Someone said once that some 2YO owners were greedy.

Better to be greedy than poor.

If Sebring didnt race as a 2YO, the owners would have paid $13,000 each, plus 10% of the monthly training, vets, farriers and spelling fees, without a brass razzoo in return.

But, they did race him and pocketed over $2.5 million in purses, plus $30 Million from Widden Stud.

Thats over $3 million each for the LITTLE GUYS.

Surely if you pay the money for a horse you should be able to at least try to win some back. Isnt that what its all about? Even on the punt, you want the jockey to ride your horse out to the finish in the hope of a return on your investment ( within reason ). Or is it the thrill of losing that excites people? And if you deposit your superannuation into a particular fund, isnt it to earn money ?

If Sebring never races again, he will stand at the beautiful Widden Stud for the rest of his life being treated like a king. Not to mention the odd hand maiden to keep him busy. All that after a frightfully hard career of oh, only 7 race starts.

If that is being greedy then good luck to them all.

Cant wait for the backlash.
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Great Guineas trial today by the 'burnt out' Von Costa De Hero.

Lol, the season is 6 weeks old seventh.

Come back with that stupid statement in 46 weeks time.

Seventh, you have claimed those horses on your list had to bigger work load and that was the reasoning as to why they broke down.

Yet a few others here have shown you that other horses have been able to come through the same supposed flogging as you claim and go on to be great horses.

The fact that a couple of those horses on this list have not come up has nothing to do with over racing at all, it is all to do with the fact that the rest of the field have caught up.

You can add Octagonal to the list of horses to come through a 2yr season racing in the triple crown series and go on to be a champion. Manikato, he did ok too didnt he?

tigger, you are also forgetting that 7th added Chilean Miss to his list. A horse with 2yo country maiden form and now that it is not good enough to mix it with the best he is claiming it as well. Reann has a virus and is very sick so that cannot be put down to greedy owners and being burnt out. Von Costa De Hero still has some racing to do and Hayes is happy with him so he cannot be claimed yet after just one start back. I've asked many times now for an explanatuion on how he can be considered burnt out and have been getting no response. Sebring is injured and is getting ready for the Autumn and this may be a blessing in disguise. Augusta Proud was ordinary on saturday after running exceptionally well first up.

This list is far from being proven 100% correct and considering 7th's comment that none of them will win a race this season there is a very long way to go. If Reann and Chilean Miss don't win again he will claim them even though it is clear that one was never good enough in the first place and one is very sick.
The other 3 still have a lot of racing in front of them this season and that is where we will see what happens in regards his list being 100% correct.


Have any of them won a race this season? . . .

. . . . Then the list is 100% correct.

Back to the drawing board.

Some people just have to go out of their way to prove a point.
The thing is though, the point they are usually trying to prove is not that of their own profound stupidity.
You truly are an amazing person seventh. Amazing!

Instead of calling me stupid Lister, answer me . . .

Have those horses on that list that I put forth 4 months ago won a race in their 3YO season?

Augusta Proud
Von Costa De Hero
Chilean Miss

Yes or No.

It's isn't that hard.

You answer me first stupid re VCDH.

Well done! Youve had 5 or so successful lay bets. Nothing more nothing less....and Sebring's owners couldnt care less about that.

Mr Stitt and connections of HEAVENLY GLOW got a nice return be it probably not the way they would have liked though, after being retired due to injury, bought for $10k, earnings of $792k sold to Mr Patinack Farm Man for a cool $1mill .. and memories and plenty of good times celebrating Group 1's which no-one could put a price on for mine.

Exactly my point. Sebring raced 3 times over three weeks as a 2YO

Heavenly Glow's 2YO runs were spaced as so -

Between first and second run - Three months
2nd and 3rd - 13 days
3rd and 4th - 6 weeks
4th and 5th - 5 months

Looks to me like a reason why they had so much fun and the horse raced very well in her 3YO season.

You won't see Augusta Proud doing anything as a 3YO for the simple reason that the time frame between her Magic Million wins and the Slipper were ridiculously close to each other. Throw in the fact she jarred up badly after her second MM win and they pushed ahead to run her in the Golden Slipper.

She is Gone

Same goes for Sebring -

As a 2YO he ran on the
8th of April in a Barrier Trial
19th of April in the Slipper
26th of April on the Sires
3rd of May in the Champagne

Have a look at how close his runs were. Horse is lucky to not be dead. He is also Gone.

Ok 7th, you given us your reasons as to why Sebring and Augusta Proud are burnt out and victims of greedy owners. I'm not arguing that.

Now, for the umpteenth time, can you explain how this applies to Von Costa De Hero? He has not had an arduous 2yo campaign like the other 2 and is being kept to a restricted program this spring. I would like a bit more to it that your last effort where you said "I don't know but it just is".

