Prix Foy: Orfevre desu!

Pinkline Jones
World champion, ORFEVRE - he's had some troubles over the past year including a recent training mishap, but the exceptional son of Stay Gold will show all and sundry that he means business with regard to the upcoming Arc. Dunaden and Camelot the other interesting Prix Foy runners. Soumillon knows what a freak Orfevre is and will be riding with the utmost confidence.

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Yes Quez, you wouldnt tell fibs, would you.

Your 365 day tipping thread was just an experiment, you dont bet.

You never did tell everyone who the mystery bidder was for Black Caviar when she was, according to you, being sold for $75m

And didnt you tell all and sundry that Frankel wouldnt be racing beyond his 3yo season, you had the mail on that "breaking story". Shame you got that wrong too.

Your cut and paste function deletes letters, thus your spelling mistakes.

You could fill a roll of toilet paper with the sh*t you talk here.

There is a difference between you and Pinocchio though. He was finally turned back into a human, but you'll always be a hollow head with a nose that could be used as a pole vault.

Tiggerish I know you can't help it as your life is such a mess, evershrinking and stale, but please don't bring into your pathetic to and fro'ing snorefest here, all this thread proves is Patsy has you bent over forward, judging by your need to endlessly reply asking for more, it's not hard to assume that you obviously like it..

A flea like you is on par with the dust under my couch as far as interesting goes, about the same level as that other mighty luminary Relic Hunter.

"Whats freaky is that Dunaden won the melbourne cup when he's not a 3200m horse and he hates a wet"

Incorrect as per usual.

Do you seriously believe the rubbish your come out with?

Prior to him coming here for the Melbourne Cup the first time round he hadn't even raced over 3200m, so who knows how you came up with the idea "he's not a 3200m horse"

But he had raced over 3100m in France at Gr2 and 3 level for a win and a second, hadnt he?

As if that wasnt bad enough coming from you, the clanger is this one "he hates wet tracks" Did he tell you that one himself Mr Ed style, Because if he didnt then I'm wondering how you actually came up with that non factual statement.

His form on surfaces slow or worse have been 12 starts, 4 wins (33%) and 6 placings (50%) which means he's finished 1-2-3 on wet tracks 10 from 12 (83%).

His overall win and place percentage is lower than his isolated wet track record. (26%) (44%) (70%)

But the self inflicted uppercut came with your idea that Dunaden has won either the MC or CC on a wet track.

Both were run on Good 3.

And the Geelong Cup he won was a Dead 4.

saintly is right, you've tumbled to the khaptingly level of stupidity and story telling.

You should team up with the other forum numbskull Quez, .....cover your eyes, here come the Pinocchio twins.

Viewed won a CC and a MC, he must have been a freak too.

"So far in Australia Dunaden has won the group 1 caulfield cup and the group 1 melbourne cup and you're putting him down?'re a farce"

A farce?

You're the one who labeled the horse a freak in Australia.

That would make Haradasun a freak in England, he couldn't win a mile WFA race and he'd been beaten his last 8 starts in a row in Australia. He then wins his first start in Europe, his first win at a mile WFA race. That would make him a freak in Europe.

Besides, I didnt put Dunaden down, I didnt rate him a freak for winning a couple of handicap races like you.

You're a clown.

Dunaden was a great stayer no doubt but freak no. MD and M&P were better than him.

Stop exaggerating all the time Patsy.

So when it suits you, the handicaps here are for B graders.

But now you want to claim a horse who's won one of these races with 58, he's a freak in Australia.

The so called freak didnt look so good get hammered in a 3200m race he'd won 12 months earlier, did he. Not so freaky a couple of weeks later, was he.

The last horse to win the CC with 58 was Northerly, he was a freak and he won multiple Gr1 WFA races. He was a WFA horse, not a handicapper.

If Dunaden was the "freak" here that you claim, then he'd have a crack at the Cox Plate. But they wont because he'd have no hope of winning.

Hows that list of posters you claim have Orfevre over the line, coming along. Cat got your tongue with that one?

Whats freaky is that Dunaden won the melbourne cup when he's not a 3200m horse and he hates a wet

Once more no idea why Dunaden has to win the cox plate.
The horse is a 2400m animal.End of story.

So far in Australia Dunaden has won the group 1 caulfield cup and the group 1 melbourne cup and you're putting him down?'re a farce.

“he hates a wet”

It still hasn’t figured out firm tracks there are a nice track here. Most horses hate wet mushy tracks, especially the good ones. So no surprise a handicapper does in winning a handicap.

A 2400m Euro horse who enjoys firmer tracks is the best suited for 3200m over less taxing ground, we don’t have quagmires.


Jesus wept, you've outdone yourself on this thread Patsy. You really are just so bitter about all things Oz that you will tell untold lies to talk up the hype horses from yuor neck of the woods. Time to get that chip surgically removed.

"Posters saying Orfevre only has to turn up are indeed clueless."

Who said that?

So, today you say.....

"I also think Orfevre can win the arc i had a big bet on him last year ew."

But yesterday it was......

