TJ Smith 2011: BC v SYT v HL

Da G Show
Could someone in the new "ATC" start angling for this unique match race!

(i would have suggested the lightning or newmarket but they might come a little early after SYT's cup campaign and 1200m WFA is the ideal dist - and autumn is sydney's time!)
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Apologies, Usain. Teach me to check my Google results more closely.

Da G Show,

It should have come as no surprise to you that SYT was capable of running a fast final 600 metres given the very slow overall time of the race and one could hardly get excited about the time that Black Caviar ran in the sprint anyway.

As for SYT running in the TJ Smith, there are several far more suitable races for SYT as pointed out by sg29 in his comment. All your initial comment has done is show your naivety.

Naive? Is it naive to want to see the three headline horses of the spring clash at some point in the future

Naive is the only way i can fathom you thinking that SYT couldn't match it with them over a sprint journey.

yes, an australian cup seems far more realistic given his lack of peers at wfa at 1400m and beyond, but there is no harm in putting my suggested clash on a racegoers wish list.

“but there is no harm in putting my suggested clash on a racegoers wish list”

That’s all it will ever be!

I can't believe you even suggested the Newmarket Handicap as a possible clash in your original comment, just what sort of weight do you think SYT would carry in a Newmarket Handicap, naive or what.

He would get a decent whack from the handicapper, but the other two wouldn't exactly be on the limit either.

Weight only tends to stop slow trains.

A two time Cox Plate winner against two horses that have won one Group One race between them. As i said, naive comment.

About the same as asking Jeremy Wariner to race Hussein Bolt over 200m. What precisely would SYT get from a race like that?

Is he any relation to Usain???

Nice one willow - you have no concept of class mate!

a true WFA champ should also sprint well and SYT did win 1400m fresh beating Whobe, TT and Shoot Out

No reason he couldnt mix it with them - his last 600m on sat was quicker than Black Caviar and he wouldnt be that far away after the first 600m.

I'd much rather see SYT in the Australian Cup and BMW than in sprint races.

Only thing SYT would get is a hiding.

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