I agree that some 2yo's can be burnt out by being pushed too hard. Some also thrive on it. I just can't work out how you have decided Von Costa De Hero will be the victim of this if he doesn't come up. I say that if he doesn't come up it will have nothing to do with being burnt out or having greedy owners but rather a case of him not having improved sufficiently or being interested enough in racing. It happens to a lot of young stallions and fillies and particularly to the more mature 2yo's. The rest of the field catches up to them when they grow and mature and that is why they all of a sudden become also rans.

Tulloch had 13 starts as a two year old, his 1957 Autumn starts were:
16 February
2 March
9 March
13 March
13 April
20 April
25 April
17 May

Yes indeed, his overloaded two year old campaign certainly wrecked his three year old year.

What a clown you are.

Count Chivas you foolm

If you had bothered to read some of my posts you will see I also mention the fact that the way horses have been bred in this day and age is a contributing factor to their two-year-old performances.

When did Tulloch race you muppet?

Back in your hole.

Back in your hole? Mate, everyone else here can afford to live in a building.

They are bred to race, bozo, always have been always will be.
The biggest laugh here is that you actually claim to be associated with racing in some way, though I doubt that following horses around with a bucket and shovel counts for too much in terms of 'experience' with horses.

Mentioning Tulloch was even more stupid for the simple fact you had to go back nearly 50 years to find a two year old that was able to handle a tough workload and go on as a 3YO and we all know how much of a freak he was.

Mate, facts are facts and I was correct.

Four months ago I questioned the workload of Augusta Proud, not Tulluch, not Gold Edition.
Simple as that.

The horse has come back as a 3YO terribly, just as I predicted.

What else do you have to say?

Do you want to talk about Archer, Carbine?


You are comparing the constitution of a two-year-old in the 1960's and the constitution of a two-year-old in the current day by mentioning Tulloch.



Dance hero did the same. It didnt kill him. He won a G1 as an older horse. I dont think you have a theory just vague anecdotes. There are all sorts of reasons why horses improve and deteriorate during their careers. If you can show LITERALLY where your 'hit list' were diagnosed with shinsoreness (not just subjectivity) and can prove theyre gone (not just subjectively - a couple of runs mean nothing and some 2yos are just good cos theyve developed early) fine! But you just spout rubbish little better than Khrapper claiming the millions he's won the next Monday.

BTW what did u think of Gold Edition? How does your 'theory' allow for her 3yo improvement?

worker -

I don't remember Gold Edition being in my list of 5 two-year-olds from last season that I said would not go on as 3YO's

Would you like to tell me what she has to do with the price of fish?

Not Archer or Carbine but maybe Choisir ?

9 starts as a two year old, including:

March 2
March 16
March 23
April 1
April 13
Yes, he was never the same again was he ?

Your arguments have that many holes in it it's embarrassing.

Get a clue Bozo !

"As a 2YO he ran on the
8th of April in a Barrier Trial
19th of April in the Slipper
26th of April on the Sires
3rd of May in the Champagne

Have a look at how close his runs were. Horse is lucky to not be dead."

So Sebring is lucky he's not dead due to closely-spaced 2yo runs? Didnt Gold Edition have the same?!

7th, please do us all a favour and hold your breath until I say stop. All that oxygen wasted....

Do any of you see the words Gold Edition, Carbine, Archer, Tulloch, Choisir in this list -

Augusta Proud
Chilean Miss
Von Costa De Hero
Exceedingly Good


7th, donate your body to science - maybe the Geneva underground could use your particles right now. God knows theyve been no use so far!

No backlash here mate I've had 2 racehorses (none atm) and put simply they cost an arm and leg for the regular Joe, I have no problem with owners going after riches as long as at no time is the wellbeing of the animal put in any danger.


Valid point Re. Sebring although if the horse was given a longer spell after it's initial campaign it may be in work as we speak.
Whatever floats your boat. You would chase the $$$. I would be patient and have a horse for many more seasons.
Sebring ran 3 Saturday's in a row last campaign against some very good horses.

As for Augusta Proud, she won a Magic Millions in Adelaide, then was floated to QLD which is a gallop in itself. Won a QLD Magic Millions and jarred up badly after the run. Instead of being sent to the paddock she was put back into work, galloped poorly with a stablemate and was then floated to Sydney for the Golden Slipper.
This should not have happened and they are now payng the price.

Chilean Miss -
Same deal. Was lame and was kept in work. They are now paying the price.

For what it is worth I tend to agree.

The connections had a forward 2 yo and took full advantage of it. Smart not greedy.

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