45pm

1st river red should lead and can run fast splits in front

2nd lenny lewis of the good draw should run a good race

3rd sundon's tiavon if its mind is on the job can blow this lot away

4th jazz legend not going as good as it once was but can have a forward showing in this race

derby race 5 8pm

race 9 aus plate 10.15
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I am not a huge follower of harness racing but what did people think about the new format.

Personally I have always thought of the ID as a great series won by a tough stayer who could come through three hard night of qualifying in a week and then back up a week later to win the final.

I think the series lost something with horses such as Black's a Fake only needing to have one run to qualify.

Not for one moment however do I want to detract from what was a fantastic perfomance. He could concevably come back and win a fourth.

this format is rubbish you got a dual mirceal mile winner in be good johhny gone after the first night it gives no horse a change if they put in a shocker or have no luck it needs to go back to the old way and i say it may well since it was a queenslander that was mainly effected and its in albion park next year

That was awesome stuff.What a champ.
Good tipping as well boof with Galleons Sunset.$29.60 on unitab.Hope you won plenty mate.

The crowd went crazy in the straight, his win was amazing. I was more nervous before and during the race when Makybe Diva's Cup Win. He's a legend, and it was good to see Our Sir Vancelot and Shakamaker last night. They're very fit!

That's pretty special boof.... perhaps you could do up a powerpoint presentation demonstrating why risking $1 to make many $$$ is not only a very sound strategy but a good achievement (you can even borrow a term from fin mkts if you like - risk/reward ratio) - and then send the pres to that Khaptingly who believes risking $1.40 to make 68 cents makes him someone worth listening to.......

i collected 3 doubles on fixed odds

i had
blacks a fake hunter cup $18
blacks a fake inter $3.5 at $56

blacks a fake hunter cup $18
galleons sunset inter $21 at $378

blacks a fake inter $3.5
galleons sunset inter $21 at $73.5

He is already an all time great, and he still has much more ahead of him.

In a thread "titled Last in Poowoomba" i didn't back ..old mate , but i did back "Blackie"...and what makes it even more salivating is that one N.Rassmussen is hot to boot...she can make sure i get over the line any day of the week!!!!


the best horse won but was made easy when justice cause a bit of shock when he handed up you know he is not confident of winning when he hands up bring on 2009 when blacky shoots for the record on his home what a way for that to be to bring it up

galleon's sunset was huge odds for a good leader and a horse that was second favourite for most of the time the markets was open

Great performance again Blacks A Fake. Three straight. Makybe Diva would never have won three Interdominions against standardbreds.


Great get with Galleon's Sunset Boof, big big odds. I really hope Blackie can do it, 3 in a row puts him in rarefied company. I think he will too. Divisive is the x factor.

I don't follow pacing but I just listened to that race and it was hard not to get excited about a feat like that. Did it from the front, faster and faster sectionals.....never looked in doubt, awesome!

That was goosebump stuff.

What a win - greatest horse I've ever seen.

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