"Shes an absolute freak..will win the arc whoever turns up including orfevre.."

And you can gob off about Dunaden winning from a wide draw all you like, it was a handicap....plain and simple.

The horse has had plenty of opportunity to front up in a WFA race at Gr1 level at 2000m here and they haven't even tried.

But they'll have a go at a 2100m Gr1 in France.

And he's recently pushed a horse you've been spruiking.....Novellist in a Gr1 in France.

But now Orfevre thumps him and he's "just a horse"

You're a clueless big mouth. Feel free to list those who you were referring to be cluelessly commenting here.

No doubt you'll be silent on that one. Wasnt that long ago you were hinting that Lethal Force was possible the best sprinter in the world, wasnt it.

That bubble blew up quicker than the Hindenburg.

So if Dunaden won the BMW beating Manighar and Drunken Sailor and Southern Speed at WFA thats more impressive than beating the same horses giving away lumps of weight??

You bitter twisted mug.

Yes I fancy Treve to win.

Will it be close yes.Does Treve just need luck in running?No.
Is Orfevre outstanding Yes.

But do I think Treve will win.Yes.

Orfevre was certainly very impressive. Under a throttlehold straightening and the rest were under extreme pressure just trying to keep up. Obviously hard to beat in the arc.

But I still like the 3 year olds and I hate to say it, but I do agree with patsy about Treve. It is a fantastic racehorse and happy to already be on it for the arc.

I also think Ruler of the World is a good chance. Won the Epsom Derby and should have easily won the Prix Niel last night against a strong group of 3yos.

Patsy is like a kid in a candy store, he has finally seen what many of us have known for some time, that both Treve and Novellist are very good horses.

He calls us clueless. These two horses are in his own neck of the woods, yet he is carrying on about them like they nobody else has ever heard of them.

I tried to tell him how good Novellist was prior to the King George, he didn't think he was that good, but many of us, (who he calls clueless) did.

"Clueless comnents here sorry..."

Which comments are clueless here?

What I see is people having an opinion that differs from yours. Just because most of them think Orfevre will win the Arc and you don't doesn't make them anymore clueless than your idea about Treve.

And Dunaden was freak in

Since when did winning a few handicap races make a horse a freak.

You're a clown who does nothing but trash every thread on this site with your over inflated, ill informed, non factual rubbish.

When you win the caulfield cup with top weight drawn in the car park then YES dunaden was a freak in oz.

Its not as though you had local 2400m wfa specialists snubbing the caulfield cup don't be such a clown.

I also think Orfevre can win the arc i had a big bet on him last year ew.

This year I prefer Treve.

Bookies can't split them.

Posters saying Orfevre only has to turn up are indeed clueless.Has a favourites chance.

We'll see.

"Posters saying Orfevre only has to turn up are indeed clueless."

and yet on his Treve thread its:

"Shes an absolute freak..will win the arc whoever turns up including orfevre.."

Do you actually read what you write?

"Dunaden a freak in OZ". Talk it up Patsy, once again you prove that you have absolutely no idea!!

"No question in my mind we saw the Arc winner today and he's made in Japan," Redvers tweeted.

Sportingbet has Orfevre and Teve at $5, behind Novellist. Orfevre, an each way shoo in.

Fantastic return by Orfevre.

Given the recent record of 3YOs Treve looks a shoe in for the Q. Still don't know how Orfevre lost last year. Draws a barrier this year, wins. Interesting to see how close they rode him in the Foy. Change of tactics?

Arc Orfevre Cox Plate Atlantic Jewel double on 365 = $12.37

There are worse bets to be made all spring..

You can get $13.50 elsewhere quez.

How are they going to beat him in the Arc..?

I was very suspect of him after it was reported he bled after track work some months ago, but that win last night was very good, he won't be found wanting this year and there will be no soft track no name horse running him down...he wins this year, and seriously the whole world should just get on bankrupt bookies globally...the odds are incredible..!!!

Clueless comnents here sorry...

He's a great chance but theres much better horses around than what he beat.

I know Dunaden looked a freak in Oz but Europes another level over 2400m completely.

TREVE is sensational Quez and NOVELLISTS king george win was superb.

I've had 500ew at $8 TREVE that'll do me thanks.

She's dynamite.

You're nuts Patsy. You seem to be getting a little cranky
with the consensus supporting Orfevre over
your selection. Please point me toward any
of Treve's runs to date that would match Orfevre's capabilities as demonstrated in 2012 Arc, 2011 Arima Kinen, 2012 Hanshin Daishoten. Wake up.


dont know if this will make it up in time todman but one way is to join and then you get free streaming from across the world. i dont think you even have to make a deposit

thanks Abraham - I will make a note of it.

Does anyone know if this race can be seen live on the net. According to the Sky Racing info, they are only showing races 1 to 3????

On that performance, it's hard to see anything beating him in the Arc.

Never out of second gear.

Agree Count. You reckon all he would need to win the Arc is a safe ride and to run straight instead of some of his past psycho antics.

Youtube "treve" count chivas..

2 absolute superstars,orfevres outstanding but treve for me..just

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