Anyone see woorim run or lack of in the emirates. I tell ya i thought rodd had a bit more go in him. The horse has the best finish of any house country. Get it to the outside and it simply wins. Rodd thanks heaps.
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Just can't crack it for that first ever elusive win can ya Lister...ROFL..!!

Yeah it's bloody tough quezza.

Luckily for me it's only monopoly money.
A "Socialogical Experiment" if you know what I mean.

What a breathtaking win!I was also of the thought that Caulfield and the firm track were against him.
Has the best finish of any horse in the country.Almost Super Impose like.
Won easily at Fleminton last prep and was unlucky in the Emerites.Have to give him a chance in the Newmarket.

After yesterday's Oakleigh Plate, where no fewer than seven horses (almost half the field!) received a mention in the stewards' report for being "held up" or going to the post "hard held" or "without being tested", is there a case that 17 horses in such a short race, with a corner to negotiate, is simply too many? Is it time for some more innovative thinking, perhaps, such as running the Oakleigh Plate as a 1,000-metre, weight-for-age race and running the Lightning Stakes as an 1,100-metre, handicap race?

Seems on track for the Doncaster :P

(yes I am stirring and on a high after a sensational win)

No worries mate. Was a good win.

Not happy though as I was on Facile Tigre.

To substantiate all the claims just look at the photo finish of the cup on lefy hand corner of site.
Rodd more concerned he won, more than the horse had won. The difference in professionalism can be told in this photo.
Head down riding the horse won the frenchman the race..

Don't blame the jockey because you cannot pick winners. Rodd is laughing all the way to the bank while you losers are slinging off to your other losers on this forum about bad jockey rides.
Can you name a jockey who does not ride a bad race, even your precious D.Beadman rides his share.
Still they can't be perfect like you and your mates can they!

Couldn't catch Rodd at all this carnival.Backed him on some shocking rides,put him on the second line and he cuts me out of a couple of obscene tris.
Also having the same problem with C.Brown,K.McEvoy,and M.Zahra.Guess I should just box six jockeys from now on and hope for the upsets. Pigs might fly too.LOL The Pig.

Dwayne Dunn killed me the 2 times I backed him all spring, I just can't understand how he keeps getting rides when it is clear his decision making skills are at a very low level.

Agree re Dunn. Really don't trust his skills.

Woorim isn't up to Group 1 class over 1600m? Hmmmm He has finished 4l 7th where he was clearly held up the whole straight untill about the 100m where he finally got given some clear running. He goes to the outside he finishes top 3 without a shadow of a doubt. If thats not up to group one class in probably the best 1600m group 1 race this year then I dont know what is.

I like Woorim - backed him on Derby Day.

If you think he is going to win a 1600m Group 1 then keep backing him in those races. Let me know how you go.


When he picks up a 1600m G1 Hcp Horse Whisperer, you can say I told you so.

Which one do you reckon he can jag? Toorak, Emirates, Doncaster or Epsom.

Railway perhaps but he ain't in Perth at the moment.

I never said he should have won, nor that he can win one. But simply saying he isn't up to that class is a gross understatement of the horses ability. He might not ever get a chance as good as he has had this year to win a Group 1 (stradbroke and emirates prob his best chances). If you wanted to pick out a 1600m group one IMO he would be suited to the Doncaster, and wouldnt look out of place in that field.

"1600m, group 1 is not his game. Rodd had to ride for luck and didnt get it."

This makes no sense.

What you are suggesting is that with even luck, the 1600m Group 1 would be his game, it's just luck that prevented this, which isn't the horse's fault.

Congratulations to Woorim.

I didnt think it was classy enough to win a Group 1 (over 1600m) but it has taken the Oakleigh Plate.

All the best,


To be fair Tommy, I don't think first up over 1100 at caulfield is his go either. But I think the horse has more class than some people give him credit for and there was way too much pace in that race today to dismiss him. I still stand by my comment that he wouldn't look out of place in a doncaster. I took the $50 on offer and am happy to sit back and watch his prep unfold and I'll be surprised if he starts the race at longer odds than $10.

If Woorim wins a Doncaster you will be able to knock me over with a feather

Woorim on Derby Day was the bet.

That was his race - speed on, give in the track, 1400m and average opposition. Here Rodd knew he would win coming to the corner and brought him straight to the outside.

I agree with Lister (for once).

1600m, group 1 is not his game. Rodd had to ride for luck and didnt get it.

Case closed.


His ride on Woorim won't go down in his top 10 I'm sure but his ride on Emmalene on Oaks Day was very good. It's all well and good to criticise, and no one is above criticism, but credit where credit is due. They can't get it right all the time. Surely we all know that by now!!


Oli - agree re DD. Apart from at Caulfield, he seems to stuff up more than not.

Agree with Lister.Woorims at his best over 1400m.IMO he should have won the Stradbroke this year,drew a bad gate and wasn't one of Coreys better rides.
Woorim reminds me of an old backmarker of Hawkes in the early to mid 90's called Deposition,same style of racing,drop out and fly home,exciting to watch but always seem to find trouble in the big ones.

Lister watch the replay. Rodd is a weak jockey. He dont ride for the punter thats for sure.

I've seen the video.

Average ride no doubt.

I still say Woorim does not perform at 1600m like he does over 1200-1400m.
He is never going to sit out the back and flash home to victory in a race over 1600m of that quality.

M Rodd's ride in the emirates doesn't hold a candle to D Beadman in the same race.

Just saw the replay with an eye on Woorim, you are right, certainly wasnt Rodds finest moment, wasnt desperate enough to get a run and still had a good grip when searching. Whether he woulve been in the finish or not we will never know

As I commented a few weeks ago, there seems to be this belief that Woorim is a Group One horse, and they keep running him in mile races. I'm not totally convinced that he is suited in either Group One races or mile races - his record in both is simply not that flash, and statistics would say that most horses that win a Group One race do so inside their first 30 starts. In my opinion, their best hope of winning a Group One would be to set him for the 10,000 or the Stradbroke and hope that the field doesn't contain too many young guns and or there is some give in the track. I think I have also commented previously that he reminds me of Tiny's Finito, who was a prolific winner just below the top level, but could never crack it for a Group One.

Woorim doesn't produce his customary whirlwind finish over 1600m.

1200-1400 and he flies home if conditions suit and the race is run to suit.

May have got closer but in a race with depth like yesterday he will always struggle at 1600m for mine. Good ride or not.

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