First past the post or postseason finals?

Which do you prefer? First past the post is the fairest way; Postseason finals are more interesting.

Reminds me of school in a way; I always preferred the high pressure end of year exam to continuous assessment.
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I like the semi final format in Australia because it's just the way we have been brought up on but I seriously think it should be top five max.Top eight is just a way to line the pockets of the administrators.
Teams should not be rewarded semi finals for having a poor win loss and negative for and against record.

First past the post doesn't work here(NRL,AFL)
for starters they don't even play each other twice the other thing is there is only one place to play for. Football in Europe has the winning but also CL spots, Europa spots and relegation so although sometimes the winner is sorted early there is always something of interest.

Agree with Betto and MD.

Both. In soccer there are plenty of playoff championships akin to finals (FA Cup, Euro,Champ League etc) and I like the fact that the team which is best across a whole season is crowned premier/champions of their league. Where alternative championships aren't available or when fixtures are not fair/even (a la AFL) I prefer finals, but I would like to see more $ and kudos given to the table topper.


Definitely finals. Nearly every year, finals throw up excitement and drama. I know we've just witnessed an incredible finish to the EPL but leagues like that are usually predictable and done and dusted well before season's end.

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