Ringa Ringa Rosie Will Stand Up!!!!

Really think this filly has th makings of a top liner.... Big strider who will enjoy the open spaces of Eagle Farm and put paid to the opposition in the TJ.... Anyone agree?
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If all the experts tipped against Pressday

Everybody said it cannot 3 on the trot..

Why did it firm sharply and I mean sharply

So much for experts.. where's Krapper when Ewe need him

Lay Ringa Ringa Rosie Lay of the day

Back Smokin Joey E/W

8 TAB No. 2 [E Farm]
If it doesn’t gain a start in the Stradbroke he will win the Queensland
Guineas by as far as you can throw your hat. Gets the perfect run and
a massive jockey change.

I seen this from Sportsbet bookmaker Matt Trip, he must have bee hullucinating when Rothesay went around last start, fair dinkum!!

smoking joey has been scorching the turf at trackwork for the last few weeks and was in need of a run last week I am told. Pressday is vulnerable me thunks.

tarvyn... Get a life.. Neil Who???


I dont think he has to echo the sentiments of anyone, Whobegotyou, Rothesay and to a lesser extent Ringa pick them selves. Sherlock holmes you don't need to be.

reckon between this and smokin joey they might bet a good price on Pressday and i can't see how they will beat it, won its last two pulling away.

Kalani, you're just echoing what Neil Evans said on a rival website.

Come up with your own thoughts, no need to mimic others.

Perfectly obnoxious, Tarvyn. My prediction is you'll leave the forum on all fours.

i agree, will have ringa into whobe double.

Hmmm, I preferred the run of BIG CHANCE in that, burnt some fuel early to get in a possie and stuck on very well to almost nab it - maiden status is bothersome though might just be looking for the mile. Not convinced he really liked the wet either the way he ground to the line. Whether he (or she) can roll the Sires horses is another story though.

Rothesay and Whobe the other two to be on in Brisbane.

I agree Rothby. Will be a great 3 leg all up. Will certainly fund the night/weekend.

She will definately be getting my hard earnt. Super impressive last two starts and if the track is dead or better then god help the rest of them, her run last week was excellent and that was on a slow if I remember rightly.

Yerp. But she's a genuine dry tracker. Don't think she'll win on anything bar a good track.

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