Shortest priced Favourite in the modern era

With Atlantic Jewel set to run against the Mares at WFA this weekend, and given she would have been long odds on had she lined up against the boys in the Feehan, what odds is she likely to open up at?

Meeting mares on a level playing field, the scenario is similar to if Makybe Diva bypassed the '05 Cup and ran in the Matriach on the last day of the carnival at level weights instead, or if Sunline ran in the race named after her against the mares also over the mile at the Valley. Or Black Caviar coming over to Adelaide for the Sangster for that matter.

Surely she'd have to be the shortest price feature race favourite in living memory, even eclipsing some of BC's starting prices??

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$1.06 on b365...

short as they get..

Can see no reason for running her at the Goat Track,, other than to see how she handles it now that she is an older horse

The Goat Track, with a mare, with dicky legs

Aah I see Da G Show/Lister.

Is there a recall button on this thing?

I think this thread is trying to suck-ding Khap.

Wasn't having a dig Balciano.

The Stock is a mares race.

BC ran in open G1s and started at 1.05 several times.

No comparison. That's all I meant.

No they were valid points Lister - I should have looked up my history first, was having a dig at myself.

Maybe it would have been more accurate to say she is the best placed horse of modern times? A red hot favourite for a Cox Plate, and ackdonweldged as racings next superstar against a bunch of average mares at WFA.

If she's not a good thing under the conditions of this race, then there is no such thing.

Good answer.

10% interest on your money so far, could be slightly more on the TAB on Sat?

why would she be shorter than the $1.05 Black Caviar SP'd on 6 occasions?

She is 2nd up off a 17 month break, reckon there will be $1.15 around

Have you forgotten some of BC's starting prices in open Group 1s?

Why are Ewe so worried about her price

If Ewe reckon she will Win,,

Stand her "1" out in the Pick 4

If not back against her

I got some of my biggest collects backing against BC,, just ask Krapper